I need a god damn break.

The friends who said they were itching to spend lots of time with my kids? Yeah. *cough* The big kids had a single three hour visit. Now folks are sick or their work schedules are difficult and they aren’t sure if they are going to be able to take the kids again. After years of begging us to come here.

Or rather, she wants me to bring one kid at a time for an hour long visit so she can enjoy them. But I will have to walk 3 miles for each of these nice visits for her and entertain the other two kids while she makes one kid at a time feel special. That sounds like a lot of fucking work for me.


So. We are checking into Aulani for one night (time share points, no money) because my big kids can go to their club house for 10 hours the day we check and the day we check out. Sounds fucking perfect. I’m paying for 4 hours of in room babysitting for Her Sweetness.

There. I can have a break. Motherfucker.

I just need to act like I don’t have any friends and I need to go pay for it. Sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn’t.

And the day before we go check in I am getting a 3 hour Thai massage.

I may not be able to find friends who want to spend time with me, but I can pay money for medical services. It’s… almost like being cared about.

The funny thing is when I get off the island my buddy is going to go back to texting me about how lonely she is and she can’t find anyone who wants to hang out with her. Cry me a river.

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