Monthly Archives: January 2021

Too many thoughts

Things I am thinking about instead of sleeping, a not-all-inclusive-list:

  • Ways to make the house more insulated and easier to heat.
  • Ways to add more self-sustaining energy sources to the house so that I don’t have to depend on oil for heat.
  • Ways to make a greenhouse on one corner of my house as a multi-story add on (possibly a pipe dream).
  • Reasons I probably shouldn’t ever do expensive remodeling of the house.
  • Drawings I wish I was doing.
  • Painting I might do starting in a few weeks.
  • How to be more consistent in my habits.
  • How to add more permaculture to my yard in a way that uses companion planting to enrich the soil as I go.
  • Trying not to feel mad at myself for not working on sewing yet.
  • I want to cut my hair mostly because I am feeling a distinct lack of control over fucking everything in my life and it’s feeling like One More Thing in a way that is currently bothering me.
  • Why is it so hard to get back into the habit of doing PT?
  • Why the fuck didn’t the editor I hired help me be less fucking repetitive in that damn book?
  • Cheezits this book is god damn depressing and I don’t know how other people managed to get through it.
  • I need to get the bones of this speech together.
  • I have a lot of veggies to cook. Oof. Food is so never ending. I’m tired of having to eat.
  • Hamilton is way better than I thought would be. I’m always so late to the party