tracking exercise and baby

Her sweetness is now three months old. She is smiling way more. I moved the six month clothes out because they are starting to get tight. (We really prefer baby clothing to be slightly baggy for ease of outfit changes.) She’s much more alert and awake. Older siblings are very actively involved with her. They both think she’s great.

According to Fitbit the past 28 days have seen an increase of 74% more miles over the previous 28 days. The fourth trimester is over! Time to move! Now that the fourth is officially over we have a baseline of walking approximately 3 miles a day.

Yes, yes Disneyland.

It was suggested to me that I look a ways out on the Metro line in DC. I found some apartments that seem way more reasonable in price but it’ll mean more walking. If we save about $5,000 over the course of three months on rent but have to walk about 2 miles a day round trip to the station… that’s not all bad. But means we will need to be seriously acclimated to 5+ miles/day in order to have fun and learn well in the museums.

The best day in the past four weeks was 5.5 miles. In that time 86 miles total.

Realistically in DC we will probably go out four days a week and hide at home three days a week cause we are tired. We are like that. I don’t know that we will actually land in the apartment I liked the best today but if I plan around that just a little to mess with math that’s ok. The grocery store is about 3 miles roundtrip. It’s close to the Metro Station. That means that even if we stayed home three days a week…. assuming 5 miles of walking per day is wise. So 35/week and over four weeks that is 140 miles.

Given that I’m going to be doing this with a baby and we don’t use strollers and we are going to be grocery shopping on foot… I’m going to be doing that with 25-40 lbs on my body. Starting this winter.

Noah feels a lot more comfortable with his current fitness level than I do. I’m not ready for that.

Starting this winter. And I haven’t lived in snow since I was seven or eight.

It’ll be an adventure.

I’m getting rid of stuff in batches. Every time it feels shocking because I can get rid of a giant pile and not feel like I’m making a dent. Yet there is more breathing room at the same time. It’s confusing.

I had initially packed all of our fetish clothing. That’s so dumb. Naw. I’ll send it off into the world. Have fun little fetish outfits. Three more boxes to fill instead. That’s better.

How many boxes do I even want? That’s a big question right now…

2 thoughts on “tracking exercise and baby

  1. Shelly

    Given winter, maybe look at grocery delivery services in DC. It could save some body ware and tear.

    A funny thing you’ll realize that still shocks me out here: in dc (and the east coast), farmers markets have a season. They just kind of re-started for the year last month. The produce options will not be what your little ones are used to.

    I’ll keep thinking of DC tricks and I’ll send them to you as I think about it.

    Ohh! I’ve got good leads on re-homing lots of stuff. If you find more I’d be happy to do another Pick up.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Thanks! We will probably have more toys to pass along but I think I’m down to fetish wear I will have until I can no longer fit it over my carcass.
      I’m going to have a hard time with no fresh produce. God we are spoiled.

      I will definitely be having some delivered stuff…


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