Find gratitude: Texas edition

My in-laws are being shockingly polite. It’s good to see Noah’s siblings. I like them just fine. The kids did well with the travel, as usual.

EC is having trouble maintaining her self discipline to blow through math. She’s only 18 days behind! I need to stop being a whiny bitch about her not catching up till Christmas. She might not make Disneyland, but she’ll be caught up by Malaysia.

My kids were very happy to play with their grandparents.

I uhhh fucked up packing. I grabbed a bag with Noah’s fancy shoes instead of the one with his clothing for this trip. Fuck. Shit. God damnit all to hell. He had to run to Target this morning and get underwear and a couple of shirts. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. (Although I will say that the shirt he got is a really pretty color and matches his eyes in a lovely way.)

Middle Child read the entire library book he borrowed for the Kindle. I need to teach him how to download this stuff so he can get his own books. I really don’t want to have one more thing to do. I feel guilty. I feel like I’m being lazy.

I feel like I should be reaching out more to Noah’s little sister. She’s my kind of people living in a place where she’s not especially embraced. I like her just fine. That would be healthy for all involved.

And Sarah sent me a list of dessert places in Austin I should try…. donuts……..

2 thoughts on “Find gratitude: Texas edition

  1. Blacksheep

    Golden Bear and I once drove to LA for a funeral and left our good clothes nicely hung in our bedroom. Cue trip to Men’s Wearhouse. I don’t even remember what I did.


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