Why don’t you take some vitamins?

As a person with chronic health complaints I get stupid comments from people about what I should do to fix my body. Trying vitamins is always high on the list. Well, today I finally got the bill for allllll of my treatment last year with the pain management doctor. I paid well over $4,000 fucking dollars for fucking vitamins last year.

Shut. The. Fuck. Up. With. Your. Stupid. Advice.

I paid more than that for the doctor visits. But that’s a low ball estimate for the shots plus all the god damn pills I take. I supplement all the things.

I will say that I noticed a difference from the magnesium when I was pregnant. Holy tomato that made a difference. Otherwise… I’m not sure I can feel it. But I’m bouncing back incredibly quickly.

Ugh. I’ve still not been given my blood results from November. Crank. Whine. Fuss.

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