Bubbling with excitement

I get to start training tomorrow. I have a plan in place through October of 2021. That comforts me in ways I can’t properly express. I know how I will get stronger. I have done more in the past. I trust me so much to do this again (barring future massive injury…) and that’s a glorious feeling.

Today we started a bunch of seeds. They are in the boiler room because that is always the warmest room in the house and the seeds need heat to germinate.

I figured out where to get top soil for the most reasonable price. This is good. I think I can have some in a bit over a week which is wildly convenient.

The bookshelf is coming along! The guys are coming back on Monday and they will be here all next week. I will see visible progress by the end of the week. They will sand the rough wood flat part just enough to keep us from getting splinters and possibly add lacquer.

Sleep. Morning comes early and I get to run.

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