Only positive things

Got rid of two dressers today. Packed several more boxes. Shifted around books and clothes again. Other than books we are very close to having all the kid stuff in the play room. That helps the kids visualize how much they have. With it spread through the whole house they can’t keep doing the “Oh I’ll just bring this with me” dance. They are looking around and feeling a bit overwhelmed.

We have serious art supplies. We should have an art party this summer. We have soooo many kinds of materials.

I think I have either packed or gotten rid of half of our books so far. I’m leaving out the ones I want to encourage the kids to read before it goes into storage.

Tomorrow I’m going to shift the pantry. Open up the garage a bit. Be ready to get rid of one of those shelving units.

I have a vision in my head of how I want the house to look for staged pictures. I hope to take them in September. Rather, I hope to hire someone who is talented at taking pictures and have them come take a bunch of pictures of my house and yard.

The yard is absolutely beautiful. It has finally started arriving where I wanted it to be. I have made magic. I’m a god damn good gardener. *pat self on back*

Right now for science the kids are drawing detailed pictures of the plants in our yard. We are going to make a series of drawings to show how they change this summer. We are carefully labeling the pictures. I am going to have the kids write information about the plants. By the time we move the children will be able to instantly name all these plants forever.

In our heads these plants will mean Wonderland.

I should take more pictures of the plants. The hanging baskets are blooming and they make my heart sing. I will miss this yard.

In my head there is a picture waiting to happen. It will be taken from behind the bench swing in the back yard. It’ll be the back of mine and Noah’s heads. We will be looking through the window at our children playing in the house.

The view I love the most is my front porch looking in.

I have so much tidying and organizing left to do in the yard. I’m looking forward to it.

I feel like I should shave off the blue potato vine. It’s eating the patio area. It’s hard to have enough sunlight for the pots of vegetables.

So much in the ground. We have permanent: apple (3 kinds), plum, cherry, orange, blueberry, strawberry, sage, grape, spearmint, chocolate mint, asparagus, oregano, and tons of non-food plants. This season we have bell peppers, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, a few kinds of beans, sunflowers, and artichokes.

I will miss our little harvest.

Time to brush teeth and go to bed with my baby. Gosh I like her.

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