Must sit still… so packing.

Baby is nursing. I have tea to drink. I always have chores I can do but I’m not yet behind on the day. So I’ll babble at myself.

Sarah is at a new job so her density of “wow” and “oh” is really high on IM so I feel a little guilty asking her to switch her brain to thinking about my stuff 98,328 times in a day. Maybe if I put it here so she can come read it when she has a few moments then I can feel less guilty. Cause there is no chance I will not tell Sarah all of this. *cough*

There are periods of time where I have squiggly feelings and I don’t talk to Sarah much. Those times suck. I feel like she is my true externalized brain and this computer is just the medium by which I share my meat-matter with her. Why? Because I feel more like I exist when whatever I am doing is worthy of Sarah’s attention.

And shit dude she’s sending me entries from my archive with a very subtle “Take your own damn advice” message. I love Sarah. (Ok her actual words were “Your advice is currently relevant to my job” but it is also timely with my parenting struggles so I choose to see a double meaning there. This is how things work with Sarah. She says things and I extrapolate. She has been my inside voice so long that mostly I extrapolate in positive ways. That’s the best part of having a Sarah-inside-voice. She’s just…not harsh.)

Anyway. Packing.

I have been reading a lot of travel bloggers. It’s neat how everyone has their own distinctive personality. I know that’s true of all these humans… but still. Very different philosophies about what travel means.

The folks who travel with 6 different gaming consoles. Sure. Why not. Folks who bring their family of 7 with 5 serious backpacks and 2 small daypacks. Sure. Why not. Folks who swear that “nice clothes” would be stupid anyway so why bring anything but one pair of jeans and two tank tops. Good for y’all.

On the road trip I brought 9 days of clothes. That was stupid. That was waaaaaaaaay the fuck too much. But the folks who say 3 days of clothes… I don’t want to do laundry that often. 5, 6, or 7. One of those is probably going to be our sweet spot. And we are bringing one nicer set of clothes because we love us some fancy restaurants. Gaming consoles: zero.

I went to Babies R Us yesterday (I DIDN’T BUY ANYTHING) to browse what is going fast and cheap. They are selling Kindle Fires for $25 each. At that price… it’s probably worth doing for books for the kids. I figured I’d come home and talk to Noah and if they are still there in a few days… it’s meant to be. Also they had a stroller that can fold down to small enough to fit in an airline overhead bin (thus, also easily fit on a bus) with one hand. I could easily break down the stroller while holding the baby in the other hand it was so light. While being so light and compact the wheels work better than our current free one and the seat is better and still has a safety bar (which our current sidewalk-special does not and it worries me). But it’s $100 after being 40% off.

Hm. I’ve never had a kid who liked strollers so based on that metric it is stupid beyond belief to buy it. On the other hand… this kid did 5 miles in the sidewalk-special yesterday and only complained for a few minutes and mostly she was thrilled.

Strollers make my wrists and elbows hurt more but my back hurt less. I’m at the point where getting up is a problem because my back hurts so much. (I need to stop moving the bigger boxes… it’s just stupid.) It’s a balancing act.

I am planning to walk to the store today. I will give it a couple more walks with the sidewalk-special. If she is still really enjoying the stroller… I don’t know. Strollers bug the shit out of me. I hate them. I hate using them in crowds of any size. But goddess almighty my back hurts. It hurts so much I want to cry just shifting around in my chair.

A $100 tool to help me be in less pain is not a waste of money. But if I won’t actually use it… anything is a waste of money.


ok. Must go have a day.


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