Monthly Archives: March 2019


“It’s a shame you choose to take it that way. I see people trying to help you.”

When I say, “I should back out of this conversation because I am incapable of hearing feedback in a positive way”… telling me that it’s a shame I am ‘making this choice’ is really harsh.

I’m autistic. I have ADHD. I have PTSD. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I have depression. But sure, if I’m having a bad day I should just buck up and choose to Be Positive! It’s a shame I don’t make that choice!

Thanks for helping me feel like my problems are because I am lazy and bad and I just won’t make the right choice.

Maybe that is one more place I need to stop going to talk to people.

It’s all negative.

I can’t hear feedback as positive today. Or yesterday. Everything sounds in my brain like confirmation of what a complete piece of shit I am. I will never be able to solve any of these problems because I am stupid and worthless. I was born worthless I will die worthless. Why am I burning so much energy to try?

I am so tired. I feel so sad. I feel like I will never ever deserve to feel better than this because I am so pathetic.

And I feel like my inability to hear anything as positive is part of why I am so bad and I deserve to suffer.

Twitch, twitch: money.

As of today all of our bank accounts are linked for transfers. This means that in 3 days I can verify that they are all linked for transfers and start playing financial games. This is terrifying.

We have three checking accounts. Why? Because one is best for international usage (it will flat *work* in more countries… which seems wise…), one is so we can have a safe deposit box (must have an active checking account or no box!), and the other one is so that the kids can continue to have their savings accounts at the bank we have been using for years.

Trying to decide how to shuffle the money around is both daunting and exciting. I feel kind of sick about how much money I am passing around.

I need Noah to help me with Mint for a few minutes and that’s sounding awful. Ugh.

I should go back through and do the “end of year” review for 2018 money. Ha. I have? Had? the screen shots.

This makes my stomach hurt. Handling money for 30 minutes feels like running for 3 hours. I am so tired and stressed.

And I have a bunch of account information to fix with Mint and *panic*. Calm down, Krissy. If this has to be broken up over a week… it’ll be fine. You’ll get it done. With a baby whining on your back. Because that’s the deal.


And I’m looking into medication stuff for Japan. That’s a bit tricky! I have… slightly more Lorazepam than they would prefer I bring, because I need it for Scotland afterwards. I have to pray I don’t get in trouble or get it confiscated. That’s sad. It’s not on their “Fuck you don’t bring it” list… but…

I’m ditching the DayQuil.

Ok, the 529s for the older two kids are now funded. I have not yet opened one for Youngest Child. And… I think I left her SS card in storage so I don’t know if I *can* open one right now. Ok.

I need to quit for today. Our Mint budget is not acceptable. But I can’t do more right now without getting mean.

Sensible heads prevail

I was looking at our passports last night, and the expiration dates, and what countries we are going into soon… oh. We need to have two passports renewed. ASAP. Or… Thailand and Taiwan will complain because they want your passport to be still valid for a long time after you enter, not a short time.

Ok, we will be in the Portland/southern Washington region longer than I hoped. More like two months. I think I am going to attempt to extend the AirBnB in Inverness and just extend that portion to meet up with when we have to get to Washington. That’s less moving for the kids. It’s only another couple of weeks. Noah will be going to Rotterdam and Brighton without us. I need to handle passports and we have a hard deadline of going to Bangkok the first week in September so… gotta get shit taken care of.

At least I can have pot.

I haven’t bought all the airline tickets and middle stops for Noah yet. But I have a line item to do list in our travel compilation doc. It’ll all get done over the next few days.

I think we stayed too long in Hawaii. Our local friends are getting flakey. “I will call you on Friday to tell you when I want to hang out” has turned into not hearing from her on Friday or Saturday and my kids are starting to twitch with anticipation. We leave in 14 days. The kids blew the first week. They got to see friends once the second week. Now we are entering the penultimate week and they have no plans made. I am doing my best to rest and not care. I need to not care what anyone else is doing.

I shared food with the homeless folk at the beach so they gave me a hit of pot. I was surprised I felt is since my tolerance is normally so high. My belly went, “Oh that. Yes please, more.” Alas, I am not going to ask them for tons.

Things are improving, but we still have stuff to work on. Because we are human.

But I am: not on the medication that many doctors think is the last resort for me to get my shit together, my sleep is interrupted constantly and I’ve been functioning on 4-5 hours of sleep for years. This mattress sucks and my back is starting to hurt. Babysitter’s mama has asked about taking my kids one at a time for a special outing. This sounds nice for them and like I won’t get any kind of fucking break because the two kids who are left will be like “Hey that kid is getting extra attention I WANT EXTRA ATTENTION TOO” and I am going to melt down. Taking one kid at a time does not give me a break, unfortunately.

I did some, but not all of my PT yesterday. I’m having so much trouble yelling at everyone to leave me alone long enough for me to do them. If I start and the demands start… I stop and just give up. I am so tired of trying to force enough space for me to get to have anything. I read books 1-2 pages at a time in between interruptions and it is so frustrating.

I simultaneously feel like I am losing my mind and like I am just becoming more and more numb. I am so weary. I am not exploding as much. Maybe they aren’t hitting my electrified boundaries in the same way? I’m still snippy and impatient. But I’m impatient because I have to ask them 6-10 times for things to get done.

I am so fucking tired and frustrated.

But I’m not yelling.

We don’t have a list of house chores the kids have to do before screen time. So that’s going poorly. I need to have a way to tie it to some kind of behavior and I haven’t figured that out yet. I am really annoyed I have been telling Shanna to take a shower for three days and she hasn’t done it because she keeps saying “After this game” on her fucking computer. She just got it back and she’s about to lose it again. Fuck your fucking games. They are not requirements for life. And you’ve been nasty to your brother since you got it back.

But when her brother watches screen, he spends EVERY OTHER MINUTE OF THE DAY pestering everyone to play with him. He thinks it is everyone in the houses’ job to entertain him and buddy I don’t think so.

When I am recuperating my body from taking you to the beach ALL DAY the day before it’s not fair for you to whine at me that I’m not playing enough. And the day before the beach I took you to the fucking mall to replace the things that you outgrew and you had a fun day and I spent all day handling heavy shit.

I am really tired of my children thinking I have an inhuman reserve of strength for being their pack mule.

I am sad that my back finally hurts. Time to look for a massage.

Comfort and creatures

The worst part about the house we are staying in is the mattress quality. My back is very sore. I would say that I still haven’t crossed the pain threshold which feels magical to me. I have not been doing my PT exercises and that’s a problem. My body is degrading again. I am having a hard time doing them in the main room of the house with everybody present (I don’t know why, no one cares) and there literally isn’t floor space to do it in a bedroom. I have less floor space in this bedroom than I had on the cruise ship. I said I would investigate a massage yesterday and instead I took the kids (the younger two) to the beach. This was good for my relationships with them (I have not been having enough fun with my kids) but it means I am, as usual, prioritizing my kids over myself. I really struggle with this balance.

I told Noah that if one of us was going to have their “alone time” this week be doing the laundry at the laundromat it should be him since all of my other “alone time” is medical care and his “alone time” is usually drawing or playing games. I did have three whole video chats with friends this week. That was tremendously helpful for my mental health. I feel less like a fuck up who can’t ever get anything right.

There is a balance and it is hard. If you look up advice for parenting with most of my medical conditions the first or second piece of advice is to have a trusted support team so that other adults can take care of my children and I can have a lot of alone time to rest and recharge. Ha. Haha. Hahahahahahahahahaha. Fuck you. I completely and fucking totally failed to find support. So that piece of advice is basically worthless to me. Which means that in the eyes of what authorities I can find… my basic existence is too much stress for anyone to handle well. That does not excuse my failures or make it ok that I am a bully who dabbles in abusive behavior.

I tried to go get my nails done because it is one of the very few activities within walking distance of where we are renting. A pregnant mama was ignoring her 4 year old so she could get some me-time and I ended up entertaining the kid because she was talking to me. Sigh.

I want to be able to keep writing about my fuck ups. Not because I am bragging: so my children have the ability to go back and check their memories against what I was writing at the time. If they grow up and tell me that I hurt them… I won’t be able to deny it. I will have to say that yes, I did those shitty things. I wrote it down so that I could never minimize your pain. I hurt you and that is terrible.

My mother and sister rewriting history and telling me that they supported me when I prosecuted my father was really damaging. I want that to be literally impossible for me to do.

I will say, “Yeah. I was a complete fuck up for about a year there. I failed in a bunch of ways for a bunch of reasons. Maybe we can talk about those mistakes so you don’t have to repeat them.” Like my friend did for me recently. She told me “When my kid was (age) I did x because y and z were going on and it damaged them.” My friend was trying to warn me.

It is hard the way the needle is moving generationally. Many of my older-than-me friends made mistakes around hitting their kids. I am not allowed to let my kids have the option of kneeling on rice twice in their life to find out what being uncomfortable feels like. The path to being correct grows narrower over time and I am not allowed to leave my kids alone the way I was nor can I find anyone to help me so that I can have stress relief. I am not asking for pity. I am trying to find a way to give myself enough grace so that I am capable of doing better.

If all I do is hammer on what a failure I am… I will do worse and worse because I will freak out. My comfort matters. I can’t excuse bullshit. That’s not ok. But I am doing a hard thing under hard circumstances (they were hard standing in one place so please don’t tell me this is all because of travel–I feel better here than I did in California) and whereas sometimes I will do well… sometimes I will fail.

Perfection can’t be the only option or I need to kill myself because I will never be perfect.

Sometimes we need to fail so that we can learn a lesson. That means I need to be imperfect.

I think the way we have been handling school for the past two years was a necessary failure for us. I tried to live up to what my kids asked from me when they didn’t understand what they were asking. We all regret this. Maybe this regret is a necessary part of the process of learning about learning for us. They don’t truly want what they think they want. They are kids who have never been in school. They don’t even know what they are asking for me to do.

Her Sweetness is 13 months old. Over the next 5 months I will be able to pull away for longer and longer spans of time as she eats more food. Noah and I will have to find a way to each get more alone time. It may be that we trade weekend days off. Frankly we could each use a 6-8 hour stretch once a week where we are not responsible for working or doing anything to interact with our kids. No shopping for the family or doing laundry or medical care with that time. But we aren’t there yet. #goals

One of the things I am enjoying the most about travel is seeing the animals. The different birds (I have traditionally felt very confused by people who traveled to look at birds, but they are actually quite interesting? I baffle myself.) and reptiles and mammals are so cool! I could not fucking tell that was a real crocodile. I thought it was a statue. Which is why my stupid ass does NOT APPROACH WILDLIFE. Seals came up on the beach right by where we were swimming. I have had sea turtles bump into me in the ocean–the babies seemed super curious. I have seen crabs that range in size from about 2″ tall to about the size of Middle Child’s head. It is so cool that there are so many kinds and sizes. Cockroaches as big as my thumb (oh I’ve seen those before). Today MC and I watched a couple of birds have a knock-down-drag-out fight and I said, “Doesn’t that remind you of you and your sister?” He grinned sheepishly.

Lizards crawl on our walls (I think they get in through the hole where a fire detector is supposed to be… and isn’t… The ants are both super tiny, way smaller than we saw in California in our house and much much larger.

And yeah yeah, fish. Duh. Nothing brilliant or exciting looking. We haven’t been snorkeling or anything.

I just read an NPR article about Inuit parenting. It had some excellent points about anger. I feel that when I am on my game I am in this direction. I try. But I have a lot to learn.

It is hard learning how to give the exact opposite of what you got.

But… that’s necessary. Hard is not impossible. It is just hard.

Exploring limitations.

I was feeling a might bit cranky over the last few days because I realized… oh no. I have to take the kids shopping. Middle Child’s shoes were falling apart and Eldest Child’s shoes are now too small and both of them outgrew their underwear (MC desperately needs pants but we are about to move to colder climates and they don’t have appropriate pants here so we are waiting anyway) and they are both at tricky in between sizes where sometimes kids stuff and sometimes adult stuff fits better.


So I spent a while searching on the internet, like a good modern person. Pearlridge Center (the largest mall in Hawaii) had the biggest selection of both kid and adult clothing and shoes. It was an hour and 45 minutes away on the bus. So that meant planning a full dang day around getting underwear and shoes.

We got to ride past an awful lot of Oahu though and that was neat. I feel increasing concern as I travel and I see the same US brands everywhere. I thought Kuala Lumpur would feel more foreign and it didn’t because of US brands. Hawaii holds on to its local character in a few ways (only Hawaiian banks!) but there is a lot of creep in stuff.

It was neat being in a place where buildings taller than two stories are very rare again. We have been going back and forth between MASSIVE cities and tiny little towns. I do feel more comfortable in smaller towns, even with the added travel time for getting around.

The bus does not allow any large items–I saw folks with suitcases get told no they can’t get on. This is slightly alarming because I need to do laundry soon at a laundromat. I may need to finally investigate something like Lyft.

Our first stop was Macy’s because that was the first entrance from the parking lot. The kids tried on a lot of shoes and none of them fit well and were comfortable. The sales folks were fairly aggressive about trying to find us something to work. I am pretty sure they get commissions, but the shoes were fucking expensive and very uncomfortable. That’s a bad combination.

Guess where we found shoes they liked and that felt good? Payless. And because Payless is apparently going out of business, we got both pairs for $39. Can’t beat that.

We looked in 6 stores for underwear. Only one place (The Children’s Place) had underwear that would work for MC and EC could only find appropriate black underwear at Victoria’s Secret. Eep. (She has multiple black skirts and only white underwear. This… doesn’t look that great. She glows through her skirts.)

The kids wanted US chains for lunch. Ugh. I had delicious Korean BBQ. They finished their lunches and ate part of mine. Everyone agreed my food tasted the best. Well… I tried to tell you in advance…. We were starting to get just a bit cranky when I declared the food break. Afterwards we all did quite well with our patience and behavior. (There was some melodrama in Macy’s as if these were the only shoes in existence and you had to pick which of these hurt least. Nooooo. I never said that. Erf.)

Probably the roughest part of the day was Her Sweetness refusing to take a nap. She got very cranky.

While we were there the kids got haircuts because they have both been complaining about their hair.

I found a neat purse, made by a local mother and daughter that is the best purse I have ever seen in years of searching for a bag I would like. I bought it. I won’t ever get the chance again and I have never in my life seen a bag and instantly coveted it and longed for it. That was nice.

I also bought my friend who lives here a Hawaiian dictionary because she keeps saying she doesn’t understand any of the local stuff. I don’t think that’s ok. So here, let me buy you learning materials. We expect people moving to the mainland have to learn English. You can learn the language for where you are standing too. It’s part of why I want to feel more confident in my Spanish. Why I tried picking up Malay words. Why I will try to learn words everywhere I go. Meet people where they are. If we fully move to another country I will expect myself to develop fluency in whatever language.

It’s respectful, yo.

I had a lovely chat on the bus home with a Filipino woman. (It was relevant, we were talking about Manila.) I have now had a full dozen Filipino ladies lecture me on how Manila is better than Kuala Lumpur and I find it delightful. I need to go. I am told Halloween is one of the best times of year to visit. Sounds great. We talked a lot about working with teenagers and helping them be their best selves. Another guy on the bus joined in our chat when we got to the teenager part because he had a lot of questions about helping his niece. Her answer: aloha (love). My answer: respect. Teenagers are doing the very best they can with the tools they have. Show them respect and they will bloom like a flower. He appreciated that. He grinned and said we were both basically saying the same thing.

We all want to be loved and respected.

I uhhh messed up getting off the bus. I got off three bus stops too early. Dangit. Oh well.

Her Sweetness is about to be shifted to Youngest Child. Picture my grumpy face. She has now picked up that “charming” habit of biting my toes if they are near the edge of the bed. Every child I have ever taken care of has done the same trick. It’s not weird. It’s not bad. But it fucking hurts and I’m back in that “Toddlers are Triggering” stage and oh fuck. You can’t retaliate. You can’t hurt them back. A mad face and refusing to pick them up for a few minutes is absolutely the limit that you can do with a one year old. That hurts them. So I spent a few minutes tenderly cradling my foot after each bite. SHE FUCKING BIT ME TWICE.

Then she bit her sister!



This is my not so thrilled face.

But, it’s a stage. She will move through it. I have confidence. Her sister and brother haven’t bitten my toes in years.


I gotta say, Noah’s cooking here has been *great*. I like it when he has this set of restrictions and food choices. Two thumbs up.

I need to investigate a massage from one of the over a dozen Thai massage places today. I’m not in pain, but I’m not feeling great either. I’m getting very stiff and sore. Maybe if I treat this quick it won’t get to pain.

Bless you, Dr. Meng. You are incredible.

And breakfast is ready.

PS, we see rainbows almost every day. It’s really cool.

The authorities

I was homeless and poor throughout my childhood. Foster parents, my mother, and schools all told me that if I didn’t act right CPS would be called. I was supposed to be pattern matching my behavior off of all of the untraumatized (also, neurotypical) people around me and if I failed I would be put in kid jail because I wasn’t fit for society. I cannot remember a time before that fear was deliberately implanted in my psyche.

When I was 3 my mom was working nights and she left my 16 year old sister in charge of me. My sister was as good at meeting her promises as Sarah so she left me home alone and went to a party with her friends. I was bored. I decided to go get some Barbie stickers from Safeway. I had three pennies. I thought I was rich. I walked to Safeway.

On the way someone who happened to work for CPS drove by and saw me. She picked me up and took me to the business office. I remember playing with the manual type writers and having a great time. They gave me cookies and juice.

When my mom picked me up she looked exhausted, but she tried to look happy. She laughed as she explained the “mix up”. “You know how hard it is to keep some kids contained!”

In the car she hit me over and over. She told me that those were the special kid-police. If I was ever bad again they would pick me up again and she wouldn’t be allowed to get me because I would be in kid-jail forever. She said no one likes bad kids and I will be punished for years by them. She listed all the bad things that would happen to me in kid jail and she was very clear that I would deserve all of it. She practically frothed at the mouth as she told me how embarrassed she was to have such a stupid, bad kid.

For the next 13 years any time I would say or do anything she didn’t like she would tell me that CPS was going to come and get me if I disobeyed her. “If you are too much for me to handle you are going to kid-jail. Keep back talking, Kristine.” In between slapping me across the face.

Then I grew up. I watched other families go through nightmare situations with CPS and I saw people go through months or years of painful separation. In all of the cases I knew… I was totally aware that what was happening to me was worse than what was happening in the families I knew who were separated. None of those kids were raped by their dads how I was. My mom barely fed me and those kids got meals on the regular. Those kids lived with parents who weren’t perfect… mostly they pissed off a neighbor and then their lives got really hard.

My family was monstrous. And no one cared.

Then I started ODing because I needed the fuck out. So I got put in a lock down psych ward where people strapped me to tables and injected me with drugs (that gave me negative side effects!) because I was so bad. Then I was put in a group home where I was never allowed to be in a bathroom without a staff member staring at me to prevent me from harming myself. I wasn’t allowed to go to school because I couldn’t be trusted. My mom was right. When I was going in and out of consciousness in the hospital my mom leaned in and whispered, “I tried to warn you this would happen if you were bad. You shouldn’t have been so bad.”

Then I became a teacher and mandated reporter. I tried to change my view of CPS. I called a few times on kids were clearly being abused and I prayed the system would be more gentle with them than me.

CPS didn’t do anything to help any of the students that were coming to me with huge bruises. Nothing.

CPS didn’t do anything to help when I called because my sister was handing out illegal drugs and alcohol to a bunch of middle and high school students. My sister lied and laughed it off as a family squabble with no grain of truth. They believed her because my family is mostly made up of excellent liars.

Then I became a parent and started hanging out on parenting forums. Holy shit the stories I have read. Oh. My. God.

Then my kids did something I truly wish they hadn’t done. It came out of fucking no where. They have not seen such behavior EVER in their lives. They have never been exposed to the idea of that being acceptable I HAVE STOOD THERE AND MADE FUCKING SURE THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN INFLUENCED BY ADULTS WHO SAY SUCH BEHAVIOR IS ACCEPTABLE. But kids do shit. They have since the dawn of time. I put my kids in therapy. ALL the therapy. They each had individual counselors and we worked with a family therapist for quite a while. *I* called CPS and said “A thing happened and I don’t know what to do.”

That phone call was the best CPS contact of my whole life. The lady told me that since I was a concerned parent she was turning the recorder off. She did NOT want to know my name. She said I deserve complete privacy for this call and no one will ever be able to track me. She listened to what happened. She asked me what I was doing about it. She told me that they offer people access to resources I already have in my house: my library sounds better than hers. She told me that I was a good mother because I had already responded with such enthusiasm to them needing outside help and there was nothing more she could suggest. She told me she was sorry I had 100% normal kids who had to try something because it’s hard. I am so grateful for that woman.

Then, after we had been in therapy as a family someone fucking called CPS on me. They had no details. They just believed there had been hand wavey some kind of sexual abuse.

Someone fucking turned me into CPS with absolutely no idea of what had happened. It wasn’t a report from the therapists WHO COULD HAVE GIVEN EVERY FACT AND EVENT IN EXCRUCIATING DETAIL.

So yeah. I know that people can call CPS on me.

CPS cleared us. Clearly we (the parents) hadn’t done anything wrong and kids make mistakes sometimes and we were working as hard as we could on helping them learn how to do better. There literally isn’t more we can do. We are doing absolutely the limit of what parents can do to try and help their kids learn how to do better.

I asked a bunch of teachers for advice on how to help my kids focus. Kneeling on rice was tossed out there as something to try.

But hey someone could call CPS on me. Like I had no idea that was a possibility no matter what I do or don’t do.

My stomach hurts. Getting to rewrite this stuff to try and explain why I am upset so that maybe people won’t be angry with me forever for not taking their off hand comment as neutral…

That hurts too.

How dare I have had my life experiences. How dare I get upset when things that have been used as a torment since I was 3 years old are casually mentioned as punishment again.

Other people don’t see it that way. Clearly, I should just get over it.

The boogeyman

CPS has been the boogeyman for me since I was a little kid. My mom constantly told me that if I didn’t act right CPS would take me away for being bad. I never internalized that CPS would protect me or that CPS existed for my benefit. CPS was the authority that would ensure I was never allowed to have a family again.

Then I had kids.

If you read parenting forums (which I do, because I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing and feedback and learning what other people consider “normal” is very useful) CPS is DEFINITELY the boogeyman. If you don’t do well enough, your children will be stolen. If you do the wrong thing you will lose your kids and the nightmare of getting them back…. oh god.

I have known a bunch of people who had their kids taken by CPS. I grew up poor. That shit isn’t that rare. Some of them deserved it. Not all of them. The most abusive people…. never seem to fall into CPS’s net. They get ignored and glossed over.

CPS following up with our family when they did over the incident we had a few years ago… that was simultaneously FUCKING TERRIFYING and relieving. Because someone fucking turned us in. That means people are reporting me behind my back. (Relieving because the CPS investigator commented that I did not do anything wrong and kids make mistakes and we were trying as hard as possible to do the right thing.)

So when you say “someone will call CPS” that’s not hand wavey possible warning. That’s something that has literally already happened to us.

I don’t have to do anything wrong for people to call CPS on us. That already fucking happened. I did nothing wrong.

If you don’t understand why “people will call CPS on you” might sound threatening…. well ok. But in my brain telling me that my mistakes are things that will get me turned in feels existentially threatening. Is it also a possible reality? Of course. People might turn me in for everything and nothing. I don’t have to do anything wrong for CPS to be called.

That makes it really hard for me to evaluate how to alter my behavior to be correct. Because I’m not trying to do the right thing because it is the thing that solves our problems I am trying to avoid being punished.

Maybe instead of finding the right thing to do I will just stop admitting in writing how I fuck up. Oh that’ll help everyone.

That was a useful phone call.

Thank you so much my dear friend. You know who you are.

Yesterday a friend who was homeschooled and who went on to work in K-8 education… who is also autistic and understands some of how my brain works… gave me a bunch of book recommendations and blog suggestions to help me reorient how I am looking at education. That’s a bunch of highly actionable work for me.

I have often cited the statistic that in the average elementary classroom there is approximately 45 minutes of real learning per school day… then I proceeded to flip out about my kids doing less than two hours because… because perspective is hard. Because I get lost in soup in my brain. Because I feel like if I don’t I will fail them. Because I fail to have the friendships I want and I fail to find the support I need so I need to work them harder so they are prepared to have a future by themselves with no one to help them.

Because I am exhausted and I am not making good choices. Because the way I am melting down is not surprising or unusual in context. Because if they wanted to transfer into school tomorrow and it wasn’t easy for them to be A/B students I would feel like a failure.

So much ego. So much bullshit.

It isn’t that I fail at all friendships. That’s not it at all. I really wanted enmeshed-pseudo-family friendships. But only reallllllllly unhealthy people are interested in that at all. And when you try and enmesh with reallllllllly unhealthy people there are fireworks.

He suggested that Step Zero of working towards Big Goals should be spending a while researching whether that goal is even worth attaining (what does that job actually entail) and research for the kids into what other people have done to reach the goal. Long before I start holding them to a path because holy shit they are little kids and they really don’t get it.

This is so much more effective than “Stop doing that or people will call CPS on you.”

Do you know how fucking angry it makes me that people threaten me with the authorities left and right and I was left in my psycho family to be raped and beaten for decades? Rage. Blind fucking rage. I must be perfect or I deserve to lose everything but I don’t deserve protection myself because I am not worthy. That dynamic does not help me be kinder and more gentle with my kids.

My mistakes are too big to be forgiven. No matter what those mistakes are. Because I am a piece of shit who shouldn’t be here anyway.

That doesn’t help me act better. It makes it harder to ever do better and it makes me feel more frantic and sick in my belly all of the time.

It’s not that I want people blowing sunshine up my skirt and telling me I’m perfect. I’m not. But threats are threatening, not educational.

I don’t know about you but I operate less well when I feel threatened than when I feel safe and supported.

I haven’t felt very supported in a while. I had to flip out extra bad to figure out how to go find different people to talk to because the people I have been leaning on the most in the past few years either… treated me like shit or they just don’t have relevant information to share. It’s not that they are bad, but this isn’t their area of expertise.

I have always had long stretches of time where I put my head down and I just barrel through. I just have to pray I set my course correctly when I got started. I am not sure doing the charter school was actually the right decision when I was pregnant. It started us on a whole downhill sprint towards standards I don’t even believe in.

I feel ashamed of that. But the terror of CPS taking my children away for neglect, or because I am doing too little educating, or because I am educating them wrong, or because I am too harsh one day…

That’s fucking real. That’s held over my head in big ways, even by people who profess to care about me.

I feel like at some point in my brain it became less about “What is best for my kids” and instead became “What do I have to do to avoid being punished” and that does not provoke healthy behavior from anyone.

My fucking ES (Educational Specialist–basically the teacher who coordinates stuff for the charter school) telling me constantly that this MASSIVE stack of work was mandatory fucked me up. When we got to the end of the school year and she said, “Wow you are the only family I work with who actually did any of this….” that fucked me up.

I have a hard time with black and white thinking. I struggle to perceive gray areas and the middle path.

Let me tell you, when I’m convinced I’m bad and I can’t do anything right… I make that true over and over and over.

And then I feel like I am bad because the people who were effectively threatening me were doing it because they mean well and how dare I not respond to that as if it were the same thing as positive feedback. That’s a poisonous dynamic. I turn around and do the same bullshit to my kids and… negative feedback and threats don’t work very well.


It’s kinda like how dare I get upset about Sarah promising real support with the kids and then never showing up.

If I get angry about how people talk to me or treat me that is a defect in my character. I should just be grateful they acknowledge me at all.

That does not give me the energy to do better.

Trying to find the right mirrors.

I have a lot of people in my life who will tell me what is wrong with me and why I am fucking up. There aren’t very many people who spend enough time with me to be able to give me serious feedback on what I do right.

The mom of our former babysitter is an evangelical Christian. She’s seriously interested in converting people to her version of love and light and all that. She tries really hard to be positive even though she has a lot of anxiety and depression issues too. We’ve seen her a bunch of times already. Every single time we see her she comments on things she sees that are positive. “Wow y’all are really good at compromising and negotiating.” “It’s so nice to see siblings getting along so well and trying to be kind to each other.” “You are all trying so hard to get through work even as you are distracted and tired; that’s not easy and you are doing really well.”

I feel like a plant getting water. And I feel like I am a terrible energy vampire because I want more. More. MORE.

I feel my shoulders coming down. I feel less defensive and sad.

It’s not instant. I’m not going to get over this in a week. It’s been a bad two years for me since they left. I miss this family like an open, bleeding wound. And I feel like I’m starting to get a transfusion.

I love them so much. I am so grateful that they embrace us even though we are not like them and we do not share their values and we do not have the same life goals.

I feel accepted.

This is how all fucking Christians should fucking act.

The best you can.

One of the things about tracking my body obsessively…. I was looking at my Fitbit data last night. I get 4-5 hours of sleep in broken chunks most nights. I can count how many times I’ve gotten 8 hours of sleep (not consecutively…. hahahahaha) in the past 6 months on my fingers. I don’t have more data than that because I switched watch types and the old one was too bulky to wear to sleep in because it KEPT ME AWAKE. But let me tell you, the first six months of a baby and pregnancy…. not much sleep.

Why don’t I have more to give.

I track when I get my PT exercises done so that I can talk to my medical providers about my issues. I miss them more than I don’t because if I spend hours freaking out about stupid academics…. I don’t get to PT. Because I’m sitting very still trying not to be a bitch and that takes all the energy I have left.

Why don’t I have more to give.

I can look back over my calendar and track literally every phone call I’ve had with friends over the past few years or when I see people in person. Due to planning around fucking Sarah most months I spent less than 12 hours having conversations with friends that are not done through my fucked up hands on the internet. It’s part of why M & B coming for visits was so fucking euphoric for me. I got to try to relax into someone being around and try to get over the awkward as fuck hurdle. My social skills atrophy. (I don’t want to sound ungrateful for the internet conversations. I would break completely without them. But it’s different.)

Why don’t I have more to give.

I can track on Mint all the money I spent trying to get help with my kids. All the money spent to services trying to locate help. It’s harder to exactly quantify how many hours I spent writing and responding to ads only to get… nothing. My time off is almost entirely for medical care so I don’t collapse under the weight of working *literally* 19 hours every day/7 days a week.

Why don’t I have more to give.

Working that much is my fault. I get it. I chose to have another baby and the first year is a nightmare. I knew that. I chose to do a whole bunch of big projects (have older children, travel, sell our house) while having an infant.

I chose to sell our house to get away from the bay because it was killing me.

Do you know that when almost anyone says they will write to my kids or talk to my kids or spend time with my kids I now place that person in the category of “Fucking Liar” in my head? Because I have so much hostility and anger and rage about this topic. I can count the people who can say “I will talk to the kids” and I actually believe them on one hand.

Why don’t I have more to give.

A lot of my energy over the past few years was spent on looking for connection and it failed. It failed and failed and failed and failed.

Geeeeeeeez, why don’t I try harder to be niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.

I wasted my nice on believing that you would do what you say. You don’t. So here I am.

Fucking Sarah.

“When you get angry at me because of my behavior you are acting just like my mother and that’s why I don’t come around. You have Borderline Personality Disorder.” A bunch of people who are actually fucking qualified to judge that have said definitely not. I am not borderline. But they think you sure sound like a bitch and they understand why I’m mad, so ok.

I am angry with myself for trusting you. I am angry with myself for believing that anyone would want to keep such promises to me. I am angry with myself for not cutting you out of my life 15 red flags ago. I am angry with myself that I wasted a week of vacation time on you treating me like shit again. I am angry that I may never go back to Disneyland because it feels like fucking poison on my tongue.

Disneyland is about my mom and Sarah. Pretty much the two women I have loved the most and they both treat me like shit.

Why don’t I have more to give.

Noah is an amazing partner. He tries hard to give as much as he can. But he’s one person and I’m a black hole. That’s not fair. Not to him and not to me because one person will never be able to fill my bucket. My kids take from me. They don’t give much and that’s appropriate for now. Some day them taking and giving nothing back is going to be a real issue. That day is dawning over the horizon but it is not here yet. It’s still years away but I can start to see that it is coming, just barely for my oldest child. And she will never be able to be my adult friend the way that people outside the family can be. It will just be less of a one way street all the time. It’ll be like here where they set up three lanes of traffic going in the primary direction of traffic with one lane coming back the other way. They reverse this mid-day. Unless I get old enough for her to be my care taker (which I kind of doubt given my body) I don’t think it’ll ever switch to being three lanes back to me.

I am supposed to give my children all the love and support I never got as a child. Stuff I never even witnessed up close happening to other people. But I’m supposed to know how to do it because I’ve read some books.

Why don’t I have more to give.

I am doing my best. The fact that I’ve come as far as I have means that people basically expect me to be a non-traumatized person now. I’m supposed to have gotten over it. But I am having to teach myself a lot of interpersonal shit without help. Yeah I’ve paid for a lot of therapy. I’ve gotten pretty much what I am going to get from that setting. I can write scripts with the best of them.

The actual pressure of having to give like this day after day after day after day after day after day…. therapy doesn’t really prepare you for that. Therapy is an hour a week. How can you learn how to regulate this much intensity in an hour a week? I can’t. If anyone has fucking tried I have fucking tried and you can’t say I haven’t.

Why don’t I have more to give.

I give everything I have to give. But my bucket was filled with poison a long time ago. I’ve tried adding healthy shit since then, but when I get down to the bottom…

Sometimes all I have left in the bucket is the poison. And I should not be giving anymore. That is so very complicated.

The kids are almost to the end of a couple of their workbooks. When we leave Hawaii, they will each have math and one workbook left. For the love of cheesetoast, can we please get the fucking math done some year? (This is because I culled their workload before we left Fremont.)

We’ve spent the last few days talking about negative attention and positive attention and how I really want to be giving them positive attention but they are wearing me out and I don’t have any left because I am spending 3 or 4 x’s as much time on academics as we should be spending and I am wrung out by the end. I feel as bad about what is happening as they do. But, yesterday they got it done and they got to go with a friend. They even made enough extra progress that today is pretty certain too. The three people we know in Hawaii would be happy to see them daily until we leave. We allllllllllllllll need this support. Please, do your work so we can all have this. It’s not much work. It’s not too advanced. It’s not too hard. You just have to… do it.

There are good reasons I don’t have more to give. But that doesn’t stop me from giving all day every day. Even though I’m exhausted. Even though I’m tapped out. Even though my bucket was filled with poison and lies.

Is what I give always perfect or ideal? No. But I give my best every day. I have variation. Like a human being.

And yes, people do expect that I will always be good or they have the right to criticize and demand more. Even though they are not helping. Only hurting.

Perspective is hard.

I struggle with receiving advice from people who have kids in the same age range as my kids. It’s kind of like how I don’t think anyone should write a parenting advice book while their kids are under 18: you don’t know how your methods work out in the long run.

Today a friend who has an adult daughter just a bit younger than me wrote to me about her concern. She didn’t phrase it at all as if she was criticizing me. She said, “This is what I did wrong and these are the long term consequences for me and my child.” I really appreciate that.

I need to have course corrections from outside sources. It’s important. It’s mandatory so that I don’t fuck up entirely.

Some days I am making the best bad decision I can because I do not have the ability to make a good decision.

That is absolutely shitty. My children will pay for that.

“All that I wanted from you was to gimme
Something that I never had
Something that you’ve never seen
Something that you’ve never been
But I wake up and everything’s wrong” – “Work”, Rihanna

My friend says she is afraid I am regressing (because she does) and I’m lashing out at my children (like she did).

I cannot imagine a kinder way to criticize me.

I live in abject terror of ignoring my kids, because my mother was severely depressed and she paid almost no attention to me, positive or negative, for months or years at a time. So I give my children negative attention when it might be healthier to take space from them. Because of my wounding.

There is no fair here.

And most of the people who told me they would help my kids by showing up…. they didn’t. And I don’t feel like it is ok to demonstrate my disappointment to them. I have to assure them that they are fine. Even though I am not fine partially because people keep fucking lying to me. Then I flip the fuck out and my kids bear the brunt of that.

It is not fair.

Today the plan is to do two hours of academics then the kids are going outside to play, whether they are done or not. I need down time. I need to rest. They don’t NEED me to pay attention to them all day. If they get their stuff done they can go spend time with their friend. If they don’t, they can choose being alone.

That is the best bad decision I can make today.

And I feel like this is so much crueler than soap in the mouth or kneeling on rice. Because that is my perspective. But folks are arguing with me. Folks I respect.

I don’t know the right thing to do. I went from one form of abuse to another to another. But I’m supposed to know the right thing to do. Even as people tell me that the right thing is boundless energy and give… and they will support me so I can do that…. then they don’t and I have to keep giving no matter what I am or am not receiving.


Growing pains and mistakes

Many of my friends are traumatized people. When they respond to me or give me feedback… they are not taking careful stock of what I am doing and reacting to my actions. They are responding from a place of wounding. That’s not wrong and it’s not bad and it’s not always irrelevant… but it’s important for me to keep in mind so I don’t flagellate myself to death because they are upset at what I am doing. Their reaction is more about them than me. But I take it hard.

I try hard to ask a lot of different kinds of people about my behavior for that reason. I try to ask people with a wide range of backgrounds and experience. I try hard to regulate myself more strongly off of people who have actual relevant experience in whatever issue I am trying to deal with at the moment.

Sometimes I really fail at that and I spend days raging at myself and feeling like there is absolutely no hope of me ever being better because I have triggered a traumatized person. That’s not very useful for me, my husband, my kids, or even my friends.

I’ve been reading more psych books. Because I’m trying to find the middle path.

No, offering my children a variety of not-so-comfortable inducements that they can try and reject at will is not the same thing as spanking them for being bad. It just isn’t. We are trying things because I am out of cope and some of the things we try are going to be less than optimal and they will fail.

That’s fucking life and it isn’t the same thing as child abuse.

We tried it. The first day they thought it was very useful to them and they wanted to try again. The second day they didn’t like it and they felt kind of bad about it and they said they didn’t want to do that again.

Ok. We won’t do that again. My goal was not to inflict pain or punishment on them. It was to create a less comfortable environment.

The fact that folks would be totally ok with me drugging the shit out of my kids to have a similar kind of behavioral impact is utterly bizarre to me.

I am trying to figure out what lines need to be held. I am going to mess that up sometimes. We renegotiated academic goals about a month ago. We halved the work load. I tried to hold the kids to what they agreed to because that is my job. But it may be that once again the goals we set are not the right ones and we will have to adapt.

I am freaking out partially because I have not stood next to people who did this well. I am faking it. I don’t know what the hell I am doing. All my classroom experience did not prepare me for this part. In a classroom, the standards are arbitrarily set by the state and the students measure up or they fail. I am not setting arbitrary standards for my kids. I don’t have “You must be x proficient” goals for them and thus we are flailing really hard as we figure out what our goals should be and how hard I should insist on meeting the goals the kids claim they want to reach.

This is a process.

But I need to stop screaming.

I don’t have rest. I don’t get much support. Almost everyone who says, “I will help you by doing x” has turned out to be fucking lying and I need to stop allowing anyone to claim they will help me with my kids. It just results in me hating my friends with the fire of a thousand suns because almost no one follows up on what they say they will do.

The people who have absolutely rigorously met the standards they set for me are rare. I can pretty much count them on my fingers. I think that the fact that they go off of one hand is something that I should be celebrating instead of being so upset that the number of people doesn’t reach my toes.

But people keep making promises and not keeping them and that hurts me.

I don’t feel entitled to that hurt and that’s part of the problem. I don’t let myself admit to myself just how much these people are hurting me until I am exploding with rage all over the place because I can’t suppress my feelings anymore. I try hard not to get angry about people saying “I will do x with the kids” and then never doing it because I want to honor that people mean well. They want to be helping me. But the reality is that most of the time they want to feel helpful not be helpful and I need to stop looking to those people. Really almost any people.

We need to find a way to balance this so we can be self sufficient. That is not what I have been trying for…. ever.

The psych book I’m reading right now Born To Be Good talks about how in the US people define themselves as individuals (I’m an artist, a runner, a dancer, a writer) and people in other countries tend to define themselves through their relationships (I’m a daughter, a mother, a wife, a friend, a cousin) and a lot of my problem has been that I have been trying as hard as I can all of my life to define myself through my friendships because the daughter/sister/niece roles failed so abjectly for me.

But my friends have not been able to turn and be stable for me the way that family relationships do for other people and that’s been really destructive to my entire mental health.

Leaning this hard on my friendships for my identity and my self worth has resulted in decades of feeling worthless and like I should kill myself because no one is ever going to prioritize me like I do them. I hurt myself showing up for friendships when I should be selfish and care for myself and that’s stupid.

For the last couple of days I have been trying to process for myself that 50% of all people who hit grade 12 in school are below proficiency. My 5th grader is already writing essays that rival many of the 17 year olds I taught.

Maybe I don’t need to be so worried about them being “at grade level” and doing all the busy work of going through school. My kids have a very solid grasp of grammar and math. They are approximately at grade level. They would probably be B students if they went straight into school right now for the last few months of this school year.

Why am I so freaked out every moment of every day about failing them as a teacher and not preparing them for what they need to know? Because nothing I did was ever good enough to make my friends show up for me in the ways they constantly claimed they would so how can I know if what I am giving my kids will be enough for their future so they can show up and do what they want to do?

Maybe that isn’t entirely my battle to fight.

My kids have been digging in their heels and doing less and less. They were told weeks ago when we reset the metrics that they had to be current in order to go hang out with the babysitter. They then messed around on the boat and did nothing and got a week behind. They have not been interested in catching up since they got here.

Why am I wearing myself out trying to force them through the work necessary to earn the free time they want to have? This is so stupid.

I know that they can get all of their work done in 2 hours a day with time to spare. Maybe I need to give them two hours to do it then kick them out to play outside by themselves while I have down time. If you don’t get your stuff done so you can go with your friend, sucks to be you. Play by yourself and get out of my face. I act like I owe them constant stimulation and entertainment and so do they. And it is turning me into a psycho harpy. This is not working. I can’t be 24/7 stimulation for 3 kids and have anything left for my own health.

I don’t think we should lower the standards to nothing and completely unschool. But I also think that if they want to fail and not earn rewards…. I should let them. I have not been letting them. I have been hurting myself dragging them to their rewards.

Why. What am I teaching them?

That I care way more about their happiness than they have to. I care more about their happiness than my happiness or Noah’s happiness or my health.


Because I am afraid that if I don’t they will treat me like my friends.

You know what? I am leaving the fucking country because I am so angry about how my friends treat me. I have chased people for years begging for their love. I’m doing the same thing with my kids.

This is stupid.

I am going to fail no matter what I do. Which makes me not want to try.

Yesterday when I checked in with the kids about kneeling on rice they were positive and said that they thought it was effective and they wanted to continue. When I checked in with them this morning… they had a different opinion. And Dana is saying I am basically spanking them.

Fuck me.

It’s awesome how easy it is to tell me I am wrong and what I am doing is bad but there aren’t concrete positive solutions suggested.

And this is why I spend so much time feeling like I should just kill myself because I will never be able to do anything right. Because this doesn’t just work this way with school shit. This feels like all of my fucking life since I was a little fucking kid. Just do it right, Krissy. Why are you so stupid and you keep doing it wrong?

No one wants to help. No one wants to tell me what to do. They just want to tell me I am wrong.

I didn’t pick this curriculum for the kids, they picked it for themselves. We discussed what goals they wanted to reach, we talked about what that path would look like and then they picked the books they wanted to do to reach it.

But they are kids. And they picked incredibly lofty goals that not many people actually end up wanting to reach. Thus I get to be the fucking bully all day trying to force them to do shit they don’t actually care about.

I mean, it’s not true that no one wants to tell me what to do. I get completely opposing advice: “Stop schooling them at all! Let them play all day or you are a monster who is crushing their spirit!” (CPS defines that as abuse.) “Put them in school!” (I have received medical advice that it would be detrimental to my daughter’s mental health. My son would probably do better except for that whole trans thing where schools tend to beat on trans kids and many of them end up suicidal and he has a strong family history of suicide so that’s a serious worry for us.)


So the end result is: “Why don’t you sit next to them 24 hours a day gently and kindly guiding them through every single detail of everything so they never have to have an uncomfortable feeling or struggle.”

Ok. But I am disabled and my body is going to fail if I do that. Great. That will serve everyone well.

I have to stop screaming. To me, that is the most important goal right now. I am hurting them and myself and I don’t want to be this person.

Moving isn’t what caused this. It has been happening since last August, before we decided to move.

I am having ongoing conversations with multiple teachers (they have specialties ranging from preschool to college), I’m talking to a horse trainer. I’m trying to listen to the guidance we got from their therapists.

And no matter what I try I am still wrong and bad.

You had no interest in helping when that was something you could have done. You just want to tell me I am wrong.


You told me you would reach out and be a source of support. But that turned out to not be convenient for you.


Yeah. That’s life.

Yes, I want people to help me with course corrections. I do. But that isn’t what is happening. If you have nothing to offer beyond criticism, that’s not the same thing as helping me. If you tell me that you will interact with my children to be helpful and then you never bother…

I am so fucking angry.

Mixed feelings

It may have been the best school day of this school year. Apparently kneeling on rice is a fabulous inducement?

I have so many mixed feelings.

By “best” I mean that we worked together without fussing or yelling or being nasty about anything. Nobody had to be glared at. “Ok, it’s x’o’clock and you haven’t finished, time for 15 minutes of work on rice.” Then all of a sudden they finished SUPER FAST and they weren’t upset and I wasn’t upset and the work got done…

Being mean is being nice. Being nice is being mean.

Parenting is so confusing.

I feel physically better than I have in a while. I didn’t yell today. My body is very happy about that. I am really embarrassed and ashamed of how much I have been yelling. I have been very out of control.

If I tell the truth and set boundaries people will leave me.

Maybe only the people who need to be gone from my life anyway. Even if that hurts. Maybe hurting and setting boundaries is good. How many times do I have to learn this fucking lesson.