briefly cause i don’t have hands free

I am not even going to fix lower case letters. Hard to type while supporting a baby head.

Baby is wonderful. She naps independently sometimes! Holy shit!

MC is struggling with spring break tennis camp. Folks are arguing that they “have to be a girl” and calling them a baby for crying and they were told they were crazy. The coach (with a distinctive Australian accent–I’ve heard that trans awareness is not quite as robust as one might hope in Oz) gave lip service to trying to help the kids get along but was persistently using female pronouns for MC. Today MC is wearing boys athletic shorts and a Minecraft shirt in hopes that not wearing a dress will help with people’s perception that they are a boy.

It is hard being a boy in  a dress with long hair. People are assholes. I’m sorry kiddo.

We came home and signed up for summer camp. MC is going to a trans-kids/gender diverse summer camp in the south bay. It will last two weeks and involve kids from all over the world because apparently this camp is utterly unique. I’m excited we have this opportunity. If it is a big enough deal I can imagine us flying back for it in the future. There are apparently several kids from other continents who fly in because there isn’t similar support closer to their homes.

EC gets to sign up for three weeks of camp because city rec camps are so much cheaper. She is taking martial arts, nerf/swimming, and a musical theater one where they will perform Moana.

I was looking at the calendar. Ok. We are busy enough till the end of the year with big stuff.

May gets a Pam visit, the end of the school year, EC’s birthday and Noah flies to Japan.

June is a continuation of Noah’s trip to Japan, his birthday, a Grandpa visit, and it’s Pride month.

July has 3.5 weeks of summer camp.

August has 1.5 weeks of summer camp and MC’s birthday.

September is the trip to Mexico and my birthday and our 12th wedding anniversary in reverse order of how I’m listing them here.

October is a trip to Disneyland for Sarah’s birthday.

November Noah is traveling for work.

That’s only two conferences listed. Are you sure that’s enough, Noah? Doesn’t your company really want you to travel more this year? Not that I want you to go. But I do want you to keep this spiffy, awesome job. Yay for this job. I love having you in the garage every day. Like you are my pet. heh.

Ok, almost time to take kids to camp…

1 thought on “briefly cause i don’t have hands free

  1. Noah

    They do. There’s a Nashville conference at the beginning of August, and I should probably pick one or more international ones (besides Japan.)


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