It’s ridiculous

I restarted twitter. My anxiety levels have shot through the roof. I feel helpless, useless, stupid, unwanted, pathetic, and like all white people are disgusting monsters.

Maybe this isn’t the social media space for me. I’m not sure that a platform that convinces me the only possible good thing to do to a white person is death is a good place for me to hang out.

7 thoughts on “It’s ridiculous

  1. Shelly

    Yea…. I only really keep up with a twitter account that’s mostly friends. I also have RTs muted for some of my more politically minded friends. I know the world is burning down. I don’t need that in my social media right now. Affects my mood/brain too much.

  2. Dana

    Have you looked at slack at all? More like an invite only large chat room, but anyone can make one, you invite whoever you want to hang out online with, and it’s a place you can just low pressure chat with whoever is around at the time, or have time delayed conversations as people respond, post silly pics, whatever.

      1. Pam

        I’m on slack too, but basically each slack is private and unique and make your own / invite only.
        I have a couple of slacks that I rarely check and one productivity slack that I’m on bc it moves slowly / only for productivity encouragements.

        if you invite me, you can use -fun or -weeds


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