Insults in action

Eldest child has decided that she is one of those ridiculous gamer people who call everyone (including me) “bruh”. For reasons that follow my usual extreme lack of logic this bugs the crap out of me.

Years ago she was saying/doing something where she was trying to “set someone straight” in a sassy voice and I said, “You got that right, sister.” She narrowed her eyes and and did the cat butt mouth and told me that I don’t get to call her that.

So last night when she started calling me “bruh” I said, “If you call me ‘bruh’ I’m going to start calling you ‘sister’ alllllllll the time.” She narrowed her eyes at me a little bit and carefully did not do a cat butt mouth (because I totally made fun of her for that until she stopped doing it) and then said…. “You know… I kind of love that our big name calling exchange is to refer to each other as siblings.” I skipped over and kissed her on the cheek and said “Me too.” Then she smiled and leaned her head towards me for a nuzzle.

ETA: I forgot to write down the funniest part! Middle child said “You also object to mum. Why are you so picky about names?” I said, “Because I’m not into mums. Definitely not my favorite flower.” MC said: “Yeah you aren’t into mums because you like dads!” I said, “Well I am into MILFs but that’s kind of a different thing.” MC looked puzzled but EC exploded across the room with “AHHHHH I CAN’T KNOW THIS” then she bolted across the room to glare at me as I laughed and laughed and laughed. She is feeling super smug lately about how she knows everything that can be made into a dirty joke because she is on the internet. Once in a while I am a twerp and I let her know that she isn’t the only one who can make dirty jokes. It cracks me up.

A while later I almost went up to bed without writing in the five year journal the kids just got me. Big eye roll here. Two years ago they both got 5 year journals in their stockings as a way to get them to practice handwriting just a little bit every day. This year they decided that if they have to suffer so do I. Well then! EC poked fun at me for almost forgetting then gloated about the fact that they will finish two years before me and she’ll be 16 when she finishes the book so I won’t be able to make her start a new one. I countered that oh yes I can. She said, “But I’ll be too old. You can’t tell me what to do by then.”

(Based on a reference to a comedian I watched a bit ago and I repeated it to the kids) I said: “Oh I’m going to be the whitest Mexican mom you’ve ever seen and if you sass me when you are 40 and married I’m still going to send you to your room. And you will go.” She furrowed her brow then gave a deep sigh and said, “Yeah. That tracks.”

What’s funny about that is I think I have only sent her to her room like once in the past two years because she was being unbearable. It’s not like that’s a big part of our relationship. With EC in particular usually all I have to do to let her know that she is over the line is to glare at her. She absolutely hates it and will crumble under the force of it. She still puts her hands up in front of her face so she “can’t see me”. Then she will loudly announce that she can’t see me and thus I have no power over her.

People ask me how often I hit my kids to get them to cooperate. Ha. My parenting is pretty much force of will, baybee. Also super long “discussions” where I explain that I am right and you are going to understand why I am insisting on (thing). For a few more years you don’t have to agree with me you have to obey. Then you’ll be an adult and we have to negotiate more.

Except for sassing me. Then you can go to your room.

If you need to hit your children to enforce your will you have already lost.

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