How did we get here?

I was asked how Jenny got to Scotland. That’s actually a fairly simple story. Jenny got into online chatting years before I did. She was super into making friends through chatting when we were in high school. That’s why I have followed her from platform to platform on the internet. I am not sure I would have started blogging if I were not following her.

She met her spouse on Twitter through mutual friends. They talked for a long time remotely. Eventually they decided they wanted to meet each other. So they met up… in Canada. Which makes a lot of sense for folks from Scotland and California, right? (It did make sense at the time.)

That meeting went spectacularly well. So Jenny went and spent six months in Scotland to see how much they got along. That trip was great! So they decided to get married. Many hoops were involved.

A whole bunch of us from California all went to Scotland for the wedding. That was the Scotland trip when Eldest Child was 3 years old and Middle Child was 9 months old.

Now Jenny has a 6 year old and a 2 year old. I have kids who are 11, 9, and 1.

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