{dirtier} Want.

Cut cause of nature of post.

So in the past few days I have had a massive upsurge in sex drive. For a little while there we were in kind of a slump. A slump for us means sex 3-4 times in a week. We both expressed impatience and that has risen back up to about twice a day, which is more normal for us. But yeah. I am going *nuts*. I want sex WAY more than I am getting it. I’m going so far as to masturbate at work. I need a marathon session of sex sometime soon. (I think six times in a day is very reasonable.) But I can’t have sex on Sunday because of a god damn groino appt on Monday. And Saturday I am running around a bunch. Life is just Not Fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a willing boy! Why can’t I get fucked more?!


7 thoughts on “{dirtier} Want.

        1. japlady

          Yah but I was thinking he might be a little, “out of shape” so to speak.

          And god bless men who can go 6 times, I’ve killed more than a few at 4

          1. japlady

            yah, boys are strange that way, they run around telling their male friends its what they want then get pissed at you for wanting more….

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