Phone calls I need to make this week.

If I give myself a week to make these phone calls I might get them all done today. If I planned them all for today I might get none of them done.

Good grief.

  • AAA
  • Wyndham
  • Capital One
  • Jenny

We need international driving licenses and for everything else to have the new address. We are almost done. We need to go visit our banks this week. Once the rain fully stops I am going to put stuff out on the driveway again. Looks like Tuesday afternoon.

I have a bunch of travel arrangements to make. I have us getting to Hawaii. I have an apartment for Hawaii and a different apartment in Japan. I don’t know how we are getting from Hawaii to Japan. I don’t know how we are getting from airports to places. I need to do some research. Eeep.

We are going to be in Hawaii for 4 weeks. I think we will only have a car for 1 week. And it’ll be half a week at the beginning and half a week at the end. There is a grocery store as far from the house as our local grocery store is from this house–basically, that’s no trouble.

Lots of time spent booking arrangements in my week. I need to book:

  • waxing before we go because I am vain
  • hotel for one night between cruise and Hawaii
  • transportation between cruise and Hawaii
  • car for beginning of Hawaii
  • car for end of Hawaii
  • plane to Japan
  • how are we getting from airport to house in Japan
  • travel in Japan? (look at trains, look at rental cars–with 5 bodies trains might be $$$$$)
  • plane from Japan to Minneapolis for Noah
  • hotel in Minneapolis for Noah
  • plane from Japan to Scotland for me and kids
  • where are we staying first in Scotland? I assume Inverness but I should schedule a chat with Jenny
  • plane from Minneapolis to Scotland for Noah

That’s probably plenty of planning. That gets me up through May. That’s a 3 month window. And we’ll be in Scotland May/June/July except for weekend trips. I will probably book those weekend trips from Hawaii.

Phew. That’s a thing or three.

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