Monthly Archives: July 2018

Another fucking opportunity for growth

The best part about getting older is I have more patience for my patterns and seasons and shit. I’ve had a rough couple of days emotionally. The people in my house tell me I’m not freaking out at them so that’s good. Internally I am completely fucking freaking out.

I’ve been wanting to mutilate myself a lot. I want to remind myself that I don’t deserve anything and I am not important and I need to just shut up because no one fucking cares what I think.

It’s kind of hard to maintain those thought patterns in this house though. My family thinks I deserve everything. My family thinks I am super ridiculously important. My family wants me to talk and they like hearing what I think.

Sometimes they inadvertently do something that doesn’t land how they mean it and I get upset and I feel like maybe they don’t feel about me the way they do.

But they really do and it’s not ok to force them to jump through hoops to prove it. I have to just believe it.

That’s hard.

I have to grow up to be a nice white lady and except for glowing in the dark I’m not a great candidate. I’m an asshole and a monster and I’m not interested in being nice for you. Only due to racism and structural problems and the fact that I’m a rich motherfucker…

I have to be aware of power differentials and *I* have to be nice. Or I’m the problem.

It’s funny how that’s always been true but now I care more. I don’t want to be this problem. I want to not be this problem. I don’t want to hurt people and that means I have to soften my affect and I have to learn how to communicate without scaring people and I have to compromise.

Fuck all this.

Art. Video games. Respect. Worthiness. Time. Appreciation.

It’s complicated that I have several jobs that take up an enormous amount of my time and brain but folks think of me as just sitting around not doing much.

What does it mean to value someone?

I want to be able to set these boundaries without kicking and screaming and being nasty. I did a fairly good job of backing out of the house deal. I expressed that it wasn’t going to work for me and I needed to back out and I stopped responding.

I don’t need to tell them that I feel like I was punched in the gut and spit on so I want to get nasty. They didn’t punch me in the gut nor spit on me and I don’t need to get nasty. They want what they want and that’s ok. It’s not what I want to offer. That’s ok too.

No one needs to be nasty. It just didn’t work out.

But my insides want to be nasty. I don’t even have anything good to be nasty about. It was a possible deal that didn’t work out. We started out as friends but distant ones and I suspect we will be as close as we would have stayed anyway when I move. Which is to say… we won’t be close and that’s ok.

I am allowed to need color. You are allowed to need cream walls. Totes legit. All cool. Paint any other house, k?

My family wants to be respectful of me with video games. They’ve been doing great at meals on their own. I noped out of a conversation with Eldest Child where she wanted to extensively detail what she wants to do on a video game. I patted myself on the back. I was civil and calm and shit.

And the baby is starting to fuss again.

Touching the fence

There’s this way I get. I think of it as feeling like I touched an electric fence.

My boundaries are being questioned. It always happens in multiple places at once. It always causes me to be reactive and hostile.

Art. Value. Time. Attention. Respect. Video Games.

I’m about to explode.

redoing plans



9-Austin for KRW


LA mid-month

House remodeling stuff?


House remodeling stuff?

Hanging out in Fremont?


8-mouths for all

hepatitis follow up

check in at Santa Barbara?




Bath Ruby? -England



Isle of Ruby? – England

Ruby Elixir? – Taiwan

18-20- Japan for Ruby Kaigi

probably schedule trip back to bay area check on dental stuff.

30-May 2- Rails Conf Minneapolis


Ruby Hack- Ut



Ruby Nation? – Va/Md

Not sure where


kids and I in UK?

Brighton Ruby? – England

dental cleanings due


Euroku? – not sure where

south east Ruby – Tn







Rubyconf? unannounced for date

Still not sure. erf.

Would I be able to do DC-England for conferences-Taiwan for conference-Japan for conference-Minneapolis-Utah without me killing my kids?

Looking at numbers

Since the beginning of my time on Mint I have spent $671,557.96 on my house. That’s all spending.

I started using Mint in September of 2009. So 9 years of tracking. Noah and I were married for three years before that and he bought the house in December of 2002 I think. Let’s call it 16 years of paying on the mortgage. I’m away one year from being done with it.

Obviously the home equity line of credit would own my ass for a few years if I stayed.

If I look at just the bathroom remodel let’s say I put in 9 months of labor (I put in over 2 years) and that I worked 10 hours a day 5 days a week. (In reality I often worked 12-16 hours/day and 6 or 7 days per week.) But just to make the number not seem inflated.

Very conservatively that’s 1,950 hours. I’ll call it 2,000 just to make it easier. I mean… really.

Then there’s the garage. That was not as laborious, but it took quite a bit of work. And the yards.

I understand that a lot of the painting in my house (bedrooms, living room, kitchen) are on the chopping block.

So let’s say that I have put an absolute minimum of 3,000 hours of work on my house.

In between principal and interest and other major home remodeling stuff I’m going to guess that Noah paid $150,000 before I started tracking on mint.

So we’ve paid out of pocket probably at least $800,000 for this house and yard and arbor and play set and and and.

How much is my time worth?

How much is my creativity worth?

Now, paying a lot of money for something doesn’t mean you can get that money back. Sometimes you can’t. That’s a fact and I get that.

Houses in my neighborhood are selling in under a month for over a million dollars.

How much do I value myself and the future I can have with Noah and my kids?


If I make the house neutral enough but leave some symbolic art pieces (most of the garage, the hallway, the bathroom) I can probably find someone who is genuinely excited to own this house with the art.

I won’t get to visit the art again, but such is life.

I wanted to sell to a friend. I wanted to be able to visit the art. But if life isn’t going to grant me that serendipity it isn’t. I can cope.

This is going to be complicated.

Everyone has a price.

I’m pretty sure that everyone who reads this knows I have issues with control. Selling the house is hard on a number of levels. I have put so much physical and emotional labor into this space. It’s complicated because I never wanted to live here… but I grew where I was planted.

I was willing to accept half a million dollars below market value so that I could visit my art in the future and I could feel appreciated for having made these cool things.

My friend came over yesterday and told me that their intention is to paint over the whole house. I think they will keep the tile in the bathroom, but I got the impression that even the trees might be painted over.

I felt like I was punched in the gut.








I can’t devalue how much of my body and life went into this house. I can’t fuck my family financially so you can erase me.

They are going to paint over it with a nice cream.

A nice cream.

I mean, that’s a lovely thing to want. But you can pay market value for wanting that. Market value in my neighborhood starts at $1.2 million, not $750,000. Shitty condos in my area are selling for more than $750,000.

I am cannot subsidize your dreams at the expense of all of my own. Accepting that much less money means Noah will have to wait longer to retire and one of our biggest stated reasons for selling the house is so that Noah can retire earlier.


I can’t accept that offer. I will hate myself until the day I die for accepting that my work here was worth so little money in the scheme of what things are worth in this valley.

The house was a nice cream when I moved in. (Not really. It was a crappy white. But what-fucking-ever.)


I can’t subsidize that. I can’t. It would be violent erasure of myself for me to accept that. It would be accepting that I only deserve to get the actual money I’ve already paid back and my improvements are worthless.


That’s… no.

Apparently my price to be erased is higher than that.

Busy day

  • had protein heavy breakfast
  • dropped kid off at camp
  • 1/2 hour meeting with staff folks
  • took books to Half Price Books
  • acquired Mighty Suitcase for cheap as per Sarah’s instructions
  • ate salad lunch
  • Dr appt to consolidate blood test info with GP & request titer checks
  • scheduled blood draw appt
  • scheduled DMV appt for Real ID
  • followed up with pediatrician office about billing mix up
  • loaded dishwasher
  • changed many diapers, pottied the baby
  • walked 3.3 miles already
  • I even braided my damn hair all fancy
  • wore the baby for almost the whole time we weren’t in the car so oof weight

I’m tired.

Yesterday I caught up on Mint.

If Noah didn’t have such a good job we’d be in trouble. My self discipline has been shit. I am not feeling proud of me.

Noah followed up on the evaluation for Middle Child! Oh I’m so happy he did.

a weekend update

I am so grateful my husband is happy to take the baby for almost the whole day minus feeding time. I am so grateful that my third kid will tolerate being handed off like this. My older kids would have screamed the roof off.

I made my kids spend the whole weekend sorting their stuff. A box for Washington DC (daycare, dear child) (our first hop) and a box for Scotland (second hop) and long term storage and donations. I’m glad we’ve spent the last three months purging because this was still super hard and they didn’t finish.

I understand why my mom spent so much time screaming and hitting me when it came time to pack. This is frustrating as fuck. But I have time so I didn’t scream and I never hit my kids. I feel more compassion for her. She usually had to pack a whole house and move in a weekend or less. I’m spending 5 months on this process. I am creating the space for me to be calm while I do it.

I think most parents are assholes (when they are assholes) because they are overwhelmed and don’t really have enough cope/resources for what they are trying to do.

I spent a bunch of time looking into a POD type storage unit or a local in house place. Given that we have to come back and forth to this area for medical stuff, an in house place will be cheapest and most accessible. I’m pretty happy that we are going to be able to visit the library and check books in and out.  I don’t have to ask friends for very much help. This is ideal. I was anxious about asking other people to do work for me. That’s a good way to sour a relationship.

We are selling our fabulous art house to friends who will properly appreciate it. I’m pretty sure everything will be fine. Until that’s signed and delivered I can’t stop thinking about it. There’s some details about the situation I won’t post publicly. But I have a lot of hope.

It turns out we have too many books about religion to do all of the reading in a twelve month period. It’ll take closer to two years. We went through and put post its on the books today and my daughter laid out how she wants to tackle the subject. I’m proud of just how capable of forethought she is. She’s only ten. She decided that she wants to understand people better and she thinks she won’t be able to wrap her head around people until she gets their religions.

I look up to my daughter. She’s an upstanding little person. I learn so much about how to be kind and giving and loving from her.

My son reminds me every single day that my words have power. My body has power. I can intimidate people or I can help them feel safe. I can be nasty and effective or I can be kind and useful. I don’t have to be terrible to get shit done. He teaches me this deep in my belly. We remind each other to watch our tone because we both uhhhh kind of think hostility is the most comfortable approach. But it isn’t. We have to work on this. We try so hard together and we laugh at our mistakes. I’m so glad I get to learn with this wonderful person.

And our baby is the happiest baby I’ve ever been able to be near. I don’t know what the fuck happened. My older kids were not this happy. I think it’s because she loves her little pod of people. Last night at dinner for the first time I put the baby on a chair in between the big kids for dinner and gave her some toys. She was ecstatic to be with the big kids. She kept leaning towards them in this tender way and laughing.

I feel so very lucky that I get to be here. I am allowed to be part of this family. No one is going to make me leave.

It is very hard to believe this is my life.

I made a bunch of progress on packing the garage. Easter stuff is gone. That feels massive after all the Easter parties. I haven’t been ready to sort Christmas yet. We aren’t going to keep that big of a percentage of the stuff. Definitely the tree ornaments. How much more though?

What is important?

If you fail to plan you plan to fail.

It’s hard to get my thoughts organized. I’m struggling on a few levels. I’m struggling with the need to organize my thoughts and my possessions for the move. I’m struggling with all of my feelings about gender and people transitioning and gender conforming behavior. I’m struggling with my various levels of tolerance for teaching people who are different points on the path regardless of age.

It was refreshing to me to see the counselor visibly coping with how upset she is that so many children at a camp for gender nonconforming kids are doubling down on the binary. Fluidity is valid. There is no trait that belongs to a gender (liking toys, tv shows, or colors, long hair).( deleted pissiness)

I am sometimes foolishly optimistic.


We’ve done a little bit of packing today. I am two boxes away from being done with adult fiction. I need more tape before I can continue. Whoops. We are instead sorting and organizing and putting stuff out on the table. All of the kid stuff that isn’t a book or clothes is now in one room. That’s a huge accomplishment for our little household. They have thrown up on my house over the last few years.

And realistically I haven’t taken things off the walls yet so there’s still school posters up. (Some are down already but not all of them.)


With a weekend long party that ends on the 2nd of the month I need to have the house cleaned up and mostly packed by the end of August.

11: Mexico trip. The only stuff left will be stuff that is coming with us on the permanent travel or stuff we will drop off at Goodwill on our way out of town.

I suspect I should order the pod/packing unit for September 24 and finish filling it by October 5.




Halloween at our house.



9-Austin for KRW


Deal with selling the house? I’m still a hair fuzzy on how this is going to go. I am waiting for a few details on their end because that’s Important.

LA mid-month

Head to DC?




8-mouths for all

hepatitis follow up

check in at Santa Barbara?




Bath Ruby? -England



Isle of Ruby? – England

Ruby Elixir? – Taiwan

18-20- Japan for Ruby Kaigi

probably schedule trip back to bay area check on dental stuff.

30-May 2- Rails Conf Minneapolis


Ruby Hack- Ut

up in the air.


Ruby Nation? – Va/Md


Brighton Ruby? – England

dental cleanings due


Euroku? – not sure where

south east Ruby – Tn







Rubyconf? unannounced for date


That’s the end of my steam for today. I’m weary.

I might be an asshole, but I still need to plan.

There’s a bunch of stuff coming up and I’m feeling incredibly self conscious about the fact that my life is absolutely unfairly ridiculously awesome. What I am doing with my life is available to an incredibly small segment of the population and that’s awkward as fuck. But if I don’t plan because I feel awkward things will fail and then I will get to feel awkward and stupid instead of awkward and like I had some fucktastically cool adventures.

Need to pack more books.

Need to research DC more. Yes museums, but apartments and transportation and grocery shopping stuff. We don’t have dates of arrival yet so I can’t get too married to any one situation. But I should spend a fair bit of time staring at a map and figuring out where Pam lives and getting oriented about all the crap I’m going to need to know. Are there home school park days or drop in stuff?

I need to do more research on Malaysia. To some degree we are going to arrive and go “Now what?” but I want to have a very good idea of where things are. I may want to download a compass app for my phone. I look at maps a lot and I need to be able to orient my internal view of the city.

I have to pack books so I can see how much shit is going into storage so I can figure out what kind of storage company is the best deal. I want to put stuff in storage before we do fun pictures of the house. I need to schedule the photo shoot. We want a last photo shoot here so we can remember.

We talked about having a big party. Maybe. We do miss people. I don’t know how our bodies are feeling.

I need to do more looking around the UK. I’m torn between wanting to spend 6 months in Jenny’s city and knowing that people get awful sick of me and my shit. I keep friends better if I don’t overwhelm people.

Luggage stuff. At this point we have a whole bunch of small carry on bags, one giant roller suitcase, and two small roller suitcases of the carry-on variety.

I need to figure out some sort of frequent flier mileage program and figure out how we are all going to start collecting points. Because the next few years… we will want that.

Travel high chair/booster seat? The options are interesting. I don’t think I’d like one of the ones that attach to a table. I worry that the ones with a fully booster under then will be a pain in terms of bulk to carry around (but they put the kid at table height). Thee are also pure cloth ones that are light, easy to transport… but the baby will be too low to eat off the table.

Car seats. I think we are just figuring out public transit.

Today I should pack boxes. I was pretty lazy/restful yesterday. I should make progress today.

I packed two boxes. I loaded the table in the front yard.

Hold on to that feeling

I was quite schmoopy at bedtime. I have such big feelings about the people under this roof. None of us are perfect and that’s ok. We all screw up. We all do things wrong.

We all want to forgive and move on.

Where are the lines? What are the things that should not be forgiven? I know some bright red lines that if they are crossed I need to set the relationship on fire… but I don’t know if there are other lines I should care about.

I tell my children that if they refuse to learn how to treat people with love and respect they can expect to grow up and be alone and friendless because neither other people nor me will put up with being treated like crap. It’s different to make mistakes when you are a kid and you are learning. If you keep this shit up into adulthood… you won’t like the consequences. Life is hard. Consequences hurt.

I’ve been reading the books Positive Parenting and the authors keep stressing, “What is the goal of this discipline?” It’s a great question. Is your point to punish someone for daring to be an asshole? Is your point to help your kid understand that this behavior will not serve their interests?

This is Don’t Shoot the Dog stuff. What is the goal of your interaction?

It’s also important to keep in mind that many very effective extinguishment tools traumatize the shit out of little kids. Could we extinguish a behavior? YES! Will there be horrible long-term consequences? Absolutely.

I was so much bigger of a problem. I have a hard time seeing my kids as being “stuck” in their current behaviors.

I didn’t get over some of their bad habits until I was in my 20’s. I’m not ready to declare that they can’t grow up.

Are my kids perfect? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa

Phew, let me wipe up the tears from that laughter.

Uhhhhh no. My kids aren’t perfect. My kids are challenging and difficult and quirky and snotty and rude. And absolutely perfect for me in every way. I love them. I adore them. I want them. Even when they suck. It doesn’t slow down my adulation for them to suck. I’m very open minded about people.

Spending time together is the best. These people make me want to keep trying. No matter how much life hurts. I get to see these beautiful shining faces.

I can put up with discomfort for that.


We are making forward progress in about a dozen areas. School continues at a great clip (Personally I’m loving the botany stuff we are doing for science) and by mid-way through this academic year both of my children will be at grade level or above in all subjects. Given that EC started her academic career three years late and had to make up… I’m glad that she’s fully caught up in the third year she is doing academics. So she did a little over two full years of academics for each of her first three years of “school”.

I’m not worried about her abilities in the future.

MC (because of the charter school) didn’t get as behind to start with. We decided to let him start in second instead of third grade because of my pregnancy. He’s probably still a month, maybe two months behind in reading but he is almost caught up and he’s doing great in every other area.

If they continue this rate of progress they will finish elementary school work early. That’d be convenient for me.

We have made a few steps towards the legal stuff we need to take care of. I should call our lawyer tomorrow to schedule updating the will. Always more to do.

We’ve made significant progress towards all of us being vaccinated for the travel that’s coming up. I feel like a walking plague carrier. Cause I kind of am today. Typhoid, Cholera, Hepatitis A, Rabies…. I’m fully loaded baby. We also got a booster update on MMR.

I said when delaying vaccinations for my first child that if our lives were different I would vaccinate differently. Now my third child is absolutely on schedule or getting shots early. BECAUSE WHEN I SAY I WILL MAKE DIFFERENT DECISIONS UNDER DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES I AIN’T JUST MAKING SHIT UP.

We continue to get rid of stuff at a dramatic rate.

I need to go get packing tape so I can pack more boxes. I ran out. I have the boxes… but not the tape. We should walk to the dollar store in the morning. We like that walk.

I have been stupid lately and I’ve eaten too much wheat. I had diarrhea. After many many months of the most perfect poop that has ever come out of my butt. I stopped with the stupid wheat and my poop went back to being beautiful displays of properly processed food. I don’t have celiac disease… but wheat fucks me up.

I am getting closer to a travel solution I like for electronic devices.

I’m almost completely to where I need to be on packing stuff like medications and random other “just for travel” accessories. Of course our clothes and other shit aren’t packed and won’t be for a while.

I’m in the middle of four books and I’m having trouble putting the internet down to finish them. Come on Krissy.

I haven’t made more progress on country research this week. I’m feeling overwhelmed.

My children continue to be people with imperfect behavior. Trying to figure out how to encourage them towards the people they want to be as grown ups is hard. It would be so much easier to just say, “Hey… you’re an asshole. Fine. I’ll be mean to you until you decide to stop being an asshole.” But that doesn’t work. WHY NOT?! IT WOULD MAKE MY LIFE EASIER, DAMNIT. Parenting is really hard. We continue to try ways of helping each other be more loving. Some work and some fail.

I’ve been having this weird feeling lately. I can complain about pretty much everyone and everything. It’s a talent. But that doesn’t mean I think that people are bad or doing everything wrong or that I’m better than them.

If I can point out a problem I see in your marriage or in your child’s behavior… in no way shape or form does that mean that I think my marriage or child is better. We suck. I see my fuck ups as clearly or more clearly than I see yours. I ain’t better than anybody. I’m not a better parent.

Ok, I do believe…. that I am more willing to get outside support for my family than most people. But that’s not a “better than” thing exactly.

Just because I think your kid needs something they aren’t getting that doesn’t mean you are a bad parent. You are a parent who hasn’t yet handled a particular issue.

Do you know how many fucking issues I haven’t solved yet? It’s not issues it’s subscriptions.

I know you are trying. When I point out something I see it isn’t to bludgeon you with what a failure you are because you haven’t already fixed this thing. If you had already fixed everything you would be perfect and boring and who would want to know you? Damn we’d all feel inferior and resent the fuck out of you.

Instead you are beautifully, wonderfully imperfect. You inspire me to be better because you are better than me and worse than me and you keep going and trying. I love you.

I wouldn’t be who I am without you. I’m so glad you are here.

Even if I do think you really ought to help your kid deal with ________ issue.

Shit dude. We are all works in progress. We are perfect works in progress.

Slack continues to make me feel giddy like a school girl. I feel like I have NRE with my friends. Also a stranger on the forums invited me to her private group (where she could discuss the sensitive nature of the scary stuff happening in her life) and I swear to god I almost cried getting that stupid invitation. A stranger saying, “Girl! Of course you need to get in here! I need to hear your point of view!” makes me feel like my crazy codependent fucked up need to talk to strangers isn’t all bad.

Sometimes, I even help. I’m not a superhero or a rescuer or anything stupid like that. I am not saving anyone. I’m just some girl who is telling you that you are important and loved.

Sometimes… that’s enough.

I want

Sometimes it takes me a few minutes of feeling around to get my fingers properly on the home row. Those little nubs are my friends. They gently caress my fingertips and say, “Here I am! Your journey to feeling ok is this way!” From those little nubs I can find anything and I don’t have to look.

Her sweetness doesn’t love me typing around her as she sleeps on my chest. But I’m exploding with feelings.

I want to move around, but I’ve already walked over five miles today and I’m tired.

I want to have sex but I don’t feel even a little bit comfortable leaving her sweetness alone in a room with her shiny new rolling ability.

I want parties and people.

I want to go far, far away.

I want to invite Y to be my date to my 20th high school reunion. She didn’t go to that high school but she went to middle school with us and there is this one dude who has been unable to leave her alone all these years. It would be interesting to see if he has grown up enough to be nice to her finally. Though I have my doubts.

I don’t think I’ll be in town next summer. I will have other things to do.

I want to crave sugar less and I want to have control over my temper.

I want to understand what my children want for their futures so I can help the prepare. Middle Child has some conflicted feelings about home schooling. This is funny to me because he seems to believe that his life would be easier if people made him learn things earlier.

So at this point he’s about 2 months behind “grade level” on English according to the final test done by the charter school and he’s bang on schedule for everything else. It’s not even like the child who is behind feels like they would benefit from school. But the kid who is caught up… he kinda wishes I made him go to school. Every year when it’s time to sign up for school he says no. Then at the end of the year he yells at me that he should have gone to school.

I need to not take on feeling bad because I cannot please my child. Some people don’t want to be pleased. That needs to be ok. Sometimes, he’s truly not in the damn mood to be pleased and that’s ok. It’s not about me. I don’t need to let it wreck my day. He can have his own feelings and I can have my own feelings and we can sit back to back and sigh loudly about how annoying feelings are.

I tell my children that they are perfect *and* they are works in progress because that is how being human works. You are always perfectly yourself and there are always aspects of you that could use some improvement. There is no such thing as a finished person. Keep growing.

I want to go far far away and meet people who have never lived how people live here. I want to ask questions and listen to answers. I don’t want to change people; I want to learn. Yo quiero aprender. I need to not be embarrassed about all the mistakes I’m going to make. It’s ok to sound stupid. It’s kind of unavoidable.

I want to learn how my assumptions are wrong. I want to learn why what I want is and is not possible.

I want to watch my children lean on each other and laugh. The way they enjoy one another overflows my heart with joy.

My life is not fair. It is so ridiculously good that I cannot wrap my head around it. There’s a lot to schedule… but I like a challenge.

To do list for moving/travel

  • Update all passwords because I’ve been using the same fucking thing for over 20 years and that’s ridiculous. Luckily, I have infosec friends who will help me be less stupid over the next 20 years.
  • Go through pantry and make a physical list for Noah with meal suggestions. (It’s not fair to leave this mental task all to him.)
  • Fill out medical forms for travel clinic
  • Fill out legal forms
  • Contact lawyer for updating the trust & will
  • Drop off form to doctor
  • Pack books
  • Keep dispersing personal possessions
  • Make giant list of camping gear/trailer stuff for an ad. It’ll be easiest to get rid of all that in one go as a “Burning Man Special”


I’m sure there’s more. I’m so tired.


I’m proud of us

We had a conversation at breakfast about the ice cream. I was clear that I don’t know what to do. I asked kids what they think. Noah had thoughts.

It was nice to talk through things like, “I could over react and say that we can’t buy ice cream anymore or we can only buy vanilla but I feel like neither would solve this problem.”

Eventually we came up with the idea that since we usually buy multiple containers at once we just aren’t allowed to have more than one kind that I won’t eat at a time. Since the kids will freely admit that they eat ice cream that they don’t like very much before the stuff they bought for themselves that I won’t eat at all.

I like a few kinds. Vanilla, cherry vanilla, butter brickle, chocolate chip, cookies and cream, butter pecan…

I just don’t like everything. And it’s annoying that we will go for a month or two with many kinds of ice cream in the freezer I won’t eat. So Noah buys me a container and it’s gone a week later because the kids gorged on the one for me and then go back to slowly picking at their containers.

I don’t know how to have this boundary in a loving way. I’m not even sure I know what it means.

I don’t feel even remotely ok with needing to have all my stuff be separate and labeled with my name. That just feels awful.

I know this is petty as fuck. It’s about the ice cream but it’s not about the ice cream. It’s about consideration and sharing and perceiving other people as worthy of notice.

Feeling petty

My kids ate my ice cream–but they left the kind they bought for themselves.

They think they like variety. Then they come home and eat all of my vanilla.

Because fuck everything, vanilla is the best.

But we have to buy the other flavors! So that they can eat the vanilla.



*cat butt face*


This is how I know I don’t have real problems and I laugh at myself. This is my irritation for the day. This is the problem.

I mean, my entire body hurts like fire and standing up is sometimes really really hard…

But I’m safe. I’m loved. My family is mostly really considerate and wonderful and loving.

I think I’m going to stop letting them buy other fucking flavors of ice cream. All vanilla. Because then I have no reason to be angry when you finish up a container of ice cream. There will be another vanilla sitting there instead of lime sherbet.

It’s not that lime sherbet is bad. It’s not. There are times when it is perfectly acceptable. But I have to be in the mood. 99% of the time ice cream should be vanilla or get the fuck out. Maybe little pieces of chocolate are allowed to decorate the vanilla goodness.


Ok, so vanilla and vanilla with chocolate chunks.

Acceptable choices to always always always have. WHY DID YOU BRING HOME PISTACHIO AND LIME SHERBET?!?! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?????

If I actually yelled any of this I would be an abusive nasty bully. Instead I’m silently typing it and giggling at myself.

I did talk to Noah first, earlier in the kitchen. He’s very patient with me. He’s good at saying that it’s ok for me to feel irritation even if the kids are behaving fine and I’m fine and…. life is irritating. That’s ok.

I wouldn’t trade them for all the vanilla ice cream that ever was. And even though they are my entire forking world


Damnit. That sucks.

This is like that damn Rocky Road that sat in the freezer for months until Noah finally ate it for the kids. Sheesh.

Stooooooop buying other ice creams. You don’t actually like them very much… I don’t like them very much…

It’s not like I was deprived. I could have had a candy bar. I could have had brioche. My life is not hard when it comes to food. Fuck, if I wanted to go to the damn ice cream store this minute I could.

If I wanted to send Noah to the store for ice cream I could. I’d rather be pissy; I guess. And now the baby is trying to suck on my thigh. Guess I’m done being able to type. Fuss.

7.5 months till night weening. I can’t wait.

I don’t wanna grow up; wish I’d never grown up.

Ok. If I want to be loving and respectful towards the people who have already given me commitments around helping me I need to get my head around what that timeline means. And soon.

Do I have ten years to get everything in place and build the network? What does that mean? My baby girl isn’t going to be safe/ok if I start field research in the next ten years. But that means in the next ten years I need to get to the point where I can cite chapter and verse on all the current incest research. I am going to travel and meet people and make friends in distant and diverse lands.

Because that *is* part of my skill set.

So I think I’m shooting for 2030. That’s probably when I want to have a big group organizational meeting and actually get IDB going as a “Everyone is assigned tasks and we build the network and figure out who is doing what and…”

I have just over ten years to go meet the people who will be on a team with me.

I had to stop and rewrite that sentence. It won’t be *my* team. Perspective matters. I will go meet folks who want to form a team. But I will not be looking to be their boss.

What is it that I am still referring to?

I need to get hygiene, physical maintenance (exercise and eating), and my god damn temper under control.

I can’t keep yelling under stress or I am going to be the abusive bully who wrecks the whole project. That’s sure as the sun coming up tomorrow.

It isn’t that I have to stop having or expressing emotions. It is that I have to figure out constructive ways of dealing with my emotions. *That* is a lot of what I mean when I say I will grow up. I have continuously made progress over the past 18 years of legal adulthood. But I am not where I want to be.

And that’s… yeah. I’m running out of time on this stage. This work is complicated.

I need to get my personal schedule figured out so I can write the books I need to write. I need to re-edit Outrunning and start selling it. The folks who have read it have given me mostly positive reviews… beyond saying it is really hard to read because it is so intense. I think I have figured out that there need to be more than book about the 18-25 period of my life. One part is going to be Part 2 and it will be written with my children as the Ideal Readers and it will not be juicy and sexy and tawdry. But it will be honest about my behavior and it will talk about what I learned and why.

And more than anything I hope I get my ass in gear to write about the education I received at the hands of the Middle Aged Guard. Gosh. I want to write about the Wednesday munch and the Saturday parties and what function they had in my life. Because you were all so important and I love you so much and I don’t know how to honor the gift I was given better than to show its beauty.

I *was* taught a lot of lessons very directly. I’m lucky.

So I want to edit Outrunning but keep it as a book for adults. I need to write the 12 year old version of the same book…. but I think I need both editions. I want to write Part 2. I want to write about the Middle Aged Guard. Then I can write about Wonderland.

I feel both like I am disgustingly self obsessed and like I am trying to get a handle on my own complexity so that I can give more and that’s really not about self obsession.

So that’s what I want to get done in the next ten years, I suppose. Write those books. Figure out how to sell them. Meet The People. My Youngest Child is not going to get 18 years of Mom-Companion in the same way the big kids have. I need to go do this work.

No one gets everything.

I need to get busy.

I’ve read the books (on incest). I’ve read the studies. But I didn’t practice with the titles and details until I can recite them chapter and verse. I have to. Even though that’s going to be depressing as shit.

The work I pick is depressing. It’s a good thing I have so much sunshine in my personal life.