Monthly Archives: March 2018

Grumpy face

For records: sugar and screen time stuff is rough. Kids aren’t keeping agreements and they are driving me batshit.

I am not giving them Easter candy in their baskets it is so bad. I need a line in the sand. This is it.

I am tired of being asked for sugar after *literally* every bite of vegetables. I’m done.

And EC figured out how to sit on their browser history page deleting stuff she isn’t supposed to look at.

Screen time is limited to academics indefinitely because I need to research key logging software. Cause I always wanted to monitor people like this.

Parenting sucks. But I need to pull the boundaries in hard and fast because I’m about to explode and beat someone. (Not really. But screaming mean words isn’t ok either and I’m running low on self control. I need to act like my limits are real.) If they are acting like velociraptors testing the fence to see where the real boundaries are, time to turn the electricity up so they back off.

I need to enforce boundaries and limits when I am 100% in control of myself. I can’t lose my shit and freak out. That’s wrong. I can instead say, “Sugar and screen time are privileges not birthrights. You have lost both.” Cause holy shit that’s true. I asked them this morning if they think they have been keeping agreements. They acknowledge that they haven’t even a little. At least we agree about how things have been going. Sigh.

This would all be easier if I got more god damn sleep.

I’m debating putting the candy in the freezer but I am more likely to make little baskets and send the kids to deliver the baskets to neighbors tomorrow while I hide the eggs for the hunt.

I’m not taking Easter away and they will still get baskets with treats. But no sugar. We need a break.

April will be as close to sugar free as I can manage. Except fruit. That’s not a problem. It’s like me taking a month off of pot to reset my tolerance levels. My kids need the same thing. Noah does caffeine fasts periodically. So we are doing something with our kids that we do as adults to manage our drug usage. (Caffeine, pot and sugar are all drugs we are addicted to. Let’s be real here.)

We aren’t doing this just to make them feel bad. We need a break so we can try again. Attempting to lower usage levels a little has failed. Tolerance breaks are useful.


Argentina- probably too politically unstable.

Australia- they even speak English

Canada- also English speaking, Jesus H Christ cold

Columbia- I need to look up more.

Costa Rica- I hear good things, a strong possibility

Ecuador- first glance around indicates expats like it but internet sounds too slow for us

Jamaica- could be fun

Mexico- I grew up in neighborhoods full of Mexicans. I think I could live near the culture with great harmony. I have a lot of faith I could make friends there.

Peru- Also a place I hear good things about but I need to learn more.

Spain- the primary European country I’d be interested in. I guess pushing my weak ass Spanish to fluency is more appealing than trying to learn another European language.

Uruguay- I don’t know much yet

In the US, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, or Alaska are the best choices which isn’t surprising. They are the more tempting states.

I need to start doing some research.

Things I want to know about all of these places: availability of internet, weather, what are they like culturally, is home schooling legal, and what is the situation like for expats?

Reading expat sites is fascinating. A lot of these people… don’t go meet the locals so they can’t find things. That seems so silly to me.

I clearly feel a strong pull towards the Spanish speaking countries. Noah knows a little and would pick up more easily. I’m 33% of the way to fluent according to Duolingo but when I worked in clothing stores and food service I could help customers.  I will improve fast. MC is already studying. EC hasn’t wanted to learn yet but I think she would pick it up fast if surrounded by it.

We need to research the shit out of these places and do positive/negative comparisons.

EC is voting for Canada so she can go meet youtubers.

That’s 11 possible countries. 2 still in North America. 3 are English speaking (Jamaica doesn’t really count but sorta). 8 are Spanish speaking.

Ok. Lots of research to come.

It’s funny having perspective

There are parts of caring for a baby that are hard, even when the baby is easy for a baby. There are nights of disrupted sleep even if the baby sleeps pretty well. There is fussing and discontent because sometimes it takes mama a few minutes to figure out that the current problem is what position I’m holding her in. Baby screams are designed to climb inside your ear drums like shards of glass. Do not ignore me say the frantic screams that can erupt in a minute when the baby realizes OH MY GOD MY DIAPER IS WET. THIS IS NOT OK. FIX IT.

But I’ve been through this rodeo. I remember crying because I needed time off from EC. Now I’m still thrilled to get time off from EC but don’t you touch my baby. She will only need me for a little while.

The load on my brain and body feel different. I have been all the way through this and come out the far side with functional, interesting big kids. I don’t feel impatient with my baby this time because in my body I know that this dependency period is so short. Then they pull away and want to do it alone.

She will only think I am everything for a few months. I can be patient for that long. It means I get to snuggle her sweetness. I’ve been calling all of my kids my/your/her/their sweetness as in almost a stand in for “highness”. It keeps me from calling them “your heiny” which sometimes I am inclined to do because I am a turkey butt.

She’s not the most robust nurser ever. She doesn’t suck very hard and then my nipple falls out of her mouth and a pool of milk spills. It’s not spit up, she just didn’t swallow fast enough/hard enough. But the double chin tells me that she’s getting enough in her. She just prefers to stimulate my let down and then just let it spray. This is wise; my older children would suck hard after my let down and then get mad because they choked with the intensity. My boobs are energetic about how they deliver milk. HI. YOU WANT MILK. HERE HAVE ALLLLLLLLL THE MILK WITH GREAT FORCE.

It’s funny to me. But I spend a lot of time staring at walls so I need whatever levity I can get.

Height wise, baby is about out of 3 month clothes. She has plenty of chub space left, but the toes are getting tight and that makes it hard to dress a baby. Luckily some kind friends are going to come get my we-are-done-with-it pile this weekend. R will pick up the stuff she lent me that I don’t need to keep and Y is picking up stuff we are culling so she can sell it on the internet. She has time, energy, and the extreme need for money so she’s happy to do it. I’m happy I don’t have to get all this stuff to a donation center this month. Yay. It also means she can pick through my stuff to see if anything is useful in her new apartment. Shopping in your friend’s house for free is the best shopping.

I am not hosting an Easter party this year. I just can’t. I’m tired and not up for the amount of stress I put on myself for it. I spend 30-50 hours getting ready for the Easter party every year. I do a lot of yard work over months prepping for it. I do a massive deep clean of the house so I can have other people’s children come over and dig through the nooks and crannies of my house. I don’t want all the germs around my newborn.

I am going to hide eggs, of course, but my kids are going to spend a freakin week finding eggs.

The kids asked if we could put the house on the market next year after Easter so we can have one last big party because wouldn’t it be sweet for YC to get a real Easter egg hunt in this house…

We’ll see but it’s not a bad time line.

And I’m totally out of time.


Noah is asking more insistently about leaving the country. He points out that we are looking on the verge of fascism/revolution and uhhh my personality is the sort where I would probably be in the first wave of people who would resist in a stupid way and get shot.

He’s not wrong. I’m not secretive. I’m a fine activist in a democracy. In a fascist state I would be silenced.

History shows that his concern isn’t paranoia; it’s logic. I’m loud in a problematic way and I know it. But that does change the search for “where to go” by a lot. Marijuana is going to be one of our biggest issues. It’s not legal in many places.

This is going to be hard. But, we’ll figure something out. Anywhere these four people go will be my home. I’m glad that part is for certain.


Today was long. I have absolutely no memory of when I woke up, which is weird. Usually I notice that time and it imprints on my memory. Time is a big deal to me.

I’ve always been obsessed with time and clocks. I play a variety of little games with myself about manipulating the numbers and the lines in analog clocks. I play the adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing games with face clocks too. I’m really into thinking about how to get everything to 10.


Today we woke up and went out to breakfast. It was a weird ass day. We ate out twice. After breakfast we came home to grab a few odds and ends and nurse the baby then we drove to San Jose. We went to the consignment event I said we weren’t going to visit this spring. Oh well. I found the stuff I wanted and the big kids filled in their summer wardrobes. We were down to 1-3 tank tops or shorts for each kid. Even though we do laundry a lot the summer is a little annoying with one tank top and three shorts.

I also found a swing for $35 to replace the one my friend gave me… which was broken. To be fair the one from my friend is like ten years old. These things are not manufactured that well to start with.

Then we went out to lunch. Lots of veggies were had.

We came home for a brief respite. The kids and I weren’t home for two hours. Then we got to go to chess class. Then the kids had belt testing in martial arts. We got home almost 12 hours after we initially left this morning.

The baby was great.

I would say that if you added up every minute of her screaming/crying there were about 10 more minutes of upset than we would get in the same time period at home. It just… went fine. She’s a trouper. (And now I’m second guessing that spelling of that word, Noah… even though I’m not wrong.)

This is a baby to inspire frequent breeding.

“Have a baby…. ” she says, “then you can experience the bliss of soothing a tiny helpless human with baths and car rides and being put down while you do things….”


I mean, she’s still a lot of work. But she’s so sweet about it…

There are moments when I seriously think that karma is a real thing and I paid so hard when I was young that I earned having my life get better and better starting at 25. The last 11 years of my life have been surreal.

Thank you, Noah.

I am grateful that you have been willing to essentially train a feral animal. I am not who I was when we got married. There are parts that are better and parts that are harder but absolutely none of who I am today would be possible without the safety, support, and love you have given to me.

And the kids. You gave me three specific reasons I never get to quit on you. You made it so you have a permanent manipulation button on me. “It would be better for the kids if you…”

You are a genius.

I’m getting over my internal whine about oh my god I signed on for 30 god damn years of active parenting and moving into a feeling of gratitude. This spacing is really wonderful so far for a variety of reasons. I’m really glad we didn’t get pregnant right away. Our big kids are at the perfect developmental stage for accepting a sibling and six months ago I think it would have been shitty. They were both in hard disequilibrium periods and right now they are both riding high on equilibrium, self assurance, and mastery. They are both feeling good in their bodies and lives.

I mean, there is still that deep pocket of shame. There is still that base line of emotional volatility… but it’s doing so much better. There will always be seasons that are easier or harder and we lucked into having the baby be born during an easy season. This timing is wonderful.

I think MC in particular would not have coped with a sibling before this. Being a middle child isn’t easy. There is all the fuss and complication of always striving to feel “as good as” the older sibling and all the pressure of being an older sibling and not being permitted to “be the baby” forever. I think MC would have done poorly at pretty much any point in the past. They needed seven years of being the baby before they were ready to move on and let someone else be the baby.

MC is really latching on to “Sibby”. In my family of origin Sissy is the name for the oldest sister in the family. So we have Sissy and Sibby and both of them really wish I was more supportive of them being little mommies. I believe with all my heart that while it is good for older siblings to be capable of helping and for them to do some of it… they aren’t parents. They are not going to be given power or authority over their younger sibling(s). Just no. There are lots of life circumstances where I might have no choice and I am not judging folks who have to.

It is important to understand how and where your personal choices and preferences are about the intersection of needs, abilities, resources, and desires of the people involved.

I understand why people have to leave an oldest in charge. I just want to do everything I can to avoid doing that. If I have to then… everyone’s principles can change in case of need. That’s life.

In four more years when YC is around four and MC is around twelve and YC is around fourteen…. I can imagine paying the older children to babysit so I can drag Noah to a munch with me so we can make friends in a new place.

But it won’t be frequent and when my kids babysit… I will need to pay them. Given all the schtuff in my life… that’s just part of the deal.

I don’t know why I kept the Sissy thing when I hate my Sissy so much.

Because I love her and I want to look up to her and Auntie was such a good Sissy to my mom. Auntie is always there for my mom. Sure she’s codependent as shit. I’m pushing EC to not put up with being disrespected and working on teaching her patterns of abuse and what to put your foot down about.

Can you be a good Sissy and not be an enabler?

I tell my children, “You only stay in a relationship with someone if they treat you decently and that includes your family members. If you don’t like how I, or your dad, or your (whoever) treat you then you don’t have to continue knowing us as an adult. It will be up to you. Hopefully we will act right and you will want to have relationships with us… but you never owe us. Only share what you freely want to share.”

I owe them because I selfishly chose to bring them into the world. I made them just because I wanted to know them. Because the other seven billion fucking people didn’t love me enough and that was never going to change.

It’s interesting perceiving how much I have changed because of the simple reality of having relationships that are intensely physical and completely non sexual. I am pretty sure that the longest I ever lived with my mother was a six year span from when I was 12-18. My mother and I did not have an intensely physical relationship. She would hug me at times but mostly she didn’t like to be touched; I get it.

I have wonderful friends. We don’t see each other much. Mostly we don’t touch that much when we do see each other unless we are having some kind of sex. Because…

Yeah. Because.

Because that’s what I do. Only I can’t anymore. I have to be something different.

I feel sometimes like I was born when EC was. Sometimes I wonder if part of the reason I went through a really horrible long period when sex was pretty traumatic most of the time was because I did a lot of abreacting and trying to identify with EC’s life to learn how to feel safety in my body and it kept being interrupted by physically painful and damaging sex.

I started really coming out of it eight years later.

I started coming out of it on my own at a time when women in my family have often gone into puberty in generations past.

True and not true. Just looking at patterns. They don’t mean anything.

Abort. Abort. Delete Paragraph.

Anyway. I should go to bed. I’m starting to hit the wall. I was overstimulated like I had been sucking down… I don’t know what. Caffeine doesn’t keep me awake very well. Nothing keeps me awake when I’m tired except intense emotion. I can stay awake. But it takes something ridiculous like a new baby or a term paper I didn’t write until 24 hours before it was due.

Not that I was ever such a slacker. All the way through grad school.

But I don’t stay up well for parties or social events.

Why did I used to go to so damn many parties?

Ahhhh…. so I could meet my wonderful friends. But once I find them I can go home and contact them in my preferred mediums.

It works. Mostly. I do have some neat friends. I find them all over.

I am struggling with talking myself into holding the baby while I brush my teeth. Whine. It’s wonderful. It’s a great job. Holding the baby (or being on my side while I face the baby and nurse in bed) for approximately 22 hours a day gets… ouchie. And I’m not seeing my normal body workers because no I don’t leave my baby for an hour or two because this is my thing. I spend the fourth trimester with my babies.

Sure I dragged this one out of the house all day. But she was in the car for about two and a half hours in chunks spread over twelve hours. The. Entire. Rest. Of. The. Day. Is. On. Me. 

Noah hasn’t had her for an hour out of the last 24.

And I give him dates by himself. Two of us on a self abnegation spree goes poorly. Someone has to be getting some damn needs met.

Ok, I’m getting most of my needs met. Just not alone time or body care. There is more of that in my future. I can be patient.

In the past I made poor decisions because I pursued self-care stuff at the expense of my children. I won’t do that again. If it hurts sometimes… well… I didn’t have kids because I wanted a convenient life. I wanted purpose and connection. I wanted to have someone whose opinion I care about.

I am selfish and small and not everyone else in the world was enough without them.

I needed to have there be more people who think of the holidays and me and “home”. Noah feels like that and it’s great.

When I was born I was told I would get three older siblings. Instead I was raised mostly as an only child and I had occasional visiting abusers.

Now I get to have one kid on one side of me and another kid on the other side of me and another kid on top of me. Noah leans on some part of me or another.

They want me here so much.

This is what safe feels like.


Waking up

Yesterday the baby clearly smiled at me. That was a “Yay mommy!” face. She calms down when Noah hands her to me and she knows milk is coming. I don’t remember my big kids calming down like this. She really only complains when something specific is wrong like hunger or she needs a diaper change.

I am so happy to get to know her. I wonder if she is going to be as assertive as my big kids. Right now she is so chill that I can barely wrap my head around her. I know I should just be happy and grateful, but I’m baffled wondering how I ended up with a child who is just… relaxed so far. Life is ok. Not much to demand or push for. Everything is just ok.

She is often happy snuggling/sleeping on a big kid for an extended period while I do chores. She is imprinting on all of her people. I don’t feel like the first two wanted to imprint on other people much. Yes, sometimes Noah has to suffer through some fussing and crying to give me a break when she wishes I wouldn’t. But it’s not screaming it’s fussing.

My chores are mostly dishes and laundry at this point. I am getting some help with both (thank you Noah) but I still do the majority of folding the laundry and loading the dishwasher.

Let’s be real here. My big kids are old enough that they are doing the majority of covering for my recovering butt. Speaking of which, hemorrhoids still very present. They can go away now. They make it take forever to wipe up when I poop because I have to use these little medicated pads and gently clean each hemorrhoid. There is no dignity in parenting.

I spent a while looking at how to schedule the stuff we need to do next year. My kids are going to resent it. Oh well! Y’all want to learn stuff. It takes time. You aren’t itty bitty kids any more. Y’all are big and it’s time to move into serious academics. Which… is still only going to be three hours a day. Shush your whining. But PE is going to be a noticeable chunk of our day. Creating windows of time for longer/more intense daily hygiene is more important as we head towards puberty because they are becoming greeeeeeeasy little critters. My kids have gotten weekly baths most of their lives and they haven’t been dirty/gross. Now that puberty is rearing its head… that is not even a little bit sufficient. And ew.

I tell my children that hygiene should be increased in times of increased need. If you are visibly dirty or greasy… it’s time to take more frequent showers. If your face is breaking out like whoa because it is majorly greasy… wash your face more frequently. You don’t have to take a full shower every day. But you are probably at the point of needing to wash your hair twice a week, sometimes three times a week. Wash your face in the sink in between showers. Hi, welcome to puberty.

But I’ve never understood the “take a shower every day” thing. It’s bad for my hair and skin unless I am getting actively dirty every day. I don’t. I don’t produce enough grease for that to be necessary so it seems kind of weird.

I usually bathe 2-3 times a week. That’s a good frequency for me to not smell and I don’t look dirty. I have absolutely known people (usually for job reasons) who need to shower daily and occasionally twice in a day. But it’s not the norm.

I have had a few moms tell me that I’m gross for not bathing my children every day. Oh. Well I make sure they don’t have food on their face or in their hair and I wash their hands all the damn time. Their knees and back don’t get dirty enough to wash every day! Come on now. In the summer I do make them wash their feet in between showers because ew don’t climb in clean sheets with nasty feet.

Why can’t hygiene be applied solely at need?

People are interesting.

As I try to figure out how to get all of the stuff done in a day that the kids and I need to get done… I feel flattened. I can’t imagine trying to add in more. The kids are down to 10 hours a week of unplanned time. Playing used to be their job and it isn’t any more. Growing up sucks. 11 hours a week of academics (it’s shocking how much progress they make in this amount of time.) (And let me tell you, as a former public school teacher… most students don’t get a full 11 hours a week of 1:2 instruction.) 12 hours a week set aside for PE activities because it includes the walk to the farmers market (that we really need to get back to doing weekly) and time set aside for stretching and classes and allll the physical stuff we need to do for health and preparing for a week of constant walking. The kids do a shocking (to me) amount of cross training. It is funny to me that I have ended up being an active person.

I have some good role models.

There are slots for outside time (10 hours) and chores (7 hours). I am mentally going through my list of “where can the kids hurry up and finish what they ‘should’ be doing to squeeze in extra reading time” so I can encourage them towards efficiency so they can get what they want out of the deal too. Given how much exercising we are going to be doing, they are free to bring books out to sit in a chair during outside time. Just get sun on your face. A lot of it will be energetic though. Only 5 hours set aside for screen time. There are other spots where they could add more given how much they are exercising. I am not as anti-screen time when they are really energetic.

Fridays and Saturdays are almost unscheduled though. We have the morning/evening routines and food and that’s it. I think that is wise for us.

I don’t have slots for running errands. Well. That’ll fail right there.

Ok. Rethink this.

Ok. Two hours of the kids playing on Friday they can either come with me to do errands or they can stay home with their dad.

Of course this isn’t Noah’s schedule. Frankly that man is walking on water because he gets a lot done. I’m looking forward to being more physically competent again so I can take some stuff off of his plate. I’m trying to find time for him to rest. He got a couple of hours off last night. I try to let him sleep a night through sometimes.

We are trying to be kind to each other.

This baby is… easy to be around and it means it feels easier to be generous.

I have six more days until I get evaluated by my OB. Then I’m cleared to be a lot more active. Slow walks and only a few chores are getting old. I think this baby will be happy to be in a carrier as I do more to make my body stronger again.

When I leave the bay area I will leave my awesome medical providers. I will need to figure out how to make my body strong enough to withstand less support. And I will need to figure out how to manage my mood with more pain. It’s just going to happen.

Every choice has a constellation of consequences.

And that right there is a poopy diaper. Called to duty.

{milestone} Laughter

Because I have to ask Sarah or Noah things about my older children, let me write down that the day before she turned five weeks old YC started laughing in her sleep. She isn’t social smiling or laughing yet, it’s still a reflex. But it’s really sweet.

In other news… I think we are in a growth spurt. She’s nursing constantly but pulling off my nipple to yell at me that she wants to nurse. No she doesn’t have a soiled diaper. No she doesn’t need to burp. No she doesn’t seem to want anything else but boy howdy is she so darned mad that I am not giving her boobie. When she has my nipple in her mouth.

I quit.

No I don’t. I have years of this shit ahead of me again. But I am slightly frustrated. Given how frothy green her poop is… I suspect she’s being lazy about hind milk and not wanting to draw hard to get it. She wants to switch back and forth to whichever boob is flowing more easily and that’s not good for her. I need to get tough and force her to fully drain a boob before moving on. Do you know how hard it is to try and enforce boundaries with a god damn newborn?! They cry and my resolve melts like butter on a hot griddle. Ok! Whatever you want! Yes dear! I live to serve!

I don’t feel so bad about telling a six or seven month old they need to fully drain a side before moving on. It’s just easier to be stern with a child who can hold their own head up. Being strict with someone who can’t even see you when you sit 3′ away…

That shit takes a lot more resolve than I have. Oh god. I’ll do anything. Just don’t die you tiny fragile thing, There is no such thing as spoiling you. I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll pay as much attention to you as you want.

Just tell me, love.

She is nursing as I type. It’s late for us. She’s been having a hard time with lying down in bed for the past couple of nights. She’ll go to sleep in the carrier while we walk. She’ll sleep on the Boppy while I sit in the living room. But the bed just pisses her off. I’m not sure why.

It’s not even because she wants to be on me because for half the night or more in bed she sleeps slung across my chest because nothing else is acceptable.

I had a moment earlier today where I had a chance to crush MC’s spirit or not. I managed to not do so. *pat self on back* MC kinda… lost their grip on YC today. The baby slid off of MC’s legs while they were on the couch. The baby didn’t actually land on the floor because between MC having lightning fast reflexes where they lifted their legs to cushion the fall and me lurching forward to catch the baby… she didn’t even hit her head on the floor. But there was a good second or two where I felt complete panic.

My instant response was to scream that they don’t need to hold the baby again any time soon. As I watched tears well up in their eyes I realized I did that wrong. I fairly immediately tried to take it back. “No. That was the wrong thing for me to say. I’m so sorry. That’s not the right response for you or for her. I was scared and I over reacted. Ok. How about if you sit on the floor to hold her. She is getting very squirmy and that’s scary and dangerous. Both your dad and I have dropped babies. I don’t need to act like you did a worse thing. I’m sorry I screamed. That was wrong of me. Let me help you hold her safely.”

I have absolutely no desire to convince them that a mistake means you are out of chances. That is the wrong way to handle it.

I’m screaming more than I have in years. It’s reflexive. It’s a combination of my nerves feeling like they are being run over a cheese grater (baby screaming is so hard) and sleep deprivation. The last three or four nights have been every two hour wake ups and I’m weary. These reasons are not an excuse and they do not justify me losing control of my volume. I’m trying and failing to keep my shit together.

It’s not even that I’m saying that much mean shit. It’s that I’m saying things like “I can’t hear you” at ridiculous volumes. I’m really struggling with the screaming. And feeling touched out.

I went and got ear plugs for tonight’s fussy period. My head hurts so much. I wouldn’t trade this for the world… it’s hard but worth it. Getting through this together helps build our bond. Yes I will stay with you through the hard parts.

I’m alternating between feeling like I’m doing a good job because I’m asking Noah and the big kids to help me with stuff and I feel like I’m a horrible person because I’m so lazy and demanding, I just can’t win.

H’okay. That’s a very poopy diaper I need to change. Whoo.

Do you want to be good or do you want to look good?

Sometimes I feel pretty squeamish about the fact that I am not sure how much I want to “be” a good person and how much I want to pretend I am a good person so I can model it for my children. I want them to have the option of being good people or effective monsters if they choose.

That’s an interesting thought process. I don’t want to decide for them how they end up. I want to give them the opportunity.

I honestly feel like “being good” was not an option for me when I was young if I wanted to survive. If I had striven harder for being good I would have cooperated more. I would have fought less. And I’d be dead.

So I don’t want to force my children into the model of always doing as they are told. I want them to know how to choose. I want them to have a strong sense of their own internal compass for right and wrong and I want them to do their best to do right according to their own metrics.

Shit like giving money to homeless people. That isn’t something that I feel “Everyone Must Do To Be Good.” That’s not how it occurs in my brain at all. *I* was homeless for years and people helped me. People helped *me* not die. *I* owe paying that help forward. I have extra. My life is freakishly blessed. If *I* don’t hand $5 to anyone who asks me then I am betraying the child I once was.

That’s not about a universal sense of right or wrong or being good or being bad. It is about me playing the other part of the role I used to play. Because I can. Because in this life if you receive it is also good to give.

But different people receive different things. Not everyone is morally or spiritually obligated to have the same role as me.

How does goodness fit into that?

I do actually perceive myself as a generous person. I do perceive myself as a kind person.

But goodness is just a bridge too far.

I ain’t nice, but I strive for kindness all the time. Kindness is not always nice. Kindness is sometimes brutal. Kindness is telling my best friend she needs to change because this outfit sucks on her instead of saying something nice about it being an interesting pattern.

On a completely different note… my body has gone through some kind of intense reset lately. I cannot remember when I last had diarrhea. I’ve had solid stool for weeks. Even postpartum it never got liquid again. It was soft and easy to produce… but not diarrhea. I am pretty sure this is the longest period in my life when I have had solid stools. Apparently we are doing a fantastic job of nailing my nutritional needs plus lowering my stress levels. I’m really impressed. I didn’t know my body was capable of doing this well.

It’s exciting to me.

My sleep is all over the place. Meaning I’m not sleeping very well or very deeply. I’m absolutely terrified that I am going to be responsible for killing my baby. I don’t think that is going to happen but the terror is there. So I don’t sleep well because I check her over and over and over all night long. We do follow safe sleep practices. I’m not medicating at night. I’m not doing risky stuff with my baby. But SIDS is an absolutely terrifying boogeyman. Sometimes you do everything right and your baby still dies. So I don’t sleep much in the hopes that if her breathing pauses for some reason of immaturity I will be there to poke her back into action.

I’ll sleep when she’s more sturdy.

I am so so so grateful I don’t have to drive or have a job right now.

My hat is off to the mamas who have to go back to work already. You are strong, powerful, and loving. Your kid is lucky to have your protection in every form you give it. You are teaching your kids stuff I am not teaching mine and your kids are lucky.

I do wish my country viewed the long term mental health of everyone who breeds as important and provided longer maternity/paternity leave. A low stress time period of adapting to being a parent would be better for everyone.

One lady in my online due date club had to go back to work nine days postpartum. She’s the bread winner for her family and her job won’t let her take more time off. She has cried a lot about how sad she is to leave her baby, but it is necessary for the survival of her family. I believe it is wrong that our country does this to people but I don’t have even 1 oz of judgment for her. She’s surviving and coping in an unfair situation.

Mamas usually (not always) do their best. It is really sad when circumstances control the fact that their best is probably not what is truly best for their family. I don’t blame the mothers. I blame our fucked up culture.

When your choice is between feeding and housing your family or bonding with your new infant… that’s not a choice. That’s evil.

*We* choose to allow that to be the way our culture works. We elect politicians who keep it true.

Someone Noah grew up with has a baby just a couple of months older than our new one. Their baby was diagnosed with liver cancer.

There is no fair. There is no amount of paranoia that can actually keep my children safe. It’s luck of the draw and life is so unfair there are no words to adequately express how unfair it all is. I mourn for their family and pray that such a fate does not strike my children. Because nothing I do or don’t do will actually influence that kind of health. It’ll happen or it won’t.

Being a parent is terrifying.

In this exact moment I feel like I have passed some sort of… I don’t know a line in the sand. Some level of development. I’ve reached some sort of change.

I know that I will again feel like I want to die at some point. But in this moment I feel like there is so much need for my presence that I hope I will never again feel like I “should” die because in this moment I am capable of seeing how untrue that will be for the rest of my life. From here on out my death is going to absolutely devastate several people. There is no chance that my death is a positive thing ever again.

When I die it will cause more pain than it will relieve. I don’t believe that has been true for most of my life. It would have been a selfish act, always, but I don’t think it would have hurt people the way it would now. And for most of my life I have been in so much more pain than I am now. My physical pain comes and goes and sometimes spikes much higher than it was when I was a child but the physical pain has never really been the problem. The emotional pain is what I have struggled to bear.

I don’t know why this daughter feels like such a tipping point to me. She is not more important, valued, or loved than her sister or sibling.

But there are four fucking people who would absolutely never be ok again if I killed myself.

I am not really ok after my father and brother killed themselves. It doesn’t hurt like it would hurt my kids… I had different relationships. But if I still feel the amount of pain I feel in relation to their deaths I can barely imagine what it would do to my kids. It would scar their souls until they died.

I can see that so clearly. My oldest daughter has been clingy and loving and so wonderful lately. She’s having big feelings about the transition to having another baby and she is needing a lot of snuggling and chats about life and change. She’s not trying to regress. She is trying to affirm her own importance in my heart.

My children continue to feel glad that when we go out and it’s chilly, I will still give them my warm layers so that I can shiver and they can feel better. Even though I told you to bring something or I’d let you suffer for your own silliness. I never really do though. If I have warmth to share I will give it. Because you are my externalized beating heart and I want you to be ok. I will be ok enough with what I have left. I have survived so much worse. But you feeling uncomfortable is enough for me to try and fix it. Because you are my love. How could I look at you and make a choice to let you feel uncomfortable when it is so easy for me to fix?

You are my everything. My reason for living and striving and trying.

I need you. I love you.

And now my family has brought me back donuts. Time to go!

What does it mean to be good?

I’m wandering back and forth between here and fetlife for this chain of thoughts. I’m never sure why I post stuff on fetlife at all, but once in a while I feel moved to. Ok.

I have a hard time with the very concept of goodness. What is goodness?

I keep thinking about this kid from southern Louisiana. I can’t remember his name. He was a kid who got in trouble a lot when he was young. When Hurricane Katrina hit this kid rescued a lot of people. He was black and he lived in a poor neighborhood that was not given a lot of help in evacuating. He saved a lot of lives. The news stories I read about him (quite some time ago) were all shocked that this young black guy would be so heroic… so good.

Fuck all y’all for being surprised.

The funny thing is I would trust juvenile delinquents to help and be resourceful in that kind of situation faster than I would trust most “high achievers” or obedient children. Why? Because in order to really be helpful in a crisis you probably need to be good at thinking outside the box and not following your standard way of behaving. You need something new and challenging.

In modern America that kind of personality gets sent to juvie on the regular.

I believe the only reason I didn’t end up in juvenile hall was because I moved so often I didn’t develop a sufficient pattern of behavior in a given community.

What does it mean to be good?

I’m rereading the Imriel books again. Kushiel series. Jacqueline Carey. The Phédra books are way less interesting to me this time. (I need something I can read 2 pages at a time and pick up and put down and not put real effort into learning a new thing.) I’m interested in the thought process behind being problematic from conception and trying to have your very existence not cause more problems in the world. I’m interested in what it means to try to be good when you have impulses that are not so good.

I’m thinking about monsters and intent.

Beauty and the Beast. The whole town comes out to kill the beast… why? Because they are afraid of him. Has he hurt someone? Enh, not really. He has imprisoned intruders… but that was not particularly a violent reaction at the time.

When I think of what goodness means I think of when I read the statistic (that might not be accurate) that 100% of Alaskan native women are raped. Usually by a family member. Are those rapists driven from families or communities? Of course not. They are members of the community and they are necessary for survival. They do good things.

I can say good things about pretty much everyone who raped me. Paul Nathan does an award winning comedy act. He’s great on stage. But I know I’m not the only woman he raped.

What does goodness mean?

There is a woman in my local community. She’s a god damn leather title holder. When I was a teenager she spent a lot of time actively trying to get me to sleep with a list of her friends because “They like it when I bring them fresh meat.”

What does goodness mean?

Most of the ‘big name’ presenters from coast to coast have mixed reputations. Everyone has fucked up. Most people have crossed some major line at some point. The victims tend to leave. The big names stick around and become fixtures who cannot be assailed because everyone knows them and they do so much good for the community. Communities cannot exist without tolerating abusers. Abusers do a lot of fucking work to carry communities forward and the community would cease to exist without them.

What does goodness mean?

I won’t work Dickens Fair because I can’t go face my rapist. But Dan’s been a dedicated member of Mad Sal’s for way over 10 years and he’s done  so much good for the show and the community.

I fear that over the summer when I discussed restorative justice with some folks… they really didn’t understand what I meant. I didn’t mean that “communities shouldn’t throw people away” I meant “if you don’t specifically center the needs of victims you will drive them out of your community and only keep the abusers”. I meant that it’s not just about getting over transgressions and letting folks who fuck up have a second chance. How do you help heal people from being hurt?

Shouldn’t communities care a lot more about the members who are wounded instead of the ones doing the wounding?

Naw. That shit is about work going out and communities need work going in. Victims are hard. Victims are annoying. Victims make people feel weak and vulnerable and bad.

Abusers are way better to keep around.

What does goodness mean?

“But I’m a good person”. I don’t give a shit about your inherent goodness. I care that your fucking behavior is abusive.

What is abusive?

When you make someone feel small and bad about themself and like they don’t deserve to have the feelings/thoughts/emotions they god damn have about their fucking experiences.

do not know if I ever want to think of myself as good. I’m not sure I would want to be. I’m not nice either.

But I am kind. I am compassionate. I am thoughtful. I am giving. I am generous. I am helpful. I am a good listener. I am educated about how to help people process their emotions. I am a very good teacher–I don’t have to know something to teach it.

Maybe I don’t have to be good to teach it.

Maybe it doesn’t actually matter if I am good and instead it matters if I am actively engaged in improving myself and doing things that make the world better for others. Other people, other animals, other ways of existing.

What does goodness mean?

Such a lovely pediatrician.

I picked our pediatrician based on her doing her intensive college research project on intergenerational patterns of abuse. She’s a neat lady. We had a follow up conversation about CPS (and the original incident last summer) and her attitude was absolutely inspirational. One of my bigger children was with me and I think the doctor’s attitude was really helpful to our continued processing.

The doctor made it very clear that everyone makes mistakes and this was just a mistake. How do you find out what kind of person you want to be if you never cross the line into being someone you don’t want to be?

love this doctor.

Turns out the doctor had already gone over to the hospital and said, “Who might have turned in my patient’s mother for pot! That’s not cool!” and the staff over there was confused because that is not their policy. Given that the CPS visit turned out to not be about pot… I feel a little sad about not trusting them more. But this process is hard. Everyone did their job well and appropriately and absolutely everyone involved was respectful towards me and my family. I’m glad CPS shows up to ask the questions they asked us.

So yeah. Such a lovely doctor. I’m grateful for her.

Also, Youngest Child is growing like whoa. At her 2 day old visit she had dropped down to 7 lbs 14 oz. At her one month visit she’s up to 9 lbs 4oz. 26oz in 30 days. Sounds great to me. Her height went from 20″ to 22″. Around 50% for weight, 90% for height.

I find it kind of fascinating that all of my children are so tall. They have all been 75% + for their entire lives with the younger two being 90%+. Neither Noah nor I are that tall. It seems… surprising to me. Noah is dead flipping average for a man. I am an inch taller than “average” for a woman. Why are my kids like the jolly green giant?!

Must be all the damn vegetables. I wonder if I would have been taller if I had eaten better as a child.

I asked about the icy cold hands at night. Doctor said that at this stage she just hasn’t figured out circulation and as long as her core is warm, don’t stress. Put sleeves on her and don’t fret. Ok. I’ve been keeping her in sleeves. Hahahaha on the not fretting part.

She’s my tiny little externalized beating heart. I worry about her.

She barely cried for a few seconds at her shot today. I was impressed. It wasn’t a minute of crying. She just went to sleep because I had been tormenting her by keeping her awake. She hadn’t been crying about the tormenting awakeness. She just grunted at me and whined a little, like she does.

I noticed that I didn’t write that much down about MC’s milestones. I think that a lot of that choice was because I go through these periods of feeling embarrassed about my focus on my children. I know that nonbreeders really don’t give a shit about the minutiae of my children. I know that hearing people talk about their kids is boring. (I can tell my eyes gloss over sometimes when people tell me about their kids… it’s ok to not be fascinated by my children…) But then I don’t remember what month they started using two word phrases and I’m fucking mad at myself for feeling self conscious and not writing it down.

I need to not care what you don’t want to hear about because this data collection spot is useful and I need to take advantage of it.

Speaking of which, MC’s hair now reaches their waist because they really feel inspired by Rose’s hair. They want hair that goes to at least their butt. Sure.

The baby is tiny and vigorous and growing and doing all the important mammal skills.

Oh! Yesterday we had a comedy show diaper change. I was reminded of the fact that I have a huge box of puppy pads. Since the baby is so prolific about emptying the pipes while on the changing table and we are a little sad about having to deal with cleaning up the whole shebang every day… Hey I can solve a problem.

So big sister asked to change a diaper. I asked her to bring a pad, diaper, and wipes to the floor in the living room so it would be a little less hazardous.

This turned into a hilarious experience involving a lot of pulling the baby off the spreading/growing pee puddles and dragging her out of the piles of poop she wanted to kick and play with. It was nice having two kids to help with that experience. It really was fun to watch. Big sister did all the important bits and I gave helpful/snarky advice.

We all got to have a fun time. The baby was so relaxed and mellow through the whole thing. She just blinked up at us like, “What? Y’all act like clearing the pipes is something to fuss about…”

Her head has already expanded by 3/4″. Terrifying noggin.

We are getting in the books for next academic year. Why does this process excite me so much?

Don’t argue, just do what you do.

Today we have our one month pediatrician visit. My baby will be probably have some vaccine shots. Why? Because I believe in science? No. Because there is a preponderance of evidence that this will keep my kid alive and I went through a fuck ton of effort to make her so she’d better fucking stay alive.

I’m just saying.

My kid horrified me the other day. We were discussing how we really don’t want the baby to die so we should take some steps. (It didn’t start out as a weird seeming conversation…) Then my kid said, “Yeah we really don’t want to go through nine months of pregnancy again so this kid had better live.”

My eyes were as wide as dinner plates. Whoa. Ok then.

They aren’t wrong. But that’s not really all I mean. I’m already invested in this girl. I like her. It’s not just the investment cost…

Parenting is weird.

You need to get over it, for the sake of your children… now.

I had my first session with my shrink in a while yesterday. We focused on what stuff I need to work on to be a better support to my kids. It all came down to one thing though.

I do not perceive myself as a good person who makes mistakes. I perceive myself as a monster who sometimes does the right thing.

In my shrink’s opinion as long as this is true I will not be able to help my child deal with their overwhelming shame.

They said, “You are a good person who makes mistakes. Until you believe that about yourself you can’t teach it to your child. So you have to learn how to believe it, now.”

Sure. I’ll just do that.

Occupy the mind

Not in the #Occupy sense, more in the keeping busy sense.

I’m trying to keep my mood up and level. Which is a challenge when I’m bored. Boredom = looking for trouble most of the time. Which is why I say that only boring people get bored because if I have any inkling of that feeling I go find something to do.

Which I’m trying to get healthier about as the years go by…

I can’t obsess about cleaning my house because my husband and children are so god damn helpful. The kids are not perfectly following all of their routines… instead they are chipping in to help with my chores way more than normal. I need to not be an asshole about this.

All of the stuff I will need to do for the house in terms of getting it ready to sell are… later and if I start fussing about it too soon I will drive myself crazy and end up starting to do the work myself because I won’t be able to handle waiting. I know myself. I can’t think about that project yet or I will damage my body trying to follow through on plans now when I really need to wait.

So I’m thinking about other things and making other plans because that seems healthier.

Stuff like planning for the next school year since we only have nine more weeks of this school year and the kids and I agreed to year round schooling for next year. We will only have a month off and I’d rather have my plans mostly in place by the end of the school year so I don’t have to spend vacation planning and getting ready. That would piss me off. I know it is the norm for teachers… but I have this time now and by then the fourth trimester will be over and I will not want to sit still to do more planning. I will want to be out in the garden.

That month of vacation will probably involve me spending all my normal academic/planning hours outside trying to get the garden to a better place for selling the house. The more established the plantings are when we list the house… the better. I’ve got some shit to do.

I am doing the shopping and preparation I need to do for summer/travel. I scheduled two trips. Because having stuff on the books helps keep me from feeling trapped. The first trip will be somewhat expensive: it’s an all inclusive in Mexico. The second is taking Sarah to Disneyland for her birthday. I bought into DVC for Sarah and her birthday trip so it seems like a good thing to revisit that again 8 years later. Sarah is my favorite person to go to Disneyland with. We have similar tolerances for crowds, distance, and time spent in the park. We like having a kitchen in our room because Sarah loves to cook to show us her love and I am ok with cleaning up after people who make me tasty food. She is so close with my kids. Even though she and I have had ups and downs… she has consistently shown up for my children. Almost 10 years into this parenting gig… Sarah is who she says she is. She is their Aunt and she takes that seriously.

I’m a huge nerd and I love that my second and third children will both be with their Auntie in Disneyland for her birthday before they turn one. She makes these trips magical and fun. Sarah just does Disneyland in a way that helps me feel safe. And once in a while she even brings her brother along and dude he’s fun in the parks. He runs off with the children to do silly things. I don’t think people are fun based on their willingness to do childcare for me. I follow along more slowly and do the silly things too… It’s about being willing to initiate.

I’m excited that I get to spend about 7 months showing Sarah menus and saying “Hm, should we add this to our itinerary?” This time I’m getting bold and looking further afield in the Anaheim area. What things could we potentially go get or have a nicer meal out…

I feel like I do owe my family the quiet, no other people, sitting and doing nothing experience they want. I keep them on a hamster wheel and they are all fucking exhausted. But I’m glad no one will begrudge me wanting to plan the trip with Sarah too.

And because of DVC and the kitchen… this week long trip won’t be that much money. The all inclusive isn’t cheap but it isn’t that expensive. And we don’t drink alcohol so we won’t be adding to our bill that way.

We will spend somewhere in the $7,000-$9,000 range for both trips. Mexico alone will be $6,000ish.

A bunch of that money will be for things like shoes appropriate to the conditions, hats that fold up + have a strap (kids outgrow theirs and my hats… are not in good shape any more), bathing suits that fit… So it is an extravagant amount of money but it will also help us in general this summer. I just…. might not get as much or as soon if not for the trip coming up.

I’m also thrilled about things like: putting a Disneyland trip on our calendar causes my children to take a deep breathe and say, “Ugh. We need to start training for the walking.” They know that we walk 6-8 miles a day when we are at Disneyland. I asked them, “Would that feel good right now?” They both adamantly stated that it would hurt so they are interested in planning out the exercise regime necessary to make it fun.

This may not be the best way to motivate fitness… but it is pretty effective for us. We are planning our year around this. (Eldest Child is about to graduate out of swimming class. She’s at the end of what they teach and that’s feeling really fun for her. Middle Child asked if they can drop gymnastics while we work on the walking great distances project. That means the kids will be doing three days a week of martial arts, plus MC would have half an hour a week of a swim class on top of walking a lot every day. I think it is both fair to drop gymnastics and it’ll save me $120/month. Sure.)

My kids have 0 interest in fitness for competition. Fitness so they can accomplish something, sure that makes sense.

I love my kids. I would have a hard time with a super competitive child. I’m grateful for the personalities my children happen to have. It isn’t that being competitive is always bad–it isn’t. But I would struggle to parent someone who was very competitive. That’s an evaluation of my own abilities and not a commentary on how awesome someone else might be.

What other things am I planning… I think that might be what I’m cycling between. School (the awesome part of home schooling is I get to plan something different every year), Mexico trip, Disneyland, and exercise for the year. 2018 is going to be a pretty ridiculously good year. And then the house goes on the market next year.

The kids are already suggesting stuff we really don’t want to pack and maybe we should just get rid of it now. So cleaning the house is going to be almost as much about thinning out our possessions as it will be cleaning this year.

Also: anyone want to come over to dinner and take away a few bottles of alcohol? We can’t drink it anymore…

might long term have a bottle of whiskey that I can drink in the house but I doubt it. I can go out and buy a drink 3-8 times in a year and be as satisfied with alcohol as I need to be. Maybe we’ll still keep some wine around for cooking… but not much.

I didn’t expect to grow up and be quite this… weird. Tee totaler pot head. Sure, why not. Only I take pills so I don’t even smell like it much. Are you still a pot head if you don’t get the cloud of smoke making you smell like it?

Questions for the ages.

Unrepentant vanity

For reasons passing my understanding, every time I walk past a mirrored surface I stop and have this moment of “God damn I look good.” My hair is weirdly cooperative. My skin looks lovely. I appreciate my current figure very much.

I date girls who look like this. Or I did. My ex and I looked a lot a like only I thought she was prettier than me.

I’m not sure I’ve ever had such a streak of vanity immediately post-birth before. It’s weird.

I’m finding out that I don’t remember shit very well. Sarah is rereading my archive (for what, the fifth? sixth time?) and she is amused as she corrects my recollections of how I felt in the past.

I feel so very known. Thank you for pointing out how my memory drifts. She says I was a lot more ok with two and done after Middle Child.

I can’t remember that. I can only remember the years of crying as I bled every month. This is why I write shit down. No one is actually dependent on my shoddy memory. I wrote down whatever I was feeling in the moment. And when I misremember and someone says, “Actually what you wrote was…” I don’t argue and I feel melty inside.

Thank you for insisting on consistency. It’s part of how I know you love me. You want me to tell the same story. You don’t want me reinventing the past. The story is what it is.

Thank you for seeing me. Thank you for wanting to. Thank you for being my friend.

I think a lot about friendship and what it means. I’m feeling a little worried/guilty about T&t, friends who are a big deal in my life. T in particular is having big feelings about us wanting to move. It’s going to be a major loss in his life. We are very good friends and he spends more time with me getting emotional support than he does with anyone else. When I leave it is going to create a giant cavernous hole in his life and he’s feeling anxious. We’ve been hanging out a lot for about 12 years. It will hurt to lose that contact.

But I need to go. My family wants to go.

It’s not because there is no one in the bay we love. We love a lot of people and we have been carried by your beautiful friendship for so many years.

My neighborhood is changing and the new people have no interest in the structure I helped create in the past ten years. The people we built relationships with are moving or dying. My friends are flung all over the bay area and the driving to maintain relationships hurts my body. I can’t keep up with a bay area lifestyle. I can’t drive to San Jose and Oakland and Palo Alto every week for socializing. It hurts. Being isolated in this little town while our friends are always 20-90 minutes away… that’s hard on us.

We’d like to move somewhere smaller. Somewhere less spread out. We won’t have as many friends. We won’t have the history.

I am eager to find out what it is like to walk into a room and not run into people I’ve known for decades. The expectations people have of me, for good or for ill, are hard to carry. I was a professional new kid for so long that being as established as I am is hard.

The kids and I are already talking about the stuff we don’t want to pack and we just want to pass it on. It is kind of weird to me how much the kids want to go. They both seem to feel like they don’t really want to go through puberty and their teenager years here. I’m not sure I understand their motivation, but they want to move. Noah is happy about the idea of getting out of a metropolis but otherwise he isn’t as motivated to leave. He’s a lot more content with hiding in his house full time to deal with his unhappiness with the area changing.

And that’s all the typing I can do in this horrible position.

Why don’t you take some vitamins?

As a person with chronic health complaints I get stupid comments from people about what I should do to fix my body. Trying vitamins is always high on the list. Well, today I finally got the bill for allllll of my treatment last year with the pain management doctor. I paid well over $4,000 fucking dollars for fucking vitamins last year.

Shut. The. Fuck. Up. With. Your. Stupid. Advice.

I paid more than that for the doctor visits. But that’s a low ball estimate for the shots plus all the god damn pills I take. I supplement all the things.

I will say that I noticed a difference from the magnesium when I was pregnant. Holy tomato that made a difference. Otherwise… I’m not sure I can feel it. But I’m bouncing back incredibly quickly.

Ugh. I’ve still not been given my blood results from November. Crank. Whine. Fuss.

Blame the mother

A baby is sleeping on my chest, supported by one arm. The time between typing and hitting “post” changes with a newborn.

I was reading something on the parenting board I’ve been codependently hanging out on. (I want to feel like I can “help” someone and I’m physically incapacitated. I know! I’ll go give advice to internet strangers!) One of the ‘known names’ (i.e. people who post so much that everyone knows their story and references them between threads) made a comment about her mother rugsweeping her father’s physical abuse and my response was that I wish I could slap the shit out of her mother.

I didn’t have the reaction that I wanted to hurt her father.

That’s a thing. That’s a whole societal thing.

(Break for poopy diaper and outfit change and now we are nursing.)

Whether the mother is the main instrument of abuse or the enabler… we blame her first, most, and often only her. Mothers are responsible for protecting their children. A child being hurt is the fault of the mother. No matter who does it.

I think about this a lot. Do I blame my mother most? This dynamic is on the gigantic list of reasons I homeschool.

It’s not really about whether I physically, mentally, sexually, emotionally, or spiritually abuse my kids… It’s about whether I can keep it from happening at all.

The funny (to me) part is I have agreements with Noah around him intervening in *my* behavior. I am monitored. He has told me things I needed to change. That’s good. If I go off the rails I have to leave for the good of the kids and we’ve skirted that before. He warned me I was heading that way.

I got the fuck back on the rails.

I’m not sure I’m actually temperamentally suited to the job I chose. But I’m going to force myself into that mode if it kills me. But instead of killing me it is healing me.

I woke up overwhelmingly cranky and with a long list of complaints. Noah suggested a walk. I’m less bitchy now. Over a mile this time! And it didn’t hurt! We’ve been doing just under a mile and it’s been real slow and hard. This felt better.

Noah doesn’t get mad at me for my moodiness. I don’t know what I did right to get him. I know that saying yes was important. (Technically I didn’t say yes I said “Yeah, I could do that.”) But what did I do to make him want me so bad?

Just stay

I had forgotten what it feels like to have a baby who can sleep through any disruption as long as my skin is 1″ from her face. If I move away from her, she wakes up within minutes. I do not know how other people get their babies to sleep alone. I suspect those folks have a higher tolerance for screaming than I have.

I do not let my babies scream for a minute longer than I am doing other work with my hands. Then I snatch them back up again. Most tasks I simply do one handed in this stage.

I do not speak of this because I am trying to play Mommy Wars. There are many ways to raise children and many reasons to make the choices a person makes. I make the choices I make because I am trying to reset *my* internal clock and I am trying to change the patterns that have been set in my family for generations. This is not about what someone else should or shouldn’t do. This is about learning to set aside my hypervigilance. This is about learning to calm down the panic I have lived with for decades.

Hearing my baby scream is one of the most activating sounds of my life. When I respond to it easily, naturally, instantly my body feels better. My body feels the full effects of, “You are safe now and it’s ok to take care of problems. You don’t have to ignore something. You don’t have to pretend the scary/overwhelming/bad thing isn’t happening. It’s ok to react and soothe. Nothing bad will happen.”

I don’t do all of this because it is “best for my baby” (although I do think it is good for her) I do it because I am selfish and I want this satiation and safety in my body.

It is hard dealing with how mentally bored I am. I hit the end of pregnancy and my brain was all, “OK! Disability period is over! Move around! What the fuck! Why are you sitting, motherfucker!??!?!” But I want to give this period of time to my baby so bad that I will learn to deal with almost any amount of frustration.

I just said it wasn’t for baby it was for me. Then I said I will give it to baby. I’m inconsistent. It’s complicated.

I want to have given this to baby so that I have given it to myself. I want to have had this period in our development. I want our relationship to have had this period of being instantly taken care of because I want her to have the same internal sense of “My needs matter” that my older children have.

My big kids really do have this basic safety and happiness that comes from knowing that even as they don’t get all of their wants they have never had a need go unmet. It has not happened.

I want that for my new daughter, too.

Do you know why my children are so convinced that their needs are of utmost importance? Because from the day of their births I have set myself aside to look at them. Is this the most psychologically healthy way to raise children? Oh I assume not. But it’s what I’m doing. Because it is healthier than what I experienced and giving “better than I got” is what most parents can do. We can’t be perfect. We can’t hit the ideal. But if we can give better than we got… that’s kind of shooting the moon, isn’t it?

Know your place

For nine more weeks my primary job is nursing and snuggling. For ten more weeks my secondary job is homeschooling the children and following the charter school guidelines.

I can get through most anything for a set period of time.

We are going to have a month of summer vacation then get started on a year round cycle for next academic year. We agreed that we want to try three months on, one month off for next year because three months of summer vacation is too much.

But first to get through the fourth trimester without exploding from boredom.