More on Kuala Lumpur

I remain thrilled with this city. The food is so good. The scenery is so beautiful. I am reminded by the army of people working to clean every moment of the day that this kind of beauty isn’t natural in the polluted world we live in. You can’t walk five minutes in KL without seeing people cleaning. Usually several. Like, the public bathrooms have attendants who mop out the stalls between people. (Bidets are everywhere and I get the impression that folks aren’t that good about keeping the water in the toilet.)

Side note about the most important data that everyone cares about: solid poop has resumed! I’m excited! The bidets are incredibly helpful and comfortable for my poor hemorrhoids that have not receded since my last pregnancy. And it occurs to me that above the water/food/sleep deprivation…. the thing that has always liquified my bowels the fastest…. heat. Damn it’s hot here. I’m adjusting though. I’m also taking these “don’t have diarrhea” pills that I got from the travel clinic. They aren’t a treatment, they are a preventative. They are mostly cow colostrum and I think they are helping. Anyway.

We are spending a lot of time in/near the local mall. Not because we are buying lots of clothes or random stuff but because that’s where the grocery stores are and you can cut through the mall to get to the park and holy tomato the mall is FULL of deeeeeelicious restaurants. We went there for lunch. We will go to a different restaurant there for dinner. Because holy cheese we want to try all the food.

Random note: in the fancy Thai restaurant we went to (the head chief used to be one of the main chefs for the king of Thailand) didn’t have yellow curry. That made me wonder if yellow curry is mainly a US adaptation? Kind of like how Chinese food in the US is not like real Chinese food?

There are two gigantic malls across the street from one another. Near as I can tell they are divided by price point: moderate or $$$$$$$. Like, every fancy brand I’ve ever heard of is here. I walk past the stores and don’t really notice what is in them because…. I would never shop there. But the food is good!

French brie costs ~ $35. Eeek. (We did not buy any.)

I am surprised by how many US brands I see in the grocery stores. Like, we bought Cheerios when our tummies were upset because it is familiar and simple.

It’s hot in a way that climbs inside you and makes you wilt and move slooooowwwweeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr.

Frankly I don’t understand how these construction workers cope. It’s brutal.

I am still struggling with dealing with laundry. I have to run it constantly. But I’m still happier with cloth diapers because of situations like today. The only baby changing station is approximately a 1/4 mile walk from the food court down several stories. Fuck that. I will just squat in a bathroom stall and change the diaper on my lap. With cloth diapers that snap… easy peasy. No fuss. I can’t do that with a disposable. It slips and moves and never gets to the right dang position. I suck at disposables. I can’t do it with a velcro diaper either. Snaps =  awesome. But next time we travel I will bring fewer diapers. Our whole stash is pointless here.

The apartment… well it’s a good thing it won’t be allowed to be rented out anymore. The building is banning short term rentals. We check out the day before people incur punishments  for doing this. Whoops. But it’s dirty. And we found glass shards on the counter. And the pans were disgusting and not washed. It’s kinda gross.

Not relevant to KL, but cool in general: Eldest Child is caught up to this week of math! She’s still a couple of days behind but this is great! She has worked really hard. She has had days when she didn’t and I was frustrated…. but she has caught up. In the past two months she has done five months worth of math. And those five months of math are really more like six months in a normal academic year because she’s trying to get through two academic years in one year. So… she deserves recognition of that.

I’m struggling with the lack of pot. I’m being too bitchy. I made Middle Child cry today and I feel really bad about it. It’s not that I did anything big or really over the top. I’m just nit picking and sniping about stupid shit and I really need to stop. He doesn’t deserve this from me.

I feel like I have been picking on him lately and I really don’t like myself for it. He deserves better from me. He’s such a good kid. He tries so hard.

And…. it turns out EC has been using data on her phone because she wanted to look things up on fucking google when she is banned from the computer. Ok. Well. There goes my blood pressure.

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