Sex/play party curiosity

Party the first at this location was remarkably… mellow. People only played if I pushed them to play pretty hard. I found this amusing. I have already been asked if I plan to host more sex parties and seeing as Noah and I have talked about that several times I figure it is worthwhile to see what kind of interest people have. This is a fairly narrow filter, though most of the time partners are on the filter. Please do not spread around mention of this as there are many “obvious” people to invite to this sort of party who I am not inviting for whatever reason. I’m thinking that once I get past the initial bit of confirmation of interest I will switch to emails and I will ask people if they want to recommend anyone for the party invite list at that point.

Comments are screened. Are you interested in this sort of event? Do you want me to invite you to such an event? Do you wish I would stop assuming you were interested in this sort of event? Please let me know. 🙂

(If there are no major conflicts the weekend of August 25/26 might be good for an event. Please tell me if you know of conflicts.)

23 thoughts on “Sex/play party curiosity

  1. satyrlovesong

    Yes, I would be interested – particularly if I could bring my husband. I’d have to check, but I even think that weekend might work for us though we would have to get babysitters.

  2. shalyndra

    I am definitely interested.

    I didn’t play that night because, well, that was the first play party I’ve been able to go to in quite some time, but I’m still a ways away from being able to play again, let alone play publically

    So, on the one hand, I had a great time, and am sure I would have a great time at another party, but on the other hand if you are looking for people likely to instigate lots of hot and sweaty play, I’m probably not going to fit that list for awhile.

    The dimmed lights and candles did help with the mood quite a bit.

    August 25/26th I *think* I am going to be out of town, but I haven’t had the dates confirmed yet.

  3. ex_loren_q

    I am interested and would love to be invited should events occur, I have tentative plans for August 26th so I’m not sure I could make that weekend.

    Also, I don’t know if Nija’s on this filter, but if not, she might be someone I would like to bring with me. We are still seeing each other, but the nature of the relationship more dating than coupledom now.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Yeah, I have no idea what is going on with you and Nija. It seemed like there was some badness but I haven’t really talked to either of you lately. I hope you are doing ok.

      Of course you are both invited. 🙂

  4. blate


    We’re interested and would like to be invited.

    We need to get out more, and I like the environment at your parties versus most other venues 🙂


  5. joedecker

    I am interested in this sort of event. I understand you wishing this party would have been less tame, and I hope to help that trend along in the future. That will be easier for me as I come to know more of the circle involved. I think, sadly, 8/25 is a conflict for me, but, yes, parties good.

    Denise also would be a good candidate for such a party, whether her and I played separately or together, but … you and I will talk.

    I admit lameness in not hitting directly on the hottie in the corset I was talking to at the evening. Next time, for sure, but we did lj-friend and she signed up for my sextmi filter, so … who knows. I think there I was sensitive to the danger of being the creepy old guy.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      If you are talking about the girl with the long blonde hair, better to tred gently for a while. She is not in a great head space right now. Being at the party at all was a *big deal*. Eventually it might be fun, but wuss into it. 🙂

  6. sillymesaysme

    I’d definately be interested. Please do put me on the invite list if you throw any more. The only conflict I see with Aug 24-25 is some people will be in Hawaii for Erik’s Wedding. I’ll be back by then though!

    I’m also interested in the tantric classes. Though I don’t currently have any partners ( I would like to remedy this) and I rarely succeed in masterbating.

    I hope all is well with you and the boy!

  7. ditenebre

    I think you already know we’re interested in this sort of event since we have chosen to focus so much energy on creating Primal. Yes, invitations to this sort of event are appreciated by us.

    Regarding your proposed dates, here are things I’m aware of that may be a potential conflict for at least us, if no one else:

    Friday, August 24th, is supposed to be the next Master’s Den at SFCitadel, and I know Chris English has been a regular there, as have we.

    Saturday, August 25th, is slated for a Renaissance Faire semi-themed play party at SFCitadel, since the GGP Faire is that weekend. We have, in the past, tried to encourage participation for that party. Iain listed it on the SFCitadel calendar months ago, but that was based on a presumption that August will want to do it again this year. If she does, she’ll have some expectation that we’ll be involved, since we founded it.

    Sunday, August 26th, there is a private queer-friendly party that may possibly involve some of your attendees. It’s being given by Arielle Webb (a/k/a faerie critter), who used to host Queer Playground, and I haven’t clue one how much your guest list would overlap with hers.

    So, perhaps none of those qualifies as a “major conflict” for you, but those are things that may be happening on those dates.

    As an FYI, our next Primal party is two weeks later, Friday, September 7th.

  8. jamescarrington

    I responded to your email and joined the google group.

    Interested…but scheduling will often be hard. I think I’m going to be in Japan that weekend or will have just come back. But sooner or later…

  9. princeofwands

    Interested. Actual attendance subject to all the stuff this sort of stuff is subject to. But interested for sure!


    Aug 25/26 is likely approaching bman conflict time. shrug – maybe actually a preference for me since I’m not going this year.


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