Financial shifting sucks

Good golly I feel overwhelmed. Today Noah set up his direct deposit to stop going to the credit union and it will be split between two new banks. One international checking account and one US bank that has a safe deposit box attached to it.

The US bank will be where I funnel the donation stuff because the account has to be active enough or we can’t have the safe deposit box. I will probably also have a handful of direct deposit stuff come out of there but I will need to transfer money periodically to cover that. Ack. I just need to haveĀ enough transactions a month and I’m not sure what that will even mean.

The US bank doesn’t have a lot of money in it yet and the international account is still completely empty because deposits haven’t hit yet. We have 31 more days at this address.

We may want to save closing the credit union account until we come back after the cruise. We’ll see. We just can’t access this very well as we travel. The kid bank accounts are staying there. We will access them when we come through town. Savings account?

I need to run my credit and probably freeze it. Not today. For some reason that’s freaking me out.

Do you know how many things we can stop paying for soon?

  1. Gardener
  2. Car insurance
  3. Gas
  4. Home owners insurance
  5. Electricity
  6. Gas
  7. Water
  8. Internet
  9. US phone numbers (I need to figure out transferring to VOIP)
  10. HELOC
  11. Property taxes

That’s a lot.

Now I have to wait for money to arrive in those accounts. And I need to get a picture of my IDs in PDF form for the stupid mail forwarding company. Everything is 97 steps. Uploaded the jpgs. Now I wait for them to be reviewed.

Do the thing. Wait. Do the thing. Wait.

Hurry up. Stop.


Money is freaking me out.

I don’t know what to think or feel right now. Kinda numb. Ok. I’m going to stop being numbers productive. I’ve done at least 3 steps. That needs to be enough for today.

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