Bodily functions

I hate how much my sleep cycle is interrupted by bodily functions. Rude.

I have not finished packing school stuff for the kids. It’s two weeks so we need noticeable school stuff. We will pack that together this morning.

I am grateful we are not taking a car seat. Dealing with that in the airport is a royal pain. (No rental car on the far side. I read that you are absolutely suicidal if you try to drive there. There is instead a handy train that goes from the airport right to city center.)

Also, Philippine Airlines allows up to two checked bags per person for free! *faint* Less shit to fight with on the plane sounds great right now. When I was younger and single I flew with only carry on. Now that I am an old person managing three kids… checking bags is so awesome. We are going to check four this time. That way all we will carry on are electronics, diapers, and on-the-plane entertainment. That will be easier on us.

My lovely neighbor is dropping us off and picking us up from bart for this trip because the last leg between our house and public transit is rough on the kids when we get back. She’s happy to take us both ways though. That’s easier on me.

Eldest Child is one week behind on math. I think she’s going to do four hours of academics, then come explore with me, then come back and do more math until she hits her count every day. Missing a luxurious Mexican vacation at Club Med is different from missing the chance to see a major city in a country we will probably never come back to.

I am totally going back to Mexico someday. And I will not go to a resort. I will go to real cities and see real things. Club Med was a lot like Disneyland. I don’t feel she missed anything important by not playing in the kids club all day.

She would miss out if she didn’t get to see Kuala Lumpur.

Who cares if she misses out on Disneyland. No school work, no Disneyland. But Kuala Lumpur….

I think she will be caught up by the time we get home. *cross fingers*

The schedule I hope we will be able to settle into: breakfast-chores-academics-lunch. Go explore. Come back for a rest. Go out enough to figure out how to arrange for dinner (might be a grocery store trip, might be to a restaurant). Then more academics for EC and playing games for the rest of us after dinner.

If we do our work promptly then we should be able to explore the city for 3-5 hours every day. That’s a fair bit of walking.

And Noah was helpful and kind and put the case on my phone so hopefully I will have pictures of Malaysia now that I don’t have to be paranoid about breaking my phone again.

In a few more minutes I am going to go to the store and get breakfast stuff. We really have nothing in the house (as we should!) and breakfast is soon.


Stop typing, Krissy. Just…. stop.

I’ve deleted over a thousand words. Talk about yourself, motherfucker. You are the only person you can influence.

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