The meeeeeeeeanest mom evar

I really like the spelling of evar. It gives the word ever the proper whiny intonation.

My kids have been asked to clean up their toys in the back yard a lot over the past few months. If they pick up the toys then our lovely gardener can mow the grass. If there are little land mines every few feet… he can’t.

Guess what the kids didn’t do? That’s right! They didn’t pick up their toys. Now the grass is somewhere around my thigh in height. And there are little toys that could break or break the lawn mower everywhere. Which means the grass can’t be mowed. It has to be pulled by hand.

When my children have done this in the past (refused to clean) I got stuck doing all the pulling. This year… I don’t forking think so. Y’all are big enough.

So they are pulling weeds for five minutes then playing for an hour then pulling weeds for five minutes. They may be out there all weekend. I required clothing that covers all skin and sun block so they don’t burn to a crisp. And right now it is raining a little. They are most put out.

But that grass won’t pick itself. And y’all put us in this situation where a human hand must be involved in every single patch of grass. That makes it your responsibility and not mine. Have fun!

I do bring snacks out to them periodically. I’m not an unfeeling monster.

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