Living in the slaughterhouse

Oh gosh. This period is so much. In a 12 hour span I completely soaked 4 pads and a pair of 2 tampon underwear. That’s a fuck ton of blood. When I was rinsing things out in the shower this morning before I toss it in the washing machine… it looked like a slaughterhouse. There was blood up to my knees from the splashing. It’s just… whoa. I hope that next month is a bit more sane. I don’t really have enough menstruation products to be bleeding like this. Right now I have on the panties, a panty liner, and two full pads. Please let me make it till after lunch. Then I’ll change the whole shebang (I actually remove layers as they fill up because sitting on a damp wad of cloth that is 2″ thick is quite uncomfortable) and put everything from last night and this morning in the laundry. For once I’m glad the washing machine is so small so I don’t feel quite so wasteful.

It’s a lot. LIke, oh my goodness and splashes of tomato sauce lot. Like slaughtering animals a lot.

As one of my former students used to say while cackling: “Never trust anything that can bleed for a week straight and not die.”

I don’t feel like I want to do much. I want to lie very still and bleed.

I feel like a rather shitty woman a lot of the time. I know women who go through similar stuff, with the same number of kids, and they have a job too. I feel like a lazy sack of shit. My hat is off to working mothers. Y’all are… magical.

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