Maybe a few days of rest would be wise.

I feel absolutely exhausted. We’ve been keeping busy. Exercise and packing and learning stuff… my body and my brain feel depleted. And my massage therapist is out of commission because she was hit by a car. (She was in her car; her car is totaled but she is ok.) She offered to try to do 30-60 minute sessions while she is healing because she feels bad for letting me down! I said OH MY GOD NO. You are going to heal and rest and take care of yourself and if there is anything you need, call me. NO YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GOD DAMN HOBBLE YOUR WAY THROUGH TAKING CARE OF ME IMMEDIATELY AFTER YET ANOTHER TRAUMA TO YOUR BODY.

Oh my goodness woman.

I know some codependent as fuck people.

Noah is home and it is glorious. I missed him so much. I don’t feel like it is as ok to talk without him.

kids. gotta go

2 thoughts on “Maybe a few days of rest would be wise.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Sweetheart you are so overbooked it isn’t even funny. If you have an hour off, it should be devoted to rest not rubbing me.

      On Saturday we are driving up to Richmond to the ICE detention center.


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