I did all of the band exercises. I’m jimmy rigging one of them because the original band broke and I’m using the one I have left for all of them. So now I can do one arm at a time instead of doing them in tandem. My shoulders are in bad shape. The grinding was absolutely gross to hear. Adhesions R Us.

Bird dogs

RockĀ backs (I don’t know what this is actually called.)

Wall sits


Other yoga-tastic stretches to loosen up my hips and shoulders.

Neck stretches

My wrists are in absolutely terrible shape. Bird dogs hurt.

I can’t list stretches. I am bad at remembering the names. But I spent half an hour working out my body after we did about 2.6 miles walking today. (My tracker shut the fuck off so I don’t know precisely how far we went but I know how far the store is.)

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