
The big kids are in school. Her Sweetness is napping on her dad. I rode my bike to the post office to send out business mail. Now I am sitting alone enjoying a cup of tea and reading a book about sexual response so I can change my approach to my love life.

I used to think being “sex positive” meant saying yes as much as physically possible. I am trying to change my thoughts. Maybe being sex positive means saying no unless I really really want to say yes.

3 thoughts on “Rest

  1. bailey

    Wikipedia says: The sex-positive movement is a social and philosophical movement that seeks to change cultural attitudes and norms around sexuality, promoting the recognition of sexuality (in the countless forms of expression) as a natural and healthy part of the human experience and emphasizing the importance of personal sovereignty, safer sex practices, and consensual sex (free from violence or coercion).

    Note the: emphasizing the importance of personal sovereignty

    That’s a fancy way of saying that you can be sex-positive and still say no to sex. Participation in sex in not a requirement of being sex-positive. I am a case in point. I consider myself very sex-positive but haven’t had sex with another person in several years.

    IT’S OK TO SAY NO. <— just in case that is helpful.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      I feel like being in communities that had a sexual focus from the age of 18 really warped me in some bad ways. That may be what Wikipedia said, but that’s not what I felt attending munches and going to Burning Man events.


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