A good day

We went to Disneyland. By “we” I mean Sarah, her boyfriend, her brother, the baby and me. We were there for 5+ hours. We went on 5 rides. I think it is funny that my pace doesn’t move faster with an all adult crew.

I had moments of irritation that I did my best to stomp on because no one was ever doing a thing wrong. We are all humans and we all need to be waited on sometimes. Folks were patient with me.

I had fun. People were super nice and considerate and it was just fun. Folks handed the baby around and I got to go on rides–so that’s awesome.

I wish I didn’t get so irritated.

The baby girl was wonderful as usual.

I have walked 7 miles today. I’m tired. Sarah and her crew might go back to the park after dinner. I may be done. Not sure.

I had a glass of plum wine. Let’s see if I puke.

I am tired. I am sore. I wish that weren’t mixed. I wish I didn’t always have to have all the feelings. Why can’t I have just good feelings sometimes? I couldn’t ask for things to go better than this. It was all good.

I kind of wanted some kind of pastry and didn’t get one. But that’s not so bad.

I’ve gotta say: Sarah’s brother makes Disneyland about 38% cooler than it is possible to be without him. He’s so fun.

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