Grumpy face

For records: sugar and screen time stuff is rough. Kids aren’t keeping agreements and they are driving me batshit.

I am not giving them Easter candy in their baskets it is so bad. I need a line in the sand. This is it.

I am tired of being asked for sugar after *literally* every bite of vegetables. I’m done.

And EC figured out how to sit on their browser history page deleting stuff she isn’t supposed to look at.

Screen time is limited to academics indefinitely because I need to research key logging software. Cause I always wanted to monitor people like this.

Parenting sucks. But I need to pull the boundaries in hard and fast because I’m about to explode and beat someone. (Not really. But screaming mean words isn’t ok either and I’m running low on self control. I need to act like my limits are real.) If they are acting like velociraptors testing the fence to see where the real boundaries are, time to turn the electricity up so they back off.

I need to enforce boundaries and limits when I am 100% in control of myself. I can’t lose my shit and freak out. That’s wrong. I can instead say, “Sugar and screen time are privileges not birthrights. You have lost both.” Cause holy shit that’s true. I asked them this morning if they think they have been keeping agreements. They acknowledge that they haven’t even a little. At least we agree about how things have been going. Sigh.

This would all be easier if I got more god damn sleep.

I’m debating putting the candy in the freezer but I am more likely to make little baskets and send the kids to deliver the baskets to neighbors tomorrow while I hide the eggs for the hunt.

I’m not takingĀ Easter away and they will still get baskets with treats. But no sugar. We need a break.

April will be as close to sugar free as I can manage. Except fruit. That’s not a problem. It’s like me taking a month off of pot to reset my tolerance levels. My kids need the same thing. Noah does caffeine fasts periodically. So we are doing something with our kids that we do as adults to manage our drug usage. (Caffeine, pot and sugar are all drugs we are addicted to. Let’s be real here.)

We aren’t doing this just to make them feel bad. We need a break so we can try again. Attempting to lower usage levels a little has failed. Tolerance breaks are useful.

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