So many thoughts, so little time.

Overall the trip to Mexico was nice. Stressful and parts were irritating… but I did have fun.

I’m feeling all the feelings about how I need to support my family through their grief coming up.

A friend reached out to me after a hiatus! This is excellent news!

My neighbor was stalking my mailbox so she noticed that we weren’t picking up our mail and so she brought it to her house. She returned it today. I will miss this neighborhood.

We don’t know where we are moving yet. That’s why it is so unclear. We are wandering.

Math continues to be a struggle in the household.

I have gotten a fuck ton done today. I am being Very Efficient.

So tired. I’d like to stop having graphic nightmares about the men and boys who raped me. I think the Supreme Court nomination process is toxic. I’m flipping out. And I’m unmedicated. Not a great combo.

Given how long I’ve been sober I’m doing really well. That’s pathetic.

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