School babble (doubt anyone cares)

I’m irritated that a student told me about a huge school-wide testing thing next week instead of my administrator. Way to help me plan my classes!

I’m scrambling to get everything done for the rest of the unit. But, through front loading a bunch of scary things in the next few days I think my kids will have time to do everything they need to do. I will have 8 days to grade 120 essays before I run off to Texas for Thanksgiving.

At least it means that I have to have absolutely everything graded and done before the essay is turned in which means that my grades will be easy to make final when all I have to do is put the essay grade in the night before I fly to Texas. Sweet. Then I can come back without having to worry about anything on my plate.

My kids in third period told me it was really good to see me laugh today. I asked if I am usually in a bad mood and they said no. Apparently me being in a full on good mood is rare though. Hm. That’s less than optimal.

I have two vocabulary test sets to grade, a set of DJs (dialectical journals–a way of responding to quotes), and three more sets of reading quizzes. Luckily I will only have two more sets of reading quizzes in this unit and then the project and the essay. I can do this over the next two weeks…

(And the icon is cause I am teaching MLA this week. 🙂

1 thought on “School babble (doubt anyone cares)

  1. tsgeisel

    A lack of laughing doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not in a good mood – even a full-on good mood. It just means you’re not laughing, perhaps expressing your joy in different ways.

    Anyway, good luck…


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