My codependent shit.

I am becoming aware that I need to watch my boundaries with one of my friendships. One of my neighborhood friends had her life go to hell in a hand basket not long before I went on the road trip. Before the trip and since I have helped her out in a variety of ways and we hang out and talk. Her kid is the same age as one of my kids.

People… are complicated. She’s doing absolutely the best she can. She’s a wonderfully kind person. But she’s not what I’d call scrappy. She doesn’t jump up to fix problems. She panics and flails.

She’d like to spend a lot more time together this summer.

I know me. I’ve already spent a lot of time googling solutions to her problems and helping her fill out paperwork and taking things to the post office and…

Am I doing that thing again? No I am god damn not going to do that thing I do. I’m too tired. I’m fucking busy. There are other things going on in my life.

It would be fun for my child to see her child more often over the summer. But I kinda think that should be in the range of 2-4 hours every other week or so. I don’t think we should leap into more enmeshment. It’s just….

I do that. And I can’t.

boundaries are hard.

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