There are things I want to document but privacy and security are different things in my life now.
I have:
- cancelled Noah’s cell phone contract
- updated the electricity company to my information
- updated the oil company with my information
- sent emails to several people in the council because good golly school registration is not going well
- threw myself on the mercy of several different support organisations around town
- emailed new accountant to talk through pieces of the hand off
- got him off my credit card accounts (two of them)
- exchanged emails with the financial advisors about getting everything consolidated as much as possible and all in my name
- I made a big fun breakfast for wishing Grandpa goodbye
- I checked the oil tank level
- I snapped a couple of times because I am really hitting overwhelm with video games
I need to get the kids in school. What we are doing isn’t healthy or sustainable and I don’t have more to give. It is simply the reality of the situation I find myself in. I’ve been trying to contact people for 14 days now. I send messages regularly and then I either get no response or get fobbed off. It’s sounding like there may well be an inability to get placements due to over crowding. That’s going to be fucking festive.
I will deal with that when we have to.
The kids are safe and being played with and interacted with by a wide variety of humans. They aren’t being neglected, but I can’t teach right now. I can’t make them do things. I have to be entirely unconditional acceptance and I have this god damn trial coming.
It’s a lot to ask of my body.
It’s not healthy but video games are a very effective escape.
I’d rather cut my hands off.