16 thoughts on “ow

          1. japlady

            point 1) granted: although actually leaving my room and socializing with a bunch of sluts (and I mean that in the best possible way) had a lot to do with that. I bet if I were to fall in with a group of social sluts here — assuming the animal exists in my age group — I would get the same action. However, various aspects of that kind of put a bad taste in my mouth — essentialy the feeding into my low self esteem about men being perfectly willing to sleep with me but not wanting me as the primary.

            point 2) my point exactly…

          2. Krissy Gibbs Post author

            I would like to point out that not leaving your house, ordering takeout, and only going to school where you are older than the average by decades isn’t going to help your self esteem.

  1. tshuma


    About your icon: I saw this movie last night. I thought of you a fair bit, as well as of myself. And then it was followed by really good food, followed by really hot sex. And I keep thinking about this movie.

      1. tshuma

        Ummm, during the hot sex? I was thinking of….of England. Yes. That’s it.

        Of course I’m still thinking of you, silly. Because the movies makes me think of you. And I said I was thinking of the movie. Ergo….ipso facto, quid pro quo, persona non grata, you know what I mean. 😉


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