Milestones: Six months today

Her Sweetness is sitting up on her own very well. She is doing what I consider equivalent to signing, “Put food in my mouth.” We have started solid foods. She now reaches towards food and points to her mouth. It’s within nodding distance of the sign for “eat”. She’s really clear about indicating that she wants to nurse. In general she is a cheerful, talkative soul.

She sleeps pretty well but she still nurses 2-4 times a night.

She adores all of her Bigs. She thinks her siblings are perfection and wonder.

We are enjoying having her in the family.

She knows that her toy bin is hers and she gesticulates forcefully to tell people to bring it to her. Then she tries to climb in it.

She loves to use the toilet in the morning. She loooooooooooves baths and that is still the most reliable way to get her to sleep.

She likes car rides. How did I get a kid like this? She loves the stroller. She loves being carried. She loves her swing. She’s a happy baby.

She likes to pick her own clothes out and she gravitates steadily towards stripes. No sign of teeth and no sign of standing or crawling.

She’s glorious and I love everything about her.

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