a weekend update

I am so grateful my husband is happy to take the baby for almost the whole day minus feeding time. I am so grateful that my third kid will tolerate being handed off like this. My older kids would have screamed the roof off.

I made my kids spend the whole weekend sorting their stuff. A box for Washington DC (daycare, dear child) (our first hop) and a box for Scotland (second hop) and long term storage and donations. I’m glad we’ve spent the last three months purging because this was still super hard and they didn’t finish.

I understand why my mom spent so much time screaming and hitting me when it came time to pack. This is frustrating as fuck. But I have time so I didn’t scream and I never hit my kids. I feel more compassion for her. She usually had to pack a whole house and move in a weekend or less. I’m spending 5 months on this process. I am creating the space for me to be calm while I do it.

I think most parents are assholes (when they are assholes) because they are overwhelmed and don’t really have enough cope/resources for what they are trying to do.

I spent a bunch of time looking into a POD type storage unit or a local in house place. Given that we have to come back and forth to this area for medical stuff, an in house place will be cheapest and most accessible. I’m pretty happy that we are going to be able to visit the library and check books in and out.  I don’t have to ask friends for very much help. This is ideal. I was anxious about asking other people to do work for me. That’s a good way to sour a relationship.

We are selling our fabulous art house to friends who will properly appreciate it. I’m pretty sure everything will be fine. Until that’s signed and delivered I can’t stop thinking about it. There’s some details about the situation I won’t post publicly. But I have a lot of hope.

It turns out we have too many books about religion to do all of the reading in a twelve month period. It’ll take closer to two years. We went through and put post its on the books today and my daughter laid out how she wants to tackle the subject. I’m proud of just how capable of forethought she is. She’s only ten. She decided that she wants to understand people better and she thinks she won’t be able to wrap her head around people until she gets their religions.

I look up to my daughter. She’s an upstanding little person. I learn so much about how to be kind and giving and loving from her.

My son reminds me every single day that my words have power. My body has power. I can intimidate people or I can help them feel safe. I can be nasty and effective or I can be kind and useful. I don’t have to be terrible to get shit done. He teaches me this deep in my belly. We remind each other to watch our tone because we both uhhhh kind of think hostility is the most comfortable approach. But it isn’t. We have to work on this. We try so hard together and we laugh at our mistakes. I’m so glad I get to learn with this wonderful person.

And our baby is the happiest baby I’ve ever been able to be near. I don’t know what the fuck happened. My older kids were not this happy. I think it’s because she loves her little pod of people. Last night at dinner for the first time I put the baby on a chair in between the big kids for dinner and gave her some toys. She was ecstatic to be with the big kids. She kept leaning towards them in this tender way and laughing.

I feel so very lucky that I get to be here. I am allowed to be part of this family. No one is going to make me leave.

It is very hard to believe this is my life.

I made a bunch of progress on packing the garage. Easter stuff is gone. That feels massive after all the Easter parties. I haven’t been ready to sort Christmas yet. We aren’t going to keep that big of a percentage of the stuff. Definitely the tree ornaments. How much more though?

What is important?

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