Waking up happy

I don’t always wake up feeling this way, it’s lovely. We are almost halfway through Noah’s time in Japan and it has gone well. We have a nice early bedtime together and things aren’t so bad. I didn’t sleep well the first night but since I’ve been tired enough to pass out immediately.

Today we are going to SFMOMA. I feel kind of bad. In my head… I asked my kids to research the museums in the bay area. Looking back through the emails I’ve sent them… nope. I only asked them to look at LA museums. Well. Ok then I’ve been an asshole asking them to hurry up and pick a local one. Shit. I apologize for the holes in my memory. I think I wrote a list of them here instead of an email to the kids. Fuck and fuck and fuck.

Ok well… they didn’t get to pick this week. But I’ll send the kids the list and they can help pick for next week. *cough*

The reason they got the email about the LA museums is because there are a ton of them and we won’t be able to see very many. Noah has a work trip to LA in December I think and we are going to be in LA for a week in October. In October we will only spend one day in a museum because the rest of the trip is Disneyland with Sarah. But I think we are coming along in December and we’ll be able to hit two or three other museums. But if there are over a dozen museums in the LA area… we need to narrow down our interest. Thus emailing the kids.

But I thought I sent a separate email about the bay area and nope. Damnit.

I will fix that today. Easy-peasy.

But seeing as EC is seriously motivated by the Museum of Contemporary Art in LA…. SFMOMA seems like another good choice. I am very interested in the art my kids are interested in. I like seeing what they are drawn to and what repels them. I learn so much from them.

Last night EC stayed up reading when the other three of us went to sleep. She used her hiking headlamp so she could stay in the room with us. Everything about this girl is wonderful. I like the way she has this low key preference for being vaguely near us but it isn’t cloying or controlling or demanding. She just enjoys us being together. She doesn’t freak out at separation. She doesn’t resist obvious reasons to be apart. But she likes us so much.

I grew up in a family of people who hated each other. When they sit in a room together they do little other than insult and degrade one another.

My babies would be shocked if they witnessed the behavior that was standard in my family of origin. They would argue back and kindly rebuke the insults.”Don’t say that to someone! You will make them sad!” They care about their impact on people and they really want to be positive. I like my children.

I like the family Noah and I have made.

My larva woke up for a teeny snack and is now sleeping on my arm. That slows down typing.

Rotated diaper laundry cause I fell asleep last night. Whoops. We need them today.

Ok, I did try the massively discounted travel stroller from Babies R Us since the window of being able to buy it for cheap is small. I have gone out on one long outing and one short outing so far with it.

Well… it’s not as hard on my wrists. I’m not sure how or why but it’s fucking brutal on my elbows. I am going to try some tricks today to see if I can change that. It is both more and less stable feeling if that makes sense. The wheels turn very smoothly but having so many joints to be very foldable means you have to exert pressure in exactly the proper places. I don’t love it immensely but it is incredibly handy. It can be helpful on a reasonable sized grocery trip.

And it seriously folds up small enough to be carried like a messenger bag. It’s lighter than my damn diaper bag and can hold 50 lbs. So… is it amazing and wonderful? No. Is it useful? Grudgingly… yes. Maybe. We’ll see. I hope so.

My life is unreal it is so good. I feel like I’m waking up in a fairy story about someone else. *My* life couldn’t be this awesome…

Only it really is.

Have to get ready to talk to my Jenny. Because life is awesome.

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