I am in love

The house was better than it looked in pictures. The grounds aren’t extensive… but that is probably for the best. Yes, there are a fair number of stairs but there is also a self contained apartment with a wheelchair ramp and wide doors. There are so many ways this house will be configured over time. The bedrooms are much larger than the ones we had in Fremont. THERE ARE 6 TOILETS. *swoon* 5 showers! A bathtub I could share with Noah! There is an exterior studio room that was SOUND PROOFED FOR A DRUM SET. I could scream in there and nobody would notice.

There is so much light. It’s a very bright, happy house. The ceilings are much higher than almost any others I’ve seen in this area. There is a tree in the corner of the lounge. There are beach logs used as the barrier next to the staircase.

It’s really nice. The yard is very private. The yard has decent borders and lots of central space where I can plant a really nice cottage garden.

It’s going to be important for us to replace the fence next to the burn (a small creek). We will have a small creek as the border of our property. (Insert heart eyes emoji) We will need to change the entry gate so that it is less easy for a toddler to climb right over. There are a couple of sections of fence that we will want to make a bit taller. Possibly trellis with plants?

I won’t need to do anything to this house for years. But when I want to, I have small easy to compartmentalize projects.

The current owners need to sell the house, then wait a while so their next house can be built. They are getting a modular place put together. It will take around six months. We asked about the possibility of them selling to us then renting it back from us so they don’t have to move twice in a year. The lady had never considered such an option and her eyes got about as wide as dinner plates. That would make her life a lot easier.

So tomorrow… we contact a mortgage company. Then call the solicitor back.

I love the utility room. There is a great shed for gardening tools and bikes. There’s plenty of storage for holiday stuff.


The outside studio could easily be for classes of 4-8 people.

I think that I wouldn’t have there be a lounge next to the kitchen. I think I would just use that as a dining room.

So many thoughts. I loved the house. It is so versatile.


1 thought on “I am in love

  1. RT

    Exciting! It looked nice on the website, but your descriptions of how you would use the space really bring it to life. And, damn, what you get for the price! Real estate values are so different outside the Bay.


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