Monthly Archives: April 2019

Morning larks

I think it is funny that my kids have “early riser” as part of their self identity. We think sleeping till 7am is sleeping in and my kids refer to themselves as slug-a-beds on days they sleep that late. “Whoo. I was so tired. Maybe I’m not feeling well or I’m growing.” It’s funny because so many of our friends are night owls.

I feel so much gratitude for getting to have three kids. I don’t have to sit around waiting on other people wanting to pay attention to me anymore. I have a lot of work and attention I have to provide every day. I go to bed tired and I wake up knowing that even if I don’t talk to other people I have a full day. I mean, I still desperately want connection with my friends… but it’s different.

Today we are not going ice skating with Jenny’s family because my kids don’t enjoy it and that’s ok. I don’t feel anxious or bad or like I am missing out on time with my friend. We will see each other a bunch and it’s ok to skip events that won’t be much fun for us. When I was younger I would go do things I hated (I don’t hate ice skating, for the record) just because I didn’t want to be alone. Now I can fill a day with my family and have fun without extra people.

Eldest Child asked if we could please go out to breakfast as a treat. Then we will go grocery shopping. Then we will go to the park because it’s their last day of spring break before academics start up again.

That sounds fun to me.

The park down the hill from us is awesome. It’s huge and set up for running and there’s lots to climb and spin on. Parks in the US look so boring compared to this. There are trampolines in the ground and a bunch of merry go round stuff and huge climbing walls and standard bars (like for gymnastics) for spinning and a zip line and good swings and…. It’s a really great park. It’s like all the best part of all the parks in the bay area put in one huge place where all the kids were yelling and being loud.

That’s so fucking cool.

Not to mention that we are loving the food in Scotland so far. I’m cooking a bunch and every meal I make the kids are like “Oh my goodness this is so good.”

But I hear that Brexit is going to fuck the food situation because the UK hasn’t been able to grow enough food for their folk in 100 years. Maybe we should be building a Brexit box too… there is the possibility that food will become a problem starting two weeks before we plan to leave this country. Cheers. I would donate my storage stuff to Jenny’s family upon leaving.

I really hope that Scotland votes to leave the UK. But, it’s none of my nevermind. My country is fucking itself.

Keeping this apartment tidy is feeling easy. There aren’t enough dishes or space in the washing machine to put things off, I have to keep on top of it. But that also means there is never that much work at a time. It’s feeling like a nice sweet spot. With how much cooking I’m doing it is constant small scale tidying, but the kids are helping and it’s going well.

I have some of that white-guy anxiety here. I can feel it. But I feel enough like an outsider that I don’t feel like much of a potential target. I have that whole veil-of-white-motherhood thing. Nobody is going to touch me. I have such mixed feelings about that. I feel comforted and upset that this isn’t available to everyone.

It is weird only seeing white faces at the park. After Japan where we saw something like 20 white people the whole time… this is odd.

Heh. We barely feel like we are visiting an English speaking country. We can’t understand a lot of the talk here. That’s hilarious.They speak Scottish and we speak US-English. Then there is English-English that is divided into like eight accents.

Night weaning has not regressed this time. I’m just flippin done. Both younger kids are sleeping with me. Middle Child loves this. He wishes that we could have two queen mattresses on the floor so that I could have him in bed with me once Noah comes back. It’s a little frustrating that he likes to get a leg out of the blanket by ripping the blanket off of me and throwing it on the floor. Luckily that mostly feels funny.

I’m feeling really happy. The only thing missing is Noah.

Oh gloriousness. Yesterday Jenny brought over the last box I shipped to Scotland. We have so many books now! A bunch of things we set aside for school. Mostly religion study, but also Spanish and math. The math… we may or may not do. But the religion study books we enjoy and my kids are feeling motivated to study Spanish more after the night in Bar Corazon. Maybe I can catch them up to where I am. That would be really fun.

I am having a lot of mixed feeling about my hair. It is solidly to my waist now; it’s as long as it was when I shaved my hair when MC was a baby. I can understand why I did that then out of frustration. It’s gorgeous but so much work. I also don’t know what to do about my wispy fly-aways. I always have a halo of frizzy hair around my face. I could do Regency hairstyles so easily with my new-growth. Mostly I just let the hairs stick straight up and move on with my life. I feel almost Helena Bonham Carter with the wild hairs.

Speaking of which, I should start braiding my hair for the day. Toodles.

That was it. That was exactly it.

Sarah asked me what I wanted from her. I couldn’t put it into words. I just wrung my hands and felt stupid and rejected. Today I got it.

I wanted to feel like you loved me like family and you would deliberately seek out my company instead of rejecting me for people who are better than me.

In no way shape or form am I ever going to take up a majority of Jenny’s life. She’s married. She has kids. She lives in a different country. But when she gets the chance to be in my company she turns and faces me fully and wants to hear me talk and she wants to tell me about herself. She doesn’t go in her room with her partner after agreeing to see me and then shut the door.

There are people in this world who not only love me, they act like they love me. That’s what I wanted. I wanted Sarah to act like she loved me instead of acting like I was a path to a highly subsidized trip to Disneyland.

In the future when people treat me like I am an atm I need to stop acting like that is a reflection of me not working hard enough to earn their love.

Maybe they aren’t worth the effort.

A mostly rest day

So I told the big kids I needed to not do much for a day and they needed to play with their sister all day long. They did! It was great! I was paged when I was needed and I cooked some vegetables for supper because otherwise we wouldn’t have had any all day (cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprout roasted). I added goat cheese to mine. Mmmmmm

I sat in bed and played travel agent. So many flights and hotels and AirBnBs and travel are booked up through January 3rd. Then I’m staring off the edge of a cliff. I partially did this because a lot of countries are pissy about you entering without an exit date. So I don’t have to feel anxious about people glaring at me for “not going home” at the end. I was grilled like fuck coming into the UK. “When are you leaving? Why are you staying so long? Do you even have a job?”

I am not here for the dole, yo.

I spent $13,000 yesterday. But, my rent is paid up through January.

I feel like this is part of why I am feeling phobic about looking at Mint lately. How do I know how in budget I am when I am paying for stuff so far in advance?!

By the end of this calendar year I may have 300,000 frequent flier points. Not bad. If I add in the points my family is earning, definitely.

That’s going to pay for a lot of trips in 2020.

I miss Noah. Kid touch isn’t the same. I went and counted. Noah will be separated from us for 48 days this year. That’s a lot. We will cope, obviously, but it’s a lot.

Today we are going to meet Jenny and kids at a park. It will be fun. 🙂 We will get rained on in the lovely Scottish weather. Ha. Luckily we all have jackets to spare now.

I am feeling so blessed by all the food in my house right now. Japan and Hawaii were emotionally hard on me because I couldn’t stock up. But we keep talking about how much we already miss Japan. No one misses Hawaii. It’s not our paradise.

We only went to Hawaii because we wanted to see people. Who were then shitty and selfish. Oh well. That’s life.

My kids are having an interesting time watching what happens when you pull taut the threads of friendship. They see who is reaching back still despite the distance. They see that there are definitely *friends* in the world for them. They wish they had more, and local friends, of course… but they are feeling better about themselves just lately. They also struggled in the bay with not being able to tell who was really their friend and who was willing to come over and let us pay for entertainment.

We do have people who care about us very deeply. It’s nice. We continue to reach back. And our door will always be open to folks who want a spot on their own wanderings. We love you very much. California just wasn’t working anymore.

It’s not your fault and it isn’t my fault either.

I worry a lot about the future. There is no peace anywhere. There is no ease anywhere. We are heading for a cataclysmic event on a global scale.

Hold on to your tits.

Why do we have children when we are just damning them to a planet on the brink of collapse. Well, hope.

We have breakfasted (goodness it was good), had a morning snack, bathed, dressed, brushed hair, watched some Anne with an E, and now… blessed rest. Today will be easy.


Coming together.

Someone I used to follow on Twitter was quite scathing about people unpacking in rented digs. She feels people should just live out of the suitcase and not unpack because that is what you do to be childish and play house.

We are unpacked *throw confetti all over my childish display*.

I love settling in. Figuring out where things fit and will go. I have a bit more sorting to do and Noah’s stuff isn’t here yet, but I’m well on my way. I look at the pile of books and think, “Ah… I don’t think more 1/5 of you are leaving the country. Ahhhhh.” But we get to read and enjoy them now! It’s a nice level of pressure.

The kitchen is coming along. The host of the apartment asked for feedback on things that make it better to stay here. I asked for wash cloths, an extra frying pan (used it for breakfast), a tea pot, milk jug and sugar bowl, an additional bin for the kitchen since the building has a spot outside for compost, a mat for in front of the kitchen sink (we had a slip and fall yesterday), and more door stops (the doors forcefully swing closed and that’s gonna hurt Her Sweetness).

I may look for a small metal shelving unit for the closet so that we don’t have to have everything on the floor. That gets old real fast. I’m not going to ask her to pay for that, though.

I felt like I was hitting a fever pitch of anxiety yesterday. I probably *should* have taken a quarter of an Ativan.

Looks like I may be stuck calling taxis every time I need one because I can’t get an app to work from the US store. I can’t get into the UK store without a UK billing address. Oh the things I learn about from travel. Well, I found one that I can book from but they won’t store my credit card because I’m gaijin. Ok. I can cope. I will pay in cash/coins because that’s easy enough.

Speaking of which, I need to spend some time staring at the coins because I can’t pay fast yet. I feel like a little kid again.

I desperately need some rest days where I don’t have to go anywhere and I don’t have to be on my best behavior. That day is not today. Off to do some shopping. (It’s groceries and nappies and stuff like that. I’m not having great fun or anything.) I have done a lot of cleaning up the apartment today. It’s a day of Getting Stuff Done. Which is why my stomach burns and every muscle hurts.

Notice the good.

My kids have actually adapted to being quieter more than I expected they would be able to. They need occasional gentle reminders but they are so much quieter than they were in California that it kind of feels like they had personality transplants.

They are both talking about how much they miss about Japan already. With a bigger kitchen we would have been very happy there for a lot longer. Good to know.

We are all excited about cooking again. Even with no salt everyone was very happy about our breakfast eggs. The beans were fabulous–less sweet than in the US but super tomato-y and lovely.

Also, scones for the win.

Both kids are being incredibly helpful and wonderful. They feel a renewed sense of purpose for maintaining a house. Japan was too much. This feels like the right amount of work. They asked if we could draw up a chore chart and figure out how to rotate the chores between us because that’s fun.

They both absolutely squeed with glee at getting to download more library books and they have both reread the kids books we sent to Scotland already. They are visiting old friends.

I now understand why Japanese nappies have such a great reputation. Scottish nappies… oh these blow chunks. (Which isn’t entirely positive, but it shows me how good I had it there.)

It was fun waking up to a boy in my bed because he wanted to be close to us.

My big kids have already done many hours of playing together after tidying their stuff. They are enjoying each other a lot.

Eldest Child heard from an old friend on Scratch (a website that teaches how to program and build video games). She had been talking about how much she misses him and she was super happy to hear from him. I told her she should write him a letter and her eyes lit up. She has known this boy since she was three. I told her she really doesn’t have to lose him just because we moved and she’s feeling thrilled. He clearly wants to keep in touch with her.

Both kids are feeling fairly connected to their friends even with the distance. That’s beautiful to see.

Her Sweetness painted her entire face and head with her breakfast beans while cackling madly. It was glorious.

I keep hearing from Dad’s girlfriend. I am feeling a lot of hope about the visit to Portland. I have touched base with several friends there already and we have all expressed desire to get together 1-3 times in the span I am there. If I am not setting aside 90% of my kid-free time for Sarah I get to actually see my other friends.

People do love me, even if I don’t always love myself. I continue to read the CPTSD book. I can only handle a few pages at a time because it is incredibly distressing and activating while also making me feel better about myself. I’m weird. But I was going to be weird. It’s interesting how this book is confirming something I have wondered for a while: the neglect/lack of love was probably far more damaging long-term than the sexual abuse or being hit. When your mother hates you from birth and teaches you that your existence is an unwanted burden… that’s hard to shake off. It’s not appropriate for later relationships to be unconditional and people who are neglected really hard in their first few years spend their whole life desperately wanting people to love them unconditionally and that fails because it’s not how adult relationships work.

My friends have to tell me no. My friends have to say “I can’t do that for you.” My friends have to say “If you do x I can’t be around you.” That is not an attack or a withdrawal of friendship that is appropriate boundary setting. But in my brain it doesn’t always read that way and I need to learn how to love myself enough to make up for those boundaries feeling like a statement that I do not deserve love and I should die.

That’s not what people are trying to say. But my brain was programmed to read things that way.

It’s inspiring reading a book by someone much older than me who says “Yeah this is shit work that we will never be finished with. It’s ok. You are worth doing all this work for.” I have to think I am worth putting in the effort to reprogram my brain. I have to try to interpret my friends behavior as healthy boundary setting because they are awesome autonomous people with their own lives.

That’s my work.

It is going to take me a while though.

Half an hour till the grocery store opens. Woo. Tomorrow I will figure out delivery. Today I just need to get food. Setting up internet accounts is hard when I’m this tired, I don’t have patience to spare. It is all going to my children. I’m doing well with that though. I’m talking about *why* we have to learn skills for our benefit and their future. I’m trying very hard to frame things as “We do this so we will be healthy/have strength/feel good” instead of “Stop doing x because you suck.” (I don’t tell my kids they suck.) I do sometimes tell them that I don’t have more patience to absorb inconvenience and still be nice. That’s true. Ok, baby requires entertainment now.

Finding things, passing things on, and filling in the gaps.

I brought a bunch of boxes and bags back from Miss Jenny’s house yesterday instead of getting more groceries. I found that 3/5 boxes were full of stuff intended for her family (yay for me not having to figure it out–mostly hand me downs for her kids but also a bunch of presents) and we now have some of our books and toys that my kids have been missing. My big kids almost wept with joy at seeing some of their beloved toys. They were wise to send these things on to Scotland for reuniting. I also got a whole bunch of baby clothes for Her Sweetness and that feels super fun. She hasn’t gotten to have a big wardrobe and I have felt pretty bored by the lack of variety. This will be fun. Also: these clothes are more appropriate for the weather we will be having for a while. Yesterday was unusually warm (a whopping 20C!) but it’s dropping back to 12C over the next few days. (With the nighttime low going to 6C.) She will be grateful for the extra warmth.

But I was utterly exhausted after that and was not able to make a second trip to the grocery store. This is annoying because now I must go today/later. I got a lot of fruits and vegetables and bathroom necessities on the first trip. But I didn’t get helpful things with calories like cheese or meat. Whoops. We could not have carried more weight. I barely made it up the hill pushing the fully loaded stroller with the baby on my back. (We are staying just about exactly a mile up a somewhat steep hill from the grocery store.) But there is a closer co-op with less variety. I will probably try there today.

I did get eggs and one can of beans and butter and oil so it’s not a complete calorie wasteland.

I did not make dinner last night. I shared a banana with Her Sweetness and passed out super early because I could not physically keep moving. So I’m up super early. If I thought Her Sweetness would stay asleep I might run down the hill right now; the store is open 24 hours. But I don’t think that’s wise.


Maybe I will make some food and wait till the big kids wake up and then leave them here while I run down the hill. I trust the big kids to take care of her for an hour and a half and that’s all the time I need. It’s a 40 minute walk roundtrip. Closer to 30/35 minutes if I hurry. I don’t need a full hour to shop, I don’t have enough ability to carry weight to need that much time. I mean, it’s always a risk. But I can go much faster with less pain if I don’t have to bring the baby. Ok, the food co-op is a 6 minute walk away. That would be much wiser, but it doesn’t open until 7am.

Oh wait! I got a packet of scones! Ok, I’ll start cooking for myself soon because I am famished then I can handle waiting until 7. That will be fine.

If it’s less than 15 minutes round trip walking I am very comfortable leaving the kids here. The big kids play with her very well and they have both snacks and toys to keep them busy. I won’t be gone an hour. I might be able to get back in 45 minutes round trip. And Eldest Child has her phone so she can text me if there is an issue and I will drop the groceries and run home.

It feels really fun to get back some of our books. None of these will leave Scotland so I need to read them fast.

We aren’t getting our luggage back for another 10 hours. Not so bad in the scheme of things. I did a load of laundry already and I slept in my clean long johns so I was able to wash my underwear and pants. The kids have extra underwear they don’t love but it will be a benefit to own. They can both wear the same size now but they are slightly different shapes about it.

Time to go cook for kids who have woken up. At 3:!0am. Ha.

The good, the bad, the exhaustion.

Howdy folks. Last time I wrote to you we were in Fukuoka Japan. We then briefly bopped through Seoul and London on our way here to Inverness. Unfortunately our baggage remained behind in London. Whoops. Oh, and they can only find three of our four checked bags in their system so far. Double whoops. So we went to Tesco and got a couple of things for the kids and Miss Jenny has hand me downs for Her Sweetness.

So that’s the bad.

The good: fuckin’ A this apartment is great. We went on a bigger grocery shopping trip this morning than we have done since Hawaii. And we are going to go again on our way back from lunch with Miss Jenny. I FEEL SO FUCKING HAPPY. I GET TO STORE OVER A WEEK OF GROCERIES AT A TIME!!!! This is my happy place.

We are absolutely adoring our first contact with Scotland. Folks are very friendly. Like: if we don’t nod or smile or say hello to someone immediately… they do it first. Oh glory be. Not to mention there are fat people everywhere. I had not understood how slightly uncomfortable in my body I felt in Japan where I saw tons of beautiful clothing… that I could not possibly buy because I was about 8 sizes larger than they carry in stores. I could have bought pretty clothes today. But I didn’t because my bags will be here soon and I have too damn many clothes already. But I COULD HAVE.

My kids each found a pair of pants and a shirt that fit better than anything they’ve been able to buy for a while.

My fucking ancestors lived here. I can tell.

Deep sigh of happiness. Not to mention that the slightly bracing air is glorious. It’s not cold, but we are happier in a hoodie with our tshirt. We have been over heated for a long time now.

The selection of produce was fabulous. I got so many kids of produce. Spinach and tomatoes and Brussels sprouts and cabbage and grapes and raspberries and strawberries and blueberries and bananas and apples and carrots and broccoli and potatoes and cauliflower and garlic and bok choi and… I’m sure there is more. That produce drawer is packed. I didn’t get meat or cheese or any such. We will definitely need a second trip today before I feel like we have the full variety we like to have on hand.

And all of our devices are on the wifi network. The kids have already downloaded more library books. This week is their spring break. I told them I am not going to monitor their screen usage beyond the parental controls that are already in place (which means they can read as much as they want on their phone/ipod).

It was a bitch pushing the baby-car/stroller/buggy up the hill with all the food in it, but the view is absolutely amazing. I love being back in the hills/mountains. (These feel like rather small mountains to me, but I love elevation.)

This is showing promise to be a glorious two months.

We found a restaurant just over a mile away for breakfast. It was all you can eat full English breakfast. I was stunned by how much Her Sweetness put away. We were all really hungry. The last day of travel really took a lot out of us.

We are the first guests in a brand new apartment. The host is super nice and she asked me if I could suggest anything that would make the place better to stay in. She said she will go pick up everything I suggested today so I really couldn’t ask for better hosting. (Tea pot, wash cloths, second frying pan.)

The apartment isn’t really decorated to my taste, but it is very modern and chic Ikea stuff. It’s kind of funny to me. It’s white on white with a little bit of grey and tan. And lots of stags.

I am looking forward to staying here. I feel like I just slid into a perfectly sized glove. I mean, if I lived in this sort of house I would absolutely paint it to look different… but this is a luxury apartment. It wasn’t going to be wacky. And I don’t think I’d be permitted to have a large wild garden by HOA standards right around here. So it’s not long-term perfect. But this will be incredibly comfortable and appropriate for a while. And there’s a lot of potential.

Gosh I am appreciating the cold. I mean, it’s not cold. But when we left the house this morning it was 45F. After sweating like a pig for months that felt so nice. And it’s not California cold where you have no insulation in the houses so you freeze 24/7 all winter. It’s snug and nice inside and then when you step out to walk it feels lovely chilly. I like it.

Wellington is 50ish-70ish year round.


We are going to leave to go meet up with Miss Jenny in about half an hour. I’m super tired but it’ll be nice. We are going to do a second grocery run on the way home. Then I intend to hide in this apartment for 3-4 days without leaving. I am weary.

I continue to be shocked by how well my children handle travel. We had a couple of moments of whining/fussing in a travel day where they were awake/in motion for almost 26 hours with a few cat naps. Her Sweetness even slept in the airplane bassinet for about three hours.

Can’t complain about that.

What an ending.

We had such a fun dinner. I spent the evening talking mostly in Spanish to two glorious women who have lived in Japan for 30+ years. Well, three women but one was working and wasn’t a big part of the conversation. We talked about our children and work. One teaches Flamenco dance and the other is a graphic designer (and obviously the third runs a restaurant). What a privilege. I felt so happy. The ladies had a great time playing with Her Sweetness and they were glad the big kids were trying to talk to them. Keep studying they said.

This is the kind of thing you get from travel. Magical nights spent going between three languages as everyone says how great the other people are.

The other ladies had 0, 1, and 2 kids. They were impressed I want to do the work of having 3. Ha. It is a lot of work.

But I was very unhappy without them. Even though my anxiety isn’t gone, even though my depression isn’t gone… this is what I want to be doing. I am grateful for my life even as I bitch about not getting a break. I get to belong. I get to have four people who think that spending time with me is amazing and they want to do it every day.

I know how lucky I am.

I had a great time here. I never wanted to come to Japan. I thought I would be miserable. I wasn’t miserable. There was some stress and extra work… but it was tranquil and peaceful and beautiful in a way I have never experienced. I feel blessed that I got to feel this in my bones. I leave feeling like this is a wonderful country and I hope I get to come back some day. Thank you, Noah.

I feel stupid for needing to write so much about what I am thinking. But it does help me. Thank you for not being mad at me writing to you in my blog and Twitter and Slack and IMs and Discord.

Thank you for liking me.

If you are here cause you are a hate follower my life is cooler than yours so go ahead and hate me.

If you are not a hate follower: my life is not cooler than yours. Your life is awesome in ways mine is not and I deeply envy you. I can’t be you. I can’t have what you have. But I think you getting to have it is glorious. You get to have family ties I don’t. You get to have an established life I do not get to have. You get to have a career I do not get to have. You get to have a partner I do not get to have (ok, Noah is the perfect partner for me… but your partner is probably really fucking cool too). You get to have a mom and a dad who love you; that is not my story.

It’s ok that we get to be different. I like you a lot how you are. I am grateful you share your time and your thoughts with me.

I wish everyone had diarrhea of the mouth blogs so I could know how they process every day. But folks don’t feel comfortable. Sometimes I wish I didn’t feel so damn comfortable blabbing all this shit. I kind of wish I were more private. But I don’t do well when I try that. I make bad choices. I hurt myself. I don’t want to hurt myself anymore. I want to feel joy and contentment and relief because of the excellent life I get to have.

I am having a really fucking cool life.

I started out trash. I started out expendable and unwanted and rejected.

And here I am. Tomorrow I get on a plane to Scotland to see one of my very favorite people in the entire fucking world. I am blessed. I am lucky. In June I get to go to an area that has at least a dozen people I love tremendously. In September I get to go somewhere with the best food and cheap massage in the world. In December I get to go see one of my very favorite people in the whole world in her home with her glorious family that has been so nice to me even though I’m a weird ass white person.

I am bringing presents for Pam’s parents, you bet your ass. I should write Pam’s sister and tell her I hope she comes in December too. Getting to see that whole family at once would be quite a Christmas present. Thank you for allowing me to stand near your beautiful family. I don’t feel worthy. I don’t feel deserving. But that’s not my call. You do.

I love you so much.

In 2020 I want us to find an immersion Spanish school that will take my whole family. I want us to stay there for a while. I want us to leave pretty close to fluent. Speaking Spanish makes my heart soar. I feel more human, more warm, more joy. I love the language. It feels like love. It feels like happiness. I want more.

Even if we don’t end up in a Spanish speaking country permanently, I want this in my brain. It brings me so much contentment and joy.

I feel so grateful to have this life. Fuck yes. Let’s do this.

Happy Easter

In a completely secular way Easter has always been big for us. In California I hid hundreds of eggs. Way too much candy. I only buy my kids toys for their birthdays, Christmas, and Easter… so they usually get a pretty noticeable basket.

I told the kids yesterday that they need to not expect much from me for this holiday. We don’t have the ability to carry much crap; we leave this country tomorrow and we don’t need much candy. There isn’t enough space to hide a bunch of eggs if I wanted to. Also: I did not find one plastic fill-able egg in this country. So.

They each got a present bag with some stuff. A pair of earrings (pierced or screw on, depending), a headband (they have both declared that they are growing their hair out and they are complaining about the intermediate length), a tin of chips (an interesting Japanese flavor), a packet of candy I don’t recognize for variety, one Kinder egg (I ate the third one for fairness–ha), two little Lindt chocolates (exactly like we always had at home for memories sake), and a LOL little sister doll (they are about 1.5″ tall). I found tiny little eggs that hang from string and I put 6 of them up in their room.

I also got a lovely strawberry cake for us to have with tea.

My mom would lie and say she would do things that she wouldn’t do. I will strongly imply that I can’t do anything when I have already done something so you don’t expect me to do 10x’s as much.

The secret to happiness is low expectations, yo.

Her Sweetness didn’t get anything and she won’t be sad about that. She got one toy in this country, an activity book I plan to lean on heavily on the plane. She will share the cake, of course. Next year I can’t leave her out. And next year I will try harder to hide eggs. I don’t yet know where we will be, but I’m a resourceful bugger.

My children will have magical memories of me ensuring that they feel special. Because they are special to me. I don’t forget about their need for ceremony and tradition. It’s important. They need to feel like they can predict that things will happen and that they can know what is coming even though our lives have a lot of chaos.

I owe them all the stability my chaotic brain and body are capable of delivering. They are largely flexible and adaptable and capable of accepting dysregulation, but every child needs touchstones.

This is one for us.

So I sit here and watch my beautiful husband and baby sleep and I wait to hear the gasps through the paper thin walls.

Happy Easter.

Not ready to leave, don’t want to stay.

There’s a lot that’s great here. If I had a real kitchen I think I could handle the other inconveniences of being in a really small space here. I’m not ready to leave because I haven’t gotten a massage in four weeks and I’m in a lot of pain. I am exhausted. The night wakings are slowing down a little, but I’m going to jump time zones again and poor little Sweetness is going to not appreciate that.

I am worried about almost 22 hours of travel right now. But, we’ll get through it. It is going to hurt. I am going to have to take some Ibuprofen whether I like it or not. I am going to have a rough two days because when we arrive we truly must get provisions. And then I think we will sit in the flat on Wednesday and do virtually nothing. I mean, change diapers and eat and all that. I will have to cook, but that is going to feel like a relief at this stage. More familiar food sounds lovely.

Wonderful Miss Jenny is helping me figure out how to get groceries delivered so that maybe we won’t have to leave the apartment on Tuesday after all. (She doesn’t have a car so she is familiar with this pickle.) That would be really rad.

I am a bit apprehensive about being separated from Noah for two weeks. It started out this way because Noah and Eldest Child were going to be taking a side trip for a week to deal with teeth stuff. That got jettisoned once I started looking into the fact that going in and out of the bay for a retainer would be more expensive than doing braces again and probably be more frustrating and difficult for EC. She has lost several retainers and that experience is making her feel bad about herself. Whereas she did great with managing her braces and she came out feeling super self confident.

Wherever we land, Middle Child is going to want braces. His mouth looks just like mine. Ha.

Beautiful had a good thought about my fear of rejection/people saying no to things I ask. I already tell myself no for a lot of things. I don’t ask for 10% of what I want because I don’t feel entitled. So when someone tells me no… it feels like a much bigger rejection due to me having already rejected myself. It feels like my friend is agreeing with my internal dialogue that says I shouldn’t be asking at all.

My brain is an asshole.

Another day, another excellent restaurant find.

I don’t think we’ve had bad food here. I mean, even the spicy ramen that burned my asshole for three days tasted fantastic. Last night we went to the cat restaurant. We call it that because there is a picture of a cat on the door. What is the actual name of the restaurant? Fuck if I know, it’s only written in Japanese. But they actually have a resident cat who came out to greet us so I will lodge it in memory as the cat restaurant. The beef was dreamy. But let me back up.

It started with a fantastic soup that had a bunch of root vegetables, some beef, and some fish. Luckily Noah ate the soup the fastest so he found the fish and volunteered to take it from my bowl. Such a good husband. Then Noah and I got lovely large salads that were super delicious. Very well dressed and everything. Then came rice and miso soup. The kids also got the intro soup. Then the kids got plates of chicken. We found the word chicken on the menu with the app and the word beef and pointed at two random things. We had no real idea what we ordered.

The kids got a salt and pepper chicken and a basil chicken with a nice salad on the side, no rice. Noah and I got sizzling beef platter piled upon a bed of sprouts and cabbage with chunks of well cooked potatoes and carrots.

We shared this glorious bounty with no particular respect to who got what. It was great. I loved the food. That was some of the most glorious beef I’ve ever eaten in my entire life. It was also one of the most expensive meals we’ve had in this country, clocking in at $90. Worth every penny. But I can understand why the restaurant was empty when there are other restaurants right near by where we can feed our family to being stuffed on a mere $25.

Yesterday Noah had his first day of his conference. We woke up fairly early (we are waking up at about 5) and I nursed the baby so that she would go back to sleep for a while. I primped Noah. For Christmas he got a bunch of beard care fancy schtuff and I used most of it on him and I hand trimmed his beard because there is not a single plug in this apartment near a mirror. I also rubbed a bunch of lotion into him so that he smelled nice. Mmm pineapple. I applied deodorant because I am a nice person and he had a 45 minute walk ahead of him on his way to the conference. I have met my smelly mammal.

The kids and I had a pretty chill day. I went to the grocery store as usual. Her Sweetness is now demanding that we hold her hands and walk her around for large stretches of the day. Luckily the big kids like to help so we were tapping in and out of that job. We did that while watching a show together. It was fun.

The kids are doing writing stuff for academics and occasional loosey goosey math. We are finishing up notebooks so we have less to carry. I love that Eldest Child is mostly writing fanfic about Warriors (It’s about cat clans) and Middle Child is writing opinion pieces on where he thinks Girl Genius is going. He thinks Zeetha will win over Bangladesh Dupree and he had a lot of specific reasons in his essay. That was really fun to read.

He also drew a comic illustrating his most recent argument with his sister. I found it pretty funny.

I spent a bunch of time sitting with myself and trying to process how much I am over reacting vs how much I am having necessary feelings about different situations in my life. I am feeling a lot better about myself reading this CPTSD book. He stresses that the goal isn’t to feel joy all of the tme because that is unrealistic, unattainable, and a really stressful thing to put on yourself. The goal is to stop beating yourself up for existing and having a range of feelings.

He also talks a lot about regressing (he calls it emotional flashbacks) to emotional states from childhood as being something that can go on for months or years. That dovetails into what I am observing about myself during the early parts of my children’s lives. He talks about how doing the things you need to do the most will often trigger overwhelming shame and anxiety because you were trained as a child that you should not take care of yourself.

It’s like Sarah telling me that I can’t talk about the ways I felt bad about our relationship because I was publicly shaming her. That’s exactly like my mom telling me that I can’t talk about the shit in our family because it is airing dirty laundry.

Sunshine is the best disinfectant.

I don’t think Sarah is a bad person. I don’t think she intended to hurt me. She was protecting herself. We all need to do that, right?

But it’s kind of like how I need to stop treating other people like they are more important than me. They aren’t. I don’t need to keep showing up to help people who will drive past me to help someone else. I don’t need to keep hosting events so that other people can have a sense of community but people won’t show up to hang out with me one on one because really… they are just at my events so they can have the other people in the group.

I can’t do that any more.

I can’t keep contributing to the home schooling groups that are absolutely rigidly controlled by the leader, but everyone is welcome to work for her benefit as much as they want.

Nope. Nope. Nope.

I’m not anti-work. I’m against people expecting me to always give for the joy of giving while not getting anything back because I am supposed to not need support. I’m a fucked up person with a lot of problems of my own. Most of my support comes from people I pay… but I’m expected to help other people for free.

I can’t do this anymore. I’m not a “Fuck you, pay me” person. But I wanted exchanges not being bled dry.

My shrink asked me to think about what I want to get from people in Portland and I have not been able to respond to her because thinking about that makes me want to throw up. I am not allowed to want anything. If I want something it won’t happen and I will be disappointed and then I will be a bad person because I will act disappointed. My expectations get me in trouble all over the place. I want to leave Portland with my friendships intact and not feeling bad about myself.

And I can’t write anymore because my kids won’t leave the room. ok.

A quiet moment

Noah is walking to the store. I have a sleeping baby on my lap. Big kids are in their apartment folding their clean laundry.

It’s been a tiring day. We walked a bit over 5 miles today. We went to thrift stores but no one wanted some of the stuff I wanted to donate. Shit. I was able to get rid of clothing at H&M. That did help but some of this stuff is going to end up in the garbage and that makes me sad.

I’m getting a lot out of this book (Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving: A GUIDE AND MAP FOR RECOVERING FROM CHILDHOOD TRAUMA). A few friends have commented that they felt I was regressing since Her Sweetness was born. I think that is true. I think I have done so with each of my kids. I think that my early life (like the first 2 years) was probably a lot more traumatic than I even understand. I think that’s part of why I am such a basket case when I have tiny children. I feel like their needs matter and mine don’t and I drive myself to utter exhaustion and depletion trying to be there for them around the clock with inadequate support. 

I definitely perceive some of the lack of support as being my fault. Noah and I have shoved our parents away and that’s who helps most people.

I’ve been thinking about something in context of the online therapy and reading this book: why does being alone feel like such punishment? Well, I suspect that is related to a lot of my foster homes. A lot of the places where I was sent to live would tell me that I had to stay alone in a room for all of the hours I was in the house because I was bad. So being alone makes me feel like I am still in that place. Like I don’t deserve to be around people. Because I am bad and bad and bad.

The online shrink asked how I handle tasks like going to get massage or brushing my teeth as self-care. Can I handle them? Well, I have had to mostly learn to perceive these activities as saving Noah money in the long run. I feel a lot of shame over how much money he has already spent fixing my shitty body. (God my mouth is expensive.) I don’t want to cost him any more than I absolutely have to and that means I have to do maintenance work. I can’t be penny wise and pound foolish on him. That’s not fair. I have to do this stuff or I am going to be way more expensive in the future. I’m disabled and it is getting worse. It will get a lot worse in the future if I don’t do everything I can to fight against the flow now.

But if I don’t have time alone I go crazy and get really fucking mean. So this balance of not wanting to be alone is a problem.

It’s useful to be reminded that I am basically in a large scale flash back and that’s why I am not coping as well as I was before I got pregnant again. It’s neat having Eldest Child remember that I was a lot more calm and patient and good at dealing with problems before I got pregnant. She said it was like a switch flipped.

Oh baby. And it was easier this time.

It’s nice that I can at least see that for myself. This time was easier and it was still hard. It was easier mostly because of the big kids and that feels complicated. I’ve tried hard not to lean on them too much, but I definitely have times when I say things like “Hold your baby I have to grab x”. (Like I did today when I was carrying stuff up and down stairs.)

I don’t feel possessive of her. We all wanted her to be made. She is our baby. Which is neat and complicated. I don’t feel like the kids are sub-parents. But we take the family pod thing pretty seriously. We belong to each other. They are only mine in as much as I am theirs. My kids talk pretty regularly about how lucky they feel to have each other as friends. “I’m so glad I like you so much.” We have periods where they struggle with each other, of course, but overall the balance for us is so heavily weighed towards finding solutions and nobody being More Important that I feel really happy.

I wanted this with my “chosen family” and that didn’t work out.

I am struggling with trying to view the chosen family stuff not working out the same way that I view my previous romantic relationships not working out. It’s not that I failed at those relationships: they ran their course and I learned a lot and they were good. I wouldn’t have been able to have as healthy of a relationship with Noah if I had not had those experiences and I am glad I am this level of healthy for him. I would not be able to be as good for/with my kids as I am if not for the relationships I had with my chosen family people.

We are reading a book called Philosophy for Kids and it presents a bunch of philosophical arguments and then prompts discussion. There was a question about what makes a friend. It was an Aristotelian sort of lens. It was interesting to me how my definition of friendship culls a lot of people and yet… it doesn’t? I maintain a lot of relationships because people are important to me. I can be in my blog screaming “Fuck you” because I have big feelings and then write you a long letter about what I appreciate about you. Because both feelings are true and present.

The fuck yous are mostly about me trying to come to grips with my expectations for you being out of whack with reality.

My expectations really fuck me over.

They ruin friendships. They ruin situations that should be good for me. Because I have this picture in my head of what I want things to be like and other people… don’t share those pictures.

It’s part of why I ask my kids so many questions about what they want from me and what they want in relationships. I can’t guess. I will fuck it up. I can’t try to force our relationship to be what I want… I will fuck it up. I hurt Noah so much with my bullshit expectations.

I can’t figure it out and manage to get it right with every friend I have. But I need to get it right with these four people. My friendships will have to morph or die and that has to be ok and healthy and appropriate.

Today I read something about how when you have CPTSD sometimes the most correct actions in a given moment make you feel ashamed and terrified because those behaviors were not acceptable during your childhood.

I feel like Sarah and I traumatized each other. We were neither of us the most healthy of people with the best boundaries and we used our individual neediness as a weapon against the other. That completely sucks because we really do love each other. Sometimes love is not enough. If I don’t feel like breaking up with my Owner was a failure because we needed different things from a partnership, why do I feel like a failure because my relationship with Sarah ended? Why do I use that feeling of failure as a bludgeon on myself to “prove” that I am pathetic and bad at relationships and incapable of being a good friend?

Fucking brains, yo.

I mean, I keep talking about how I will only focus on my family. But I’m running to Jenny. When I leave Jenny I go to see a whole bunch of people I love very much in the PNW. I have folks I will be seeing in Portland and Seattle and Eugene. Because they are important. Because when I have that physical distance most of the time it is easier for me to feel grateful about 3 hours of talking every few years being enough. I don’t have bigger expectations of people when we don’t live near each other on the regular.

Ok, that’s a lie too. It hurts that Dad only invites me to leather events when I bloody well don’t have childcare and that’s just not an option for me. He doesn’t invite me into his family where my children would be appropriate.

But I cope with that by putting him in a little box and not ever asking for anything from him. I get what I get and I shouldn’t be upset.

Fuck should.

But I love him. I want what I get so I am not allowed to complain about not getting more. I fucked things up with Sarah wanting more and I don’t want to do that with everyone. So I will smile and hug him and enjoy the moments I get to have and that’ll be that.

Life is so complicated. I have so much good going for me. I really don’t get to feel like my life is unfairly bad at this stage. But I’m a selfish twat waffle and I want ALL THE GOOD. Geez woman. There isn’t enough time in the day for all the good. You get a lot.

Really, I do get a lot.

Life doesn’t always bring this much good to a person.

Show some damn gratitude.

Breathe deep. Things will be ok.

We will find a forever home. We have friends and we will make more. We do that. Now I have a family. If I can make a family this awesome…. I can do anything.

Is it getting easier?

I am enjoying the book on CPTSD I’m reading. It’s very useful framing for a lot of what is going on in my brain. I will always struggle with this shit. Every time I struggle I will feel like I have made no progress at all and I am a failure.

This is part of the norm for people like me.

I feel like night weaning is going well-ish again. She is still waking up a ton but I am far more patient with it when I’m not in pain. Her ever increasing number of teeth are brutal.

We had an accident today on the rug. A marker broke. I was hungry and I worried about exploding so I went and ate something before I talked to a kid about it. Mistakes happen. We all break things. We all have times when we mess up. I am creating my children’s inside voice when I react to things like this. I said, “Hey! Know how you have a whole bunch of short term savings in case you need to fix a mistake? You have literally prepared for this happening. Because life is hard and things happen. It’s ok. It’s just a thing. Nobody died.”

*pat self on back*

I feel like I was a complete basket case for the first 18 months of having the two big kids. As much as I am still struggling (fucking nightmares) things are better than they were at the same age with the big kids. Her Sweetness is only 14 months old and I can eat something and respond calmly to an issue. I don’t think I was capable of that 8 years ago.

As much as I feel like I will never be anything other than a monster… I am improving with age. I just have to be willing to look at things in perspective. I am still not who I want to be.

I think often of what Jenny put in my birthday book. I look at myself and see how far I still want to get. She looks at me and sees how far I have come.

I get to see Jenny in a week. I’m so excited.

I am working hard on trying to get my emotions under control. I need to absorb the tranquility of Japan even with the frustrations of the limitations of this space. I have to. I want to make a good impression on Jenny’s kids. If I fuck up the first impression this time… I won’t be able to get that back. The older girl will remember me this time. I don’t want to be “that bitch” in her memory.

Come on Krissy, get it together.

Not to mention that I’m thinking really hard about how my behavior impacts Noah and I’m thinking about how I want to be impacting Noah. I actually got fairly lucky in my dating life. I was treated pretty darn well by most of the people I dated. Noah is a shining star above all of them. Noah has given me consistency (even though that is super hard for him) and kindness (that the world has never given him) and love (that no one ever gave him).

I want to be the partner he deserves. Because he tells me that he is the partner I deserve and he is so great.

Terrible nightmare

In my dream I was hanging out with a couple of old friends in a chat room. One was a man, one was a woman. He asked if they could both come visit me. I said it sounded like fun. Turns out he thought that by agreeing to the visit we wanted him to breed us. When he figured out that we didn’t want that (I’m done having children and she was child-free by choice) he started talking about how he was going to enjoy watching the blood splatter.

He was planning to beat us to death with a broom handle. I was so scared I could barely make sound come out of my mouth above a whisper so Noah wasn’t taking me very seriously.

I woke up shaking and terrified. My whole body hurts.

Men are really scary.

Another pretty good day.

Only 3 miles today. That’s not really enough, but it’s what I’m going to get until both of my children are healed.

Oh, Middle Child has a thing now. *sigh* I’d be super happy if my kids could be healthy and fully functional. Or at least wait until we get back to a country where we can have an easy conversation with doctors. Erf. We are doing the recommended home treatment (soaking and squeezing out puss) and it already looks a lot better than it did when he woke up. My comment to him: “Sweetie, this is why I’ve been telling y’all that chewing on your toenails isn’t wise. Your mouth is dirty.”

Apparently his toenails aren’t dirty but his mouth is? I don’t know. Ugh.

Bodies are rough. I will say that when things go wrong my children relax in a way that causes me to feel better about myself. “In perfect love and perfect trust” describes the way their entire body relaxes when I say “Hold still, I need to help you with this.” They believe I can fix basically anything. I didn’t ever expect to be trusted to this degree. It’s amazing.

I spent some time today moving stuff around in suitcases. I think I have gotten Noah from 85 lbs of checked baggage up to a solid 100 lbs of checked bags. This will make my trip easier.

I am seriously looking forward to finally getting to Scotland so I can share these books with my nieces. Ok, I probably won’t deliver the books to Jenny’s house till the end of the trip. We still use them for academics but June will be great. I feel super happy about knowing that at least 10 lbs will be disappearing. Ahhhhh.

When we leave Inverness we get to have 5- 50 lb checked bags, a diaper bag, 4- 22 lb carry on bags, and 4- small backpacks/purses. And we’ll have way less crap! I don’t think we’ll need all of them because we will get rid of enough stuff in Scotland.

The load is lightening with every hop. And after Scotland I don’t think we’ll see proper cold for a long time. I may not bring my fleece lined jeans for reasons of weight.

Ok. Time for bed.


Today I started off in a terrible mood. So I decided that I would go to an art museum. I took the two younger kids. In all I walked .09 short of 9 miles today. The museum was nice. It was a very baby-centric visit; I didn’t get to see most of the exhibits. But it cost a whopping $1.80 so I really don’t feel bad. Mostly she got to color and crawl around in a space that wasn’t our apartment. I did get to see some art though. I was not able to take notes about the artists so I can’t cite some of the geniuses I saw today.

One of the painters was very reminiscent (to me) of John Pringle, my favorite painter (a Glaswegian I saw at the Kelvingrove) and both of these fantastic painters make me want to buy some oil paints and go to town. TEXTURE. ALL THE TEXTURE. I WANTS IT.

Some day I think we will have an art studio and it will be really awesome. I think everyone in my family will use it and that… makes my heart soar.

When did this become my life? When did this become what Noah and I are going to share with our kids? I don’t know. But we all do a lot of art stuff. We draw, paint, sometimes sculpt (not much), I love my mosaics… we all love to create. We don’t watch tv. We make shit.

The walk was truly wonderful. Middle Child and I had a really fun conversation. It just went on and on. We talked about books we love to read; we talked about what living in a multi-cultural society means (both positive and negative aspects). We talked about equilibrium and disequilibrium and who we want to be.

He told me that he would really like it if I could learn from this experience in Japan and yell less in the future. He is really appreciating how calm I am here.

That’s both fair and a really cool observation.

And now Noah is reading a silly comic book to the kids and everyone is feeling pretty good.

We even started the day with sex. And Noah had a good work day to prepare for his conference Thurs-Sat. (He presents on Friday.)

Eldest Child’s knee is feeling better, but still not quite up for a lot of walking. She wants to make sure she doesn’t re-injure herself before we have to go through the airport. She’s being conservative, and frankly wise.

Her Sweetness had a really fun day and it was neat to watch her have so much fun. She’s getting really clear about communicating about food and that’s really excellent.

Today was so nice.

We got a (larger than truly planned) bouquet of flowers for our host here. We also got a bag of fruits and veggies that we used to grow in California. I wrote a thank you note telling them about the food; I said that growing and eating it brought us a lot of happiness and health and I hope it brings the same to them.

Today was a good day.

I am over today by 8:30am.

I am really frustrated. This apartment size is getting to me. There is literally no where to be out of the way unless you shove into a corner of the room. Most of those corners mean you can’t eat because the god damn rug is electric and we all spill our food so we have to stand/sit/crouch around the tiny bit of bare floor. And then if anyone wants to get up and get something else everyone has to god damn shift over. I am losing my mind.

Eldest Child’s knee is almost better. She has cabin fever. But we are up three flights of stairs and she was irritating it a lot and I need her to be all the way better before we go through another airport so we have to sit around and wait until it is FULLY healed, not almost healed. I am so bored.

I am tired of my entire days being laundry, cleaning, go get food, clean, interspersed with constant nursing and diaper changes.

I went out on a self date the other night. I got 2 whole hours away. The restaurant I picked had great food and shitty attitude. The host and another customer asked where I was from then had a loud sneering conversation in Japanese about “California” and “English only”. Given that they have a Japanese word that doesn’t sound like English they were pretty clearly making sure I understood they were talking shit. It wasn’t peaceful or fun.

I don’t get to go explore the city. Even if I did go I would have to take the two younger kids and Middle Child would loudly complain the whole time if I did anything other than go to a children’s play area.

I don’t get to have down time.

I don’t get to sleep.

Dealing with food is a nightmare. I am so frustrated. We have to walk to the store every day to get preprepared food that varies day by day and my kids are being really snotty about anything being weird and I am fucking out of patience. YES. THEY EAT FUCKING CHICKEN SKIN HERE. SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT AND GOD DAMN EAT BECAUSE I AM NOT WALKING ANOTHER TWO MILES TO TRY TO FIND SOMETHING OTHER THAN THESE GOD DAMN SKEWERS. THIS WAS THE NON SEAFOOD OPTION. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!!?!?!?!

Obviously I have not said that. But I am gritting my teeth a lot and I’m getting really short with their complaints. At first I told them they didn’t have to eat anything they didn’t like. Then that turned into living on fruit and sugary bread. Guess what, you have to eat the fucking protein I can find. I am sorry they don’t exclusively have chicken breasts for you. Suck. It. Up.

I have had to eat more than one thing that probably had seafood in it because that’s what there was. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

We can’t only have familiar food. And no you can’t live on cream buns. That’s not ok.

I am really glad the kids told me they only wanted to be here for three weeks instead of longer. They show great wisdom.

Every other apartment for the next few months will have an easier kitchen. That’s turning out to be an even bigger deal than I could have imagined. We need a table. We need a place where we can sit down and eat together. It’s important. We need a way to cook so that we are not dependent on whatever the store puts together that day from mostly seafood.

This country is both more polite than my experience of Paris and less polite. It’s fascinating. I don’t want to “go home” but I don’t want to be here anymore.

Thank you, next.

I miss scrambles. Eating raw fruit and vegetables every day for breakfast probably isn’t helping. I’m hungry. The meals in restaurants here usually leave me feeling hungry and I need to go supplement. The people here are smaller and their calorie needs are lower. But I also kind of feel like a pig when I buy 5-6 preprepared “meals” for our family of 4 adult sized people and a baby. But we eat them.

And the baby is sick. I am frustrated. I am probably getting sick too. But I sucked a looooooot of snot out of her nose. The nose Frida is simultaneously awesome and truly disgusting.

I just want to rest. I want a bed day. I want to not have to clean for a day. I want to not have to go take care of anyone or anything.

That won’t be happening any year soon and today I feel super bitter and angry about it.


I just looked more closely at the baggage allowances for the airline we are taking out of this country. Because Noah’s destination is the US he is allowed TWO CHECKED BAGS THAT EACH GET TO WEIGH 50 LBS.

Oh fuck life.

H’okay. What can we live without for a week or so as he brings it with him to the US and then back across the damn pond to Scotland?

Sorry Noah. You get to carry a lot of shit you won’t use. I assume you won’t even open the second bag.

Fuck nursing

Ok. The minute I get to Scotland where I will no longer feel as bad about baby girl screaming I am night weaning. I. Cannot. Do. This. 10, 11, 12, 1, 3:30, 4:30 and 5:30 wake ups to nurse are not. fucking. ok. Hell, I turned her down the last two times. If my down stairs neighbor objects I don’t fucking care. I barely get back to sleep and she is waking me up screaming in my face or kicking me in my face.

I am so fucking enraged.

Why don’t you act niiiiiiiiiicer to everyone. BECAUSE FUCK YOU. THAT’S FUCKING WHY.

I am up to over 3 years of my life lost to this bullshit. My pain levels are back up to a 6/7. I hurt. I am exhausted.

But be more giving!

Be kinder!

Be more gentle!

No. I have nothing to give. Today I am going to sit still until I go do everyone’s fucking laundry then I will sit still again; I ain’t taking care of any other shit. The big kids can get away from me.

I can’t deal. I can’t be patient. I feel like dog shit.

And I think I am getting sick based on the volume of crap coming out of my nose.

I have already started working on packing. The airline we are flying to leave here has much tighter restrictions than the one we used coming here. We can’t check as many bags. We can’t have as many carry ons. So I am already working hard to pack and figure out what to get rid of. Luckily all three of my children have grown so maybe their bags will get lighter and I can shove a bunch of stuff into their bags. It just occurred to me that the pants that EC has outgrown might fit MC and I should have him try after I do the laundry. That would be hecka smart. He’s outgrown so much in the past few months. He looks much thinner than he did when we arrived in Japan. He was deliciously pudgy in Hawaii and now he’s stretched again.

Growing like consciously planted invasives.

We each get one checked bag and one carry on. The “personal item” can’t be bigger than a purse. Fuck. We arrived here with 6 checked bags and 8 carry ons. I will probably pay to check one extra bag. I don’t want to but I might need to. Noah will be carrying more crap to Minneapolis and then Scotland than is strictly necessary for him to have and I don’t care. He is carrying the maximum weight limit for his bags, not what he needs. I get to carry the absolute maximum when I travel by myself with three kids. Nothing is fair. Nothing is easy. He will cope just bloody fine.

I will be moving very very slowly and using a lot of trollies.

I get to have three 50.5 lb bags that we check, four 22 lb bags that I *think* all need to be carried on, and the stroller. I suspect we will all be wearing extra layers of clothing that we don’t really need to wear and we will take them off and put them in a grocery bag on the damn plane. Ha. Tell me I can’t have an extra carry on, will you? I’ll get around that nonsense.

I am already packing all the grown up clothes we won’t wear in the next week. I will just do laundry slightly more often, that’s not a problem. I just about flipped out in Hawaii trying to pack because getting it all done in the last few days when we wanted to be “having fun” sucked. I can’t do that again.

I’m hoping ECs knee heals fully so we can explore in the last few days we are here. That means everything else needs to be ready to go.

The biggest suitcase currently weighs 36 lbs with the high chair inside it and most of the big stuff I would want to get packed in there. That’s promising. I will find more clothes to shove in the nooks and crannies. The kids are getting rid of clothes/books that already total like 8 lbs so far; more will have to be culled. Several of the baby toys are ready to go but they need to be washed first. I have used up many bottles of bathroom stuff so the volume is greatly reduced. I am ditching all of the medications that will expire in the next three months because I will need to replace it soon anyway. I am considering combining the very different looking kinds of vitamins into one bottle so I have less to carry.

will get us there.

Frankly, this will be easier anyway. I have been trying to reduce weight and volume. This is an excellent spur to truly get that shit done.

I may decide that it is better to ship gifts to the US from Japan instead of sending them in Noah’s bag for him to ship from Minneapolis. That may be important. This is why I am starting to pack nine days in advance this time.

Now it is eight days in advance. I am going to do laundry today and I am going to put all of our extra cooking stuff in bags. We aren’t using all of it here. We will be more likely to use it in Scotland. I think the kitchen alone in Inverness is bigger than our entire apartment here. Then there is a living room bigger than the second apartment here. Then there are multiple bedrooms.

Space sounds so nice right now.

And the house in Portland! It will feel FUCKING PALATIAL! (It’s a fairly small house. It’s about comparison.) The first thing I will need to buy there is a baby gate so that baby girl does not fall down the stairs into the basement. According to truly the house is 892 sq ft. So it is almost as big as the house in Fremont minus the third bedroom and expanded bathroom. Awesome. It’s really funny that we started this journey partially because the house wasn’t going to be big enough for the long run. (None of these temporary lodgings are for the long run. But my kids all want to have their own bedrooms by the time they hit high school. Ok.)

The refrigerator in Bangkok will be three times the size of this one. There are many more kitchen cabinets. The counter space still isn’t extravagant, but at least they have a rice cooker (up on a shelf so it doesn’t dominate the counter), a convection oven, and at least twice the prep space as we have here. I will make it work. We have a separate living room there. The kid room is much smaller and they will just have to deal. We will be in Bangkok for three months. The entire booking will only cost $3,138.

Portland for 2.5 months is $6,731. Inverness for two months is $5,850. Fukuoka for three weeks: $2,820. Thank goodness for Bangkok bringing the average down. And Japan is by far the smallest, most difficult to live in space. I suspect folks will be more friendly to us every where else too.

Not that everyone in Japan has been unfriendly–that’s not true at all. But this is not a multiple cultures promoting place. I miss seeing a sea of different kinds of faces. Kuala Lumpur was incredible for that. But their government is persecuting LGBTQ+ folk. Can’t go back.

I want to go to South or Central America. Asia has turned out to be way better than I imagined; pero yo quiero hablar español.

Pienso en español. No todo, claro, pero mucho.

Noah really is heading towards New Zealand in his heart. Turns out he has cousins there (through the queer/trans branch!!) and getting work visas would be a cinch. He has already been approached by a tech company that would be happy to sponsor him while he keeps his current job for US dollars so he can start the immigration process. Their goal would be for him to ultimately found some sort of company there.

He’s thinking a code school. I can’t think of a better thing for him to do with his personal goal of helping to “build the railroad”. He wants to help people learn. He wants to help people get into the ability to work with computers. Opening a code school in semi-rural New Zealand sounds pretty fucking rad towards that goal.

But maybe it would work in South America too? Let’s go find out.

If we move to New Zealand I want to learn Maori. There is an interesting cross cultural psychology program at one of the universities that requires knowing Maori. Hmmmm.

But first… I need to fucking sleep. *glare at baby who is once again nursing*

fuck my life.

Therapy goals (on phone)

I need to figure out how to have self dates stop feeling like punishment. That’s a consistent issue for me even though I literally require time to defrag my brain. I want all of my recharging to come from time with friends and that has not worked out and it is only going to get harder over the next couple of years.

I need to have a more consistent parenting plan in place. Currently I give until I crack then I get mean. That isn’t what anyone needs or wants.

I want to have better strategies for handling the fact that people routinely over promise and under deliver. This feels related to how I used to get apoplectic level angry about tardiness. I mellowed on that one. Can I learn to not take the casual “I will do x” that will never happen in a more calm way? I know it is related to my mom and that is part of why it is so triggering. (FUCK MAGIC MOUNTAIN.)

I want to stop liking myself only as much as my friends have expressed recently.

I want to have better ways of handling friends who don’t listen to my soft no’s without over the top screaming.

I want to stop pouring myself into friends who use me.

I want to stop trauma bonding all the damn time.