I’m trying. It never feels like enough.

Done did PT today. (Well, I’m mid-way through. I will do half before lunch and half after lunch.)

It is hard doing this for so many reasons but I know it is important. I am trying.

It is hard feeling like no matter how much I try I am going to drop 10 balls and that means I suck.

I am really upset that when I said I was happy about finally getting childcare (in a fucking year and a half) my friend’s first response was, “So you are getting a job?” I do three or more jobs at once. It feels really bad that it is perceived that I am a failure if I drop down to one or two jobs at once.

2 thoughts on “I’m trying. It never feels like enough.

  1. Shelly

    I think you are getting a new job when the kids start school: booking writing and more consistent self care 🙂

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      I have thought about trying to earn money writing. If I did, I already have a mental list of what I’d do with the money starting with buying the strip of land behind the house… Noah’s income is going into retirement.


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