
“It’s a shame you choose to take it that way. I see people trying to help you.”

When I say, “I should back out of this conversation because I am incapable of hearing feedback in a positive way”… telling me that it’s a shame I am ‘making this choice’ is really harsh.

I’m autistic. I have ADHD. I have PTSD. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I have depression. But sure, if I’m having a bad day I should just buck up and choose to Be Positive! It’s a shame I don’t make that choice!

Thanks for helping me feel like my problems are because I am lazy and bad and I just won’t make the right choice.

Maybe that is one more place I need to stop going to talk to people.

1 thought on “Choices.

  1. Alison

    I am sorry your brain is not being kind to you lately. I hope things start to get easier for you soon. Hugs


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