Strike a match and watch it burn

See what the light lets you learn

Are you loved or are you reviled

Are you talked to like a stupid child

Strike a match and watch it burn

Is the destruction really your concern

What if everything you worked for was a big mistake

Maybe destruction is the chance you must take

Strike a match and watch it burn 

Is there anything left to learn

From people who treat you with great contempt

And all of your self confidence they try to preempt

Strike a match and watch it burn

Maybe this bridge wasn’t meant to endure

Is that a flaw in the basic design

Or is it merely the wearing of time

Strike a match and watch it burn 

When will it be your turn

You get to think you are ok

Even if that’s something they won’t say

Strike a match and watch it burn

Sometimes fire is needed for the turn

From hatred to growth and life

It doesn’t have to be about spite

Strike a match and watch it burn

Even though it makes your stomach churn

Don’t let them put you on the funeral pyre

Even if they do it with a smile

Strike a match





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