Ride or die.

Jenny wants us in Scotland. I feel utterly gobsmacked by how much she is doing to make this process go more smoothly.

Today was funny. I emailed the school we want to go to. They said according to the map we need to go to school #2. Emailed school #2. They said according to the map we need to go to school #3. Emailed school #3. They said according to the map we need to go to school #1. So Jenny went to the office of school #1 to show them a screen shot of where our house is on the map.

She also had all the stuff we were storing in her garage delivered to our house; that means we have warm clothes waiting in the house so we won’t be shivering in our Bangkok gear. She is giving us a whole bunch of stuff to start setting up house: dishes, a bed, extra warm things she knitted so it will be warm and love all at once.

She is bringing groceries over before we arrive.
I’m crying, but it is for joy. I feel so lucky that I get to follow Jenny to Scotland. I have followed Jenny all over the place. I am basically her stalker only she likes me. I used to follow her home in middle school. I followed her to g-blog then livejournal then facebook then twitter. She is the reason I learned how to dance. I went to Renaissance Faires because of her, and Dickens Fair. She introduced me to some of my favorite books and tv shows.
I am lucky. I am happy. Our flight leaves Bangkok in 73 hours. I feel less like death.
I was looking through old blog entries today. I have been exhausted and depleted and run down since at least 2006. I can’t wait to slow my life down. I can’t wait to follow Jenny again. She makes such lovely choices.
I don’t know what is up with the formatting right now.

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