Today I booked…

  • waxing
  • hotel in SF between cruise and Hawaii
  • car for beginning of Hawaii
  • car for end of Hawaii
  • emailed folks about the van hand off and transportation needs in SF
  • We want the Kuko line in Fukuoka. It will take ~22 minutes from the airport to our apartment. When we get to our stop, it’s a 5 minute walk. Awesome
  • I don’t think we’ll rent a car in Japan:
  • Holy crap! Japanese law says that babies don’t need to be in car seats while driving if you are a)in a taxi (logical) or b) nursing or changing a diaper!!! Whoa


I literally can’t look at us leaving Japan today. I can’t. My brain says it will melt. We are booked through April 22nd. Hopefully I can handle dealing with that step tomorrow because it would be super nice to have all of this done this week.

I’m feeling quite pleased with my progress. This is happening.

I still need to get to:

  • plane from Japan to Minneapolis for Noah
  • hotel in Minneapolis for Noah
  • plane from Japan to Scotland for me and kids
  • where are we staying first in Scotland? I assume Inverness but I should schedule a chat with Jenny
  • plane from Minneapolis to Scotland for Noah

2 thoughts on “Today I booked…

  1. Noah

    You’ve done *great* for today. Also, either I should do the Minneapolis stuff myself or I should show you how to use the company travel stuff. So it won’t have to go on our credit cards and do reimbursement, they can pay for it.

    Or wait, did I already show you how to use the company stuff? I’m forgetting now.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      You showed me but I effectively can’t have the password. Booking through our credit cards and getting reimbursed means that we get the benefit of all the points that can be used to defray other travel costs. Your trip to Minneapolis would probably be enough points to pay for your flight to Scotland.


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