Find gratitude

Today I got Christmas cards in the mail. Including someone I love so much I feel like I will burst. And one from someone I have thought was justĀ amazing for almost 20 years. And another. Because my friends think of me.

Today I have the most delicious relief from some of my pain. It went solidly from a 6 to a 5. That’s awesome. Thank you Taylor.


I love this baby. She makes my heart soar. My big kids are pretty awesome too. I enjoy getting to know them. I feel like we are finding our way back to the part of our relationship that works best for us.

Oh that husband of mine. He’s really generous and kind. He’s gentle and thoughtful. He manifest every day in so many ways that he wants to demonstrate love with his actions. When I’m in a good place it feels darn inspirational.

I’m grateful I have a nice neighbor who is helping me with this process in a way that involves him just walking over and inserting himself in finding solutions.

I am glad that we are almost to the finish line of this project. I’m tired.

I am grateful that I get to eat delicious food. I am earning these belly rolls.

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