+/- part the 9,345

– I am still neurotic and insecure

+ My bed was delivered a day early; COSLEEPING ENDS TONIGHT

– My arms hurt like fire, and my hips hurt, and really just about every other part of me

+ The britches I could not close around my belly the day I arrived are just a bit snug (this is good because I need the flannel lined jeans a lot right now)

+ First voluntary pee on the potty

+ I am being kind to myself about my big feelings and I didn’t take them out on anyone in my family

+ I am inviting my Discord buddies to come visit me because I have a lot of frequent flier miles that will expire in less than 12 months and I am super sad I didn’t see them over the summer

+ I am hitting at least 6 miles a day and often more than that. This is good for my health

– I am not stretching or doing the PT exercises I should be doing

+ I am hammered as shit from a truly excellent whisky; I didn’t mean to consume that much? I added a little bit to my tea? But I am feeling waaaaay less pain

+ My neuroticism can be overcome with sincere apologies and the desire to really figure out how to love each other; someone did not accuse me of having a personality disorder because I was upset

– Why in the fuck is my keyboard adding extra periods in the middle of all of my sentences!?

+ I love my house and the people in it

– One more damn piece of furniture to assemble

– Our recent attempt at chore distribution failed. We will have to try again. Going to school changes everything

+ My husband is super cute

+ I love my grey hair

+ I am doing great at skin care

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