Anyone pregnant?

I am such a homebody right now that I am less aware of other peoples news than usual. Do I know anyone who is pregnant? Do you have another friend who is pregnant who lives vaguely near me? We are starting to outgrow baby clothes and given how expensive these suckers are for how short a time they are worn…

Do any of your friends need stuff? I might do freecycle for that.

1 thought on “Anyone pregnant?

  1. RT

    Still paper-pregnant. (I can’t decide whether I like this term or want to set it on fire.) Since our social worker just left, seems like a good time to update. L and I thought we would be welcoming a baby in mid-January, but that turned out not to be our baby. (Mom chose to parent.) We have clothes in all sizes up to 18 months (mostly hand-me-downs or thrifted), and all the gear we want (free other than the crib and carseat) except for some bottles. Social worker gave us the thumbs-up on this homestudy renewal — it’s been 2 years. We are so so ready.

    Also, we’d love to come say hi to you and meet your newest one, if you’re up for a visit on a Sunday or Monday. Is there anything in particular you would like? Something consumable since you’re trying to clear the house?


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