Diapers and packing

Youngest Child has outgrown the last of the newborn size diapers. She’s just shy of 14 weeks old. That seems right. I’m going to miss them. They were so adorable. One more step. One more thing to move on from.

Oh hey, EC did get another box from her grandmother. She got a bracelet and a necklace. I’m not sure why the grandmother thought they needed their own box… that’s odd. See, it’s good I didn’t do anything with my pissiness. Another box came. I feel like an ungrateful piece of shit but that’s not it.

It’s that on Eldest Child’s birthday it’s crappy to send things for her siblings (and the box came for her dad before hers as well) before her so that she feels like everyone but her is getting a present for her birthday. That part isn’t kind.

I’m trying to present this to EC as lessons in patience and the vagaries of the post office. Even if she put all the boxes in the mail on the same day there is no guarantee how they will arrive.

So I can have my feelings in my head and shut up about them and that’s fine. I can wait. I can send a perfectly polite thank you card in the end that doesn’t acknowledge that I felt ungrateful and bitchy. She doesn’t need to know that.

I do still wish she wouldn’t have sent so much more for the baby than the birthday girl. I mean, really. I will feel the same on each kid’s birthday.

I am enjoying fantasizing about packing. How to organize. How much is necessary. Why things might be a good idea and what things why not. We do a lot of food prep on the go. In the normal course of things I carry around a ridiculous amount of shit in my van.

ack. must stop dithering and take baby

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