When did that bit change?

I used to be absolutely frothingly nasty about people giving me unsolicited advice. At some point after being married I softened. I started giving people the benefit of the doubt. I started trying to soften my reaction so I wasn’t so “mean”. I think I took a wrong turn.

Recently the kids and I were at a store doing a bit of shopping and a lady heard us talking. She asked us where we were from because she couldn’t place the accent. We had a charming conversation for a while. Then she started proselytising to us. The kids were fairly confused why she kept trying to talk to us about going to church. I was evasive and soft as I tried to say that I was not interested in monotheism and I don’t really care that she thinks Jesus is waiting for me with open arms.

I need to start saying I’m a witch and when someone tells me that I can always turn to Jesus with my troubles I should tell them that the Gods and Goddesses of their ancestors are really hoping they will say hi sometime.

Fuck being polite. It is not polite to shove your world view down my throat so why do I need to be polite to you? I have this weird thing about not wanting to step on people’s toes about religion. But they don’t extend me the same courtesy so I need to get over it.

I need to get over a whole lot of thinking about other people’s feelings. It is not serving me. My anxiety is high and it is partially related to me not wanting to be rude about telling people I don’t want to hear their opinion about what I’m doing.

Unless I say something like, “Hey what do you think about me doing _____” or “May I ask you for advice about _______” it’s pretty safe to assume I am not interested in your opinion on my behavior, life choices, or plans.

I learned a while ago that it was not good for me to give other people my unsolicited opinion about their life choices. I’m not sure why people think I deserve less courtesy. But they really really really do.

It is to the point where I am deliberately censoring a bunch of topics I might otherwise write about because then someone will feel free to tell me their opinion about me doing it. That’s bothering me. I don’t have pot as a crutch for emotional management. I don’t think I will go on other psych meds. Starting tomorrow I’m on a pretty strict budget and I can’t keep drinking.

That means I need to get a lot more free with “Stop telling me your opinion of my actions” and I need to go back to writing more. I have lost friendships (partially) because I was free with putting in writing why I was upset with people. I need to start seeing those friendship endings as a necessary cost of me being healthy. I mean, I shouldn’t rant about how I think other people are stupid or making bad decisions… but I need to be able to talk about myself and my feelings. Not all of my judgments… but my feelings about my life.

Because let me tell you, whether I share them or not I have judgments about how you are living. Notice how I don’t just show up to share them with you? That’s called being polite.

I did not have children because I wanted a convenient, easy life. I am not looking for more time to watch Netflix or sit around being idle. That is not appealing to me in any way shape or form. But I’m also not real driven to just “find a job” to fill my time.

My kids will go back to school when/if they choose to. It’s ok with me that they are done for the foreseeable future. I asked EC what made her decide that she was done and she said, “Mom the most important thing I am going to have in my life is my time. School wastes a lot of my time and I won’t be able to get it back.”

How can I argue with that?

I have decided I am not publicising a financial review because someone will feel the need to make comments and I might blow up a friendship over it right now.

I’m really over advice.

I want to spend 2020 making art, reading books about witchcraft, cooking, learning about the local ecosystem, and meeting people who can teach us about Scottish culture. I want to live as frugally as I possibly can. I want to spend time alone and time with my kids. I want to work on setting up outdoor play spaces for my children and I want to start shaping my garden even though I’m not spending money on plants yet.

I want to spend a lot less time worrying about other people’s feelings. If people don’t like me snapping at them to not share their opinions… maybe they should not share their unsolicited opinions.

I have survived the loss of many important people. I can survive the loss of other relationships. Life hurts. I will cope.

2 thoughts on “When did that bit change?

  1. Thendara

    We live in a mostly Christian/Mormon neighborhood, and from time to time religion comes up in conversation. We don’t advertise that we are religiously atheist and culturally jewish so when the topic comes up we tell people that we think religion is a private matter and we aren’t comfortable talking about it.


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