Oh, that sucks

I’ve been feeling upset for a while because I don’t have any money in my personal section of the budget so I don’t get to go do fun things. I blew my fun budget on my cousin coming to visit. Only arranging pet care was too onerous and she didn’t get on the plane. After asking me for several hundred extra dollars in the final 48 hours to make sure she could come.

So I’m feeling broke and pissy. The kids get to go do their shit because their money is separate from mine. Only we spend money on the kids doing stuff and they get sick or bored and don’t actually want to go to theĀ  things I’m spending so much on.

Turns out that my budget was a fucking $1,000 over because when Noah and the kids went to Texas without me… that got labeled as my fun money. This is my unhappy face. No wonder I’ve had such a shitty year. I’m paying off them getting to visit their family after I pay off trying to get my family to visit me only I’m not worth it.

I really wanted to spend the summer exploring the bay area. Instead I’ve spent it yelling about chores.

Fuck everything.

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