That was… way less worrisome than expected.

Well, we got the house. And we need to hand over money by August 26th. We literally don’t sign anything. The previous home owner signs it over to us and we pay to have that registered with the government and… they hand us keys and we continue on our merry way. It’s not like California where you need to sign like 37 pages in front of a notary. Like, whoa.

We still have negotiating to do with the home owner. I am not 100% certain they will be out of the house on September 2nd (our official purchase date is our 13th anniversary–that’s so awesome) because they might rent from us for a while. We will be exchanging lots of emails to communicate because that’s how we roll.

I need to sit down with my OmniFocus and write down lists of tasks. Like getting copies of all of our medical records. Oh goody.

But it’ll be great! Do the things! Then we will be free! Free to move to the next stage of life where we live in beautiful Scotland.

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